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Old 03-25-2010, 10:30 PM
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Traditionally it is made by tracing out two parts of the block with 2 curved templates. But I have developed my own way of making them without having to piece any curves. The only curved sewing is when we sew the “yoyo” onto a background fabric. There are several ways you can do this so it is not a hard thing to do.

So lets continue on to how to make a flat “yoyo” I have been told this is not really a yoyo but as it is the same steps up to the point where you sew the center hole closed I will still call it a yoyo.

As we are making a bookmark we are using a 1 ½” template but you can use any size template to create blocks of larger size. The yoyos will need to be bigger also for a bigger size block.

TIP: To figure out the size circle you need for a larger block just cut a circle of paper to use as a trial run. Place your circle on the template you are going to use and see it that size fits.
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