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Old 04-05-2010, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Katie
about 25 years ago I bought a pair of Ginghers - back then for a purchase like that I had to save a bit and I was so thrilled with them, later that day I came downstairs to find my 2 children had taken them out of the box and were cutting an aluminum can with them. I thought they would be ruined before I even had a chance to use them but to my surprise they were fine and I have been using them ever since. I've had them sharpened once and they still cut like new. My nippers are Mundial and they are great
Actually, I have read that you can do a quick sharpening of scissors by folding aluminum foil several times and cutting through it. I might try this on a pair I don't really care for to see if it works before using it on my favorite pair.
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