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Old 03-26-2010, 02:24 AM
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Hi Kwhite.... so sorry you are having such a lot of flack due to the Angels/angelee not doing their job. BUT this SQA is meant to be for fun and you should not really get blamed if the persons involved are not playing fair. I know you have had problems with my Angel but I wish the angels would just put their grievances on the board and not give you so much flack... You don't deserve it. You have conducted this swap so beautifully and you do not need any negativity.

It is tough for someone who does not receive a lot of gifts when she sees the others getting a lot more than she has. But we must also understand the other's financial situation. People should not forget that postage is expensive....

I wish you all the best for the new job interview. ciao

P.S. I get confused who is the angel and who is the angelee....
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