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Old 04-05-2007, 12:15 PM
Carla P
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Flying V Goddess,

I am sorry if I came on too strong. You are right; it is your life & money isn't everything and I didn't mean to imply anything any different. I am the Mother of 3 daughters ages 16, 13, & 11. My mother barely finished high school, so when my father passed away when I was 11, she was left to raise 3 daughters by herself. It was so difficult on the 4 of us that, at 13, I started working to help my Mom pay the bills. When I graduated high school, I dreaded going on to school more than anything, but I knew a little something about what happens to a single (by choice or not) mom when she is unprepared for the task. So, in the Fall, I went back to school. I got married a couple of months later, and had our first child within a year. I knew I had to go back, for my daughter. It took me 12 years to finish. Why did I keep going? Because every time I considered quitting I remember growing up without my Father, & for the most part without my Mother because she had to work 3 jobs. I don't make a lot of money because I have never taken the CPA exam, so I'm an "Un-CPA". (2 Years befor I finished school, they raised the requirement to a Masters Degree before you can sit for the exam.) I tell my daughters almost daily to be independant; make a little money or a lot, live an elaborate life or a simple one, just be independant. Their Father & I will not live forever, and men sometimes die or leave, so be independant in case you ever have to be.
My concern is the same for you as well as all young ladies. We are the women; we have the babies, we make the house a home, we make sure the ends meet in the middle. My entire point is these things are easier to accomplish if we are prepared for "what if...". Yes, I know my story is extreme, but it is more common than people like to consider. My advise to you was truly out of concern, not to push you into an anxiety attack or create more stress in your life. I am sorry if this is what happened. Live2Teach had a very valid point; if you can look back in 10 years with no regrets, then you made the right choice.
I wish you all the best in your future. IF you do begin designing software (with or without that degree), will you PLEASE create a program for the quilters (you know, THAT PERFECT PROGRAM)???

You hang in there & take care of yourself,
Carla P is offline