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Old 03-28-2010, 09:21 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2008
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Originally Posted by janRN
My DH did the same and I love it. With the plastic on top the quilt moves nicely. If I was making another one I'd make it larger; mine is the size of the extension on my sewing table. I'd like it wider so more of the quilt lies flat. We used the styrofoam too-it's light and easy to move. I store it behind the door when I'm not using it.
I live in a small apartment and my sewing table is 32"x32" so I bought a sheet of green-ish rigid insulation (not the styrofoam with silver coating) that is 1" thick and 4'wide x8' long. I had them cut it twice at 32" so, when stacked, it'll be 3" thick which is what I need to be flush with the needle.
If I move to a larger place when my lease expires, I can always buy a larger table and re-do it.
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