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Old 04-04-2007, 08:32 PM
Carla P
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Join Date: Mar 2007
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Posts: 518

Yes, you can learn a lot from all of the experience here. Unfortunately, a future employer might not be to impressed by seeing only this on your resume. As far as using your talents to work for someone else, I take that as an excuse. You will use some of your own talent for the benefit of someone else no matter where you are or what you do for a living, be it bagging groceries or the CEO of a global corporation. That's life. But, it's all what you make of it. There are some major advantages to having that degree on your wall, the biggest being the freedom to choose... You choose who you work for, and MANY times, where and I don't just mean in your own town. And just as Barb C. said, you can now take most of the classes online without ever once entering a class room setting.

We are by no means trying to push you out... only up!! You can go far, anywhere in the world, with the education & right company. I have no doubts as an artist, quilter, & gamer you'd like to visit places like France, Italy, Japan, and Russia just to name a few. This is YOUR time!! Spread your wings and be that "Flying Goddess"; you have it in you!! We care sincerely. If you don't believe me, read some of the other threads. The members here actually look out for each other just like family, and you're part of it... like it or not!! :lol:
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