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Old 03-31-2010, 07:27 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Honey
Years ago one of my nephews was diagnosed with ADHD. They wanted to put him on ritilin and my sister said no. Then she reserched every thing that they had on the subject. She found out that there are many foods that could affect him. A couple of things that were very bad were red food dye and preservatives. She always made meals from scratch, but began baking everything herself, canning and really watching what he ate. He was a totally different kid. A lot of people think that sugar is what makes kids hyper, and sometimes it does for a little while, but it wears off fairly fast. The food dye, preservatives, some fruit and other foods are 100 times worse and take quite a while to wear off. I'm not sure if this pertains to adult ADD, but it would be worth looking into. I know that if I eat certain foods (corned beef, aged cheese, soy sauce) or msg it will cause a migraine. daughter had adhd as a child and MSG(monosodium glutamate) has a HUGE effect on her. It's a flavor enhancer added to many many foods, not only chinese food. sometimes when you see "natural flavors" in a list of ingredients, you can bet msg is one of them. It can cause so many problems for people with MSG sensitivity, and most people don't know they even have a sensitivity.
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