Old 03-31-2010, 09:00 AM
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To be perfectly honest, I don't think there are any foods that I eat now that I didn't like as a child. I'm still miss finicky. I think the ONLY think I eat now that I'd never even had the chance to have as a child is fish. My in-laws love fish, and they get really expensive pacific salmon pretty often, and the best way they make it is on the BBQ with a maple glaze. The other ways of preparing it, I'm not so fond of...

They've also tried to get me to eat Halibut (ew!) swordfish (meh, sort of indifferent) and trout (tastes like the salmon, only it's cheaper).

If I really typed out a list of foods that I don't like, it would be 3 pages long, I'm not even joking. Don't ever wonder why I'm skinny!
My parents gave up trying to force feed me things I didn't like a loooooooong time ago. They tried making me sit at the table until I ate the meal, or threatening to serve it for breakfast, or that I couldn't go to a friend's house till I ate it, but their tactic failed miserably each time. When you really really don't like something, it won't even go in. I would sit there for hours, or even accept that they give it to me the next day, and still not eat it then. I think they preferred that I actually eat something else than starve, which I was very willing to do to not have to eat whatever grossness they were serving. Luckily, they never made liver, tongue, kidney, meatloaf, funny looking and tasing vegetables, etc. when I was a child. I'm not sure if it just wasn't worth the hassle to try to get me to eat it, or if they just didn't like those things either.
My father would try to camouflage his onions when making chicken fried rice by putting the onion through the food processor, and I would pick through every grain of rice on my plate to toss the onion to the side. Or Spaghetti sauce, my father's sauce is great, but my mother's sauce, eewwwww! She puts like everthing she can think of in there, tomato pieces, onion, mushroom, peppers... the works. Anyway, so I would pick out all the pieces and shove them to the side of the plate before eating anything. By the end of my meal, there was always a big ring around the outside of my plate decorated with all the things I picked out of my food. I never ate salad (don't like lettuce, onion, tomato, or salad dressing of any kind... what else goes into a salad?)

The most awful thing I can think of my parents serving when I was little (and even then it was pretty rare) were cabbage rolls. Cabbage is gross, and cooked cabbage stinks up the house for days. Plus the sauce it's cooked in has chunks of tomato, and the filling is ground beef and rice (which are ok, but are tainted by the cabbage taste) and ground onions, so even if I unrolled the cabbage leaf and didn't eat it, I still had to pick through all my meat to eat around the onions, lol!
My BF complains all the time that he can't make anything fun because I won't eat it! Even making hamburgers is totally boring to him. He can dress his up the way he wants, I don't care, but it drives him crazy that I don't like condiments of any kind... he keeps saying my food is boring. I don't even like ketchup!

You know, I've written a whole ton here, and that's not even a fraction of my fussyness with food... I sure hope my kids are like their father, not like me, lol!
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