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Old 04-03-2010, 05:27 PM
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Originally Posted by BellaBoo
:? I have always been what I call scatterbrained but managed to get the important stuff dealt with when needed. Lately I seem to be more so, not be able to focus or finish what I start without being distracted to something else. I mentioned it to my Dr. and he said you may have adult ADD. He asked a some questions and said let's try you on Adderall and see how that works. I know kids have to be throughly tested before such meds are given to them and then only if nothing else works but according to my Dr. adults are very different that have ADD. It wears off in 8 hours so not addicting. I am on a very low dosage and the results are amazing! I can focus and not be distracted or thinking about a hundred other things all at once. I feel calmer and get more things accomplished during the day. Anyone here on Adderall or have adult ADD?
I posted a thread last summer called, "Ever Wonder about your Quiltheimers, CRS, ADHD?"
I have ADHD, and in my opinion, if a person needs one of the many medications now, it can be fantastic,...literally a whole new life!
You only know yourself the way you've always been, but what if you could be even better?
I'm not talking about getting high or becoming someone else.
I mean, I am the person WITH the meds.
I don't take Adderall, but I have and it is goood stuff.
I had begun asking at age 44 if I had adhd, and asked so called, professionals, and was told no, both times.
Then serendipity, had to get a new doctor and decided to take my grandma's advice and go to a bigger town and get a better doctor.
I got one of the best. With a good doctor, and the right meds, you really can have a better life with adhd.
Also, I reccommend the books:
Driven To Distraction by Edward Hallowell and John Raitey
Delivered From Distraction by Edward Hallowell.
There are many others, and it will help you understand all the many sides to adhd. It is much more common in adults than has been believed.
Good for you, Bellaboo on trying your doctor's suggestion.
Aren't you glad you did? I am!:XD:
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