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Old 03-27-2010, 04:23 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by kkbrand
I usually spend around 2 hours on Wednesday evening and then a another couple of hours on the weekends if I can manage to squeeze in the time. It is rought working full time and taking care of a home and family, quilting is just an extra perk I get to do when I have the down time.

If I could I would sew at least an hour every night, maybe I should pull my sewing machine into the living room and sew while my husband is studying for class.
We are empty nesters and about 7 months ago I moved my sewing machine into the living room, and then left table and used it for Christmas tree, then out came the machine again. I love having it in there, and since hubby wants the company, he doesn't say a word.
Plus, he is much more interested in my quilting, now that he sees the work involved. You should try it.
I did it as an experiment and going to keep it that way.:thumbup:
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