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Old 04-05-2010, 07:00 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Winter PArk, Florida
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In my early years, I was raised in Kentucky during depression years and all the women sewed. They had too. Everyone was dirt poor but we didn't seem to mind. We grew our own food and relatives living on the farms provided meat. We did have chickens. Have you ever picked chicken feathers? Yuk!!! Most of my clothes were made from feed sacks etc. My Gran and great aunts (her sisters) used to meet once a week to quilt. They kept the whole family supplied for the winter.

The quilting frame was suspended with pulleys from the ceiling in the dining room. Gramp built it. My job from age five was to make yoyos and sometimes piece as my stitches got better. To me, it was boring.

I finally started quilting late into my thirties. By then, I could sew everything else so curiosity got me. Also, I'm kinda into the family traditions thing since I was an only child of divorced parents. Felt my four sons deserved some heirlooms. My first quilts were not pretty. However, by then I was into machines which I loved. I've kept at it and really think Gram would be proud of me. My quilts will never win any blue ribbons (too impatient for perfection) but my family and friends love them.

I love innovation (the astronaut patches quilt) and really enjoy the time I spend creating. Oh yes, and my gorgeous stash.
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