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Old 03-30-2010, 11:23 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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the singer needles in stores today will work in any machine that uses standard needles. if you can use shmetz, for example, you can use singer. they will sew just fine.

the only difference i discovered was that the eye of a singer needle does not line up correctly with the little wire in the auto-threader mechanisms on my janome machines.

that, and the fact that i can buy shmetz needles in bulk to save money are the reasons i switched to shmetz.

if you need to buy needles now, then check your manufacturer's website to see which brand(s) they recommend for your model. if you happen to have singer needls already on hand i suggest you try one on some scraps to see for yourself whether or not they will work.
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