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Old 04-02-2010, 01:39 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: LA - Lower Alabama
Posts: 888

didja see where 'they' are saying that older women need at least an hour of vigorous exercise to lose and maintain weight loss...
now we're talking OLD LADIES HERE - arthritis, osteopororsis, hypothyroid, diabetic - spinal deterioration, etc etc..... ain't no way that's gonna happen...
"They" are also saying now that aggressive treatment for cholesterol and high blood pressure for diabetics is not productive and may even be harmful - but guess what happens when you are diabetic? - high blood pressure and cholesterol...
can't win for losing...
I was a healthy weight for all my married life even after I had my last baby (almost 39 years ago -where did that time go??) 10 years ago my thyroid went to la-la land, and it's been downhill ever since - my endo even told me that it's practically impossible to keep things in balance when you are diabetic and hypothyroid (and don't tell me you are both and weigh 12 pounds - don't wanna hear it LOL)
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