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Old 03-26-2010, 03:34 AM
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Originally Posted by QuiltingGrannie
Thanks for all the tips. He also found out he is allergic to several foods! Onions, nuts (except almonds), strawberries, oats, eat yolks. Oh, and two of the meds he is on aren't helping either, so they are working on changing those.
Hope everything works outs. I too have allergies and they are a pain!! I'm allergic to cats (have one), mold, plus all the seasonal. On meds constantly to try and overcome. Foods are going to be a problem. My son contracted a seafood allergy when puberty hit!!!

Are you vacuuming your mattress'? That actually is a big one! Once I got my Kirby that is something that I now do often. In fact, check your vacuum cleaner and see if it has a HEPA filter in it. They do help!!!
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