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Old 04-05-2010, 07:44 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 851

My grandmother quilted. She was of the Brethren faith which is similar to the Amish. Her quilts were not completely of plain cloth, but still simple somehow. I loved the colors and shapes. I always knew I would learn someday. When I became disabled and could no longer work, I took one class. I was hopelessly hooked. Quilting makes me feel close to my lineage. Although my mother did not quilt (she was an excellent seamstress though), it was her mother who was my grandmother. Quilting seems to bring me back to my roots. My husband and friends look at those little bits of fabric and see only tedium. I find joy in doing it just for the sake of doing it. Also, I love how happy people are when they are gifted with one of my quilts.
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