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Old 04-03-2010, 05:30 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Originally Posted by MadQuilter
I have BAD (bad attitude daily) and MLD (mid life disaster).

All kidding aside, I am glad that the meds work for you. I have a friend who goes a mile a minute and it is tiring to keep up with her. My brain seems so sedated compared to hers (and that's without alcohol). She started taking meds and WHAT a DIFFERENCE. For those of us who do not have to deal with such a disruptive thought pattern, it is hard to envision what your life must be like.

Surprised that you settled on quilting as a hobby because quilting - by definition - requires a lot of attention.
Before meds...I described the inside of my head like a traffic jam, and no one could understand me for very long.
I either talked way too fast or got the sentences out of sequence.
I was a mess!
I was dx'd with adhd at age 44, and started quilting at age 47-48.
I really don't think I could have done it before.
I did sew garments but quilting does take a lot of attention.
I just love it though, and now I am able...woo hoo!:mrgreen:
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