Old 03-31-2010, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Shibori
Originally Posted by Shibori
sand plums...we got caught trying to snitch a few from the neighbors wheelbarrow every summer.
oh and let's not forget elderly Mrs. Potter who lived behind us. I was quite a tomboy and loved to climb her apple tree and help myself to a few apples. One day she found me there and knowing that the apples weren't "quite" ready yet, she told me I could eat all I wanted. Guess who doesn't much like apples now....
Oh my...this brings back a memory I had forgotten!!!! Growing up, we lived around the corner from an estate that was turned into a retirement home after that spinster that owned it, passed away. There were several varieties of fruit trees that hung over the fence, and as kids do, we would help ourselves to whatever hung over....fair game, right? Well, boys being boys, my older brother and a few other local boys, would climb the trees, and invariably, end up on the "in" side of the fence. the caretaker was an old lady that would come running out to shoo them off. After a few times of this she threatened to call the police. I don't remember if she ever did. LOL Oh what fun!!!
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