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Old 03-24-2010, 05:39 AM
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I have a pet peeve. some might even call it some scientific name as OCD<ADHD PCFD who knows but it really annoys me when people (men and women alike) can't seem to get an empty toilet paper roll off and a new one on. Now I have not done any kind of study on this but how much time can it really take? And then there is the question of which way should the paper come off, over the top or from the bottom. Now the government fund many somewhat useless studies I am thinking that I would be willing to offer myself out there to take part in a study and see just how many places put the toilet paper which way. Is it a female vs male thing? Is it a wealthy vs poor thing? and on and on one could go.

Anyway that is my complaint for today and hopefully for the next month.
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