Old 03-25-2010, 09:07 AM
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Posts: 481

Originally Posted by ReRe
I love to see all the lovely blocks and can't wait to see the ones that come my way when 2.0 starts. I am already excited about 3.0 and 2.0 hasn't started yet. I know the exact material to go get as well. All I have to do is figure out how much material 36 F8s is and how to cut a F8. Anyone tell me?
Eight per yard would be possible if there's no mishaps, but remember there's some possible loss to fraying/shrinking when you prewash...I'd go with 5yds to be safe. I think we had a discussion about F8s waaaaay back in the beginning...but I can't remember what was decided for sure... But a FAT quarter is 18x 1/2 of the width of the fabric, so a FAT eighth would be 1/4 of the width of the fabric x 18.... Example using 44 inch width would be 18x22 (F4) and 11x18 (F8)... A normal 1/4 yard is 9x wof...that would end up being 9x22 in our 44 inch example. Either size is workable...and the skinnies actually give some selvedge to every piece and the fats lose selvedge on half of the pieces.
I've reread and I think I'm okay on this...but, everyone feel free to check me on this, please...
Hope this helps.
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