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Old 03-31-2010, 05:15 PM
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 2,893

O.k, so the other day I had hung my log cabin quilted wall hanging above our sofa and my DH didn't notice it at all until he saw the fb posting of it.
THEN he says we need pillows. I ask him what kind of pillows and he says Throw pillows.
I look at him and tell him "we don't have throw pillows because you don't like throw pillows. Since when do you like throw pillows?"
"3/29/10" is his answer. He says he wants them so he has something to lay his head on when he sits back in the recliner part of our sofa (the one under our wall hanging, ;) )

SOOOOO.... today I made two throw pillows. One side with fabric that matches our sofa, the other side with fabric that is in the wall hanging, just strips of the various fabrics. I used a piping on the edges and they look nice.
I sat them on the sofa right where he sits so he CAN"T MISS THEM.
He comes home we go to eat supper on the sofa, he moves the pillows out of his way, and starts to sit down.

I say, "We have throw pillows now".
He looks at the pillows that he has just moved and says , "Sure enough, I didn't even notice."
I just shook my head and am still laughing!

Truly gotta love him!
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