Thread: I'M HOME!!
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Old 04-04-2010, 04:15 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

Originally Posted by Chasing Hawk
Welcome Home,
Guam didn't tip over from over population did it? Some goofy congressman said if we send any more troops that way that's what will happen.
OMG!! Is this man for real?? Where'd he get HIS education? Tip over? LMAO!!! I can understand being sypathetic for maybe overpopulating the island and such, but when he started with the coral reefs...UGH!! Does he realize that the tourists and I'm meaning the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese and other Asians that visit here are all over those reefs destroying them. Global warming? UGH!! This man need to get a grip! Who elected him????
Next thing he's going to say is....Rhode Island is REALLY an island! ARGH!!
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