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Old 04-11-2010, 01:53 AM
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The diet you are feeding Suky is pretty good. The only thing I would add is cooked beans and other grains like barley, quinoa, etc. They can eat anything we can eat except avocado, chocolate and fatty food is not good for them either. A diet of sunflower seeds is like giving them french fries all the time. With a good diet they can live a long time.

Originally Posted by Jingleberry
I would be interested in what everyone feeds their cockatiels, I feed Suky pellets from the bird shop where I bought him, it is Routybush and I give him Kaytee Exact Natural Premium Daily Diet as a treat 2-3 days a week, I bought a seed blend w/greens/coconut or looks like it, etc., as a treat about once a week and I give him chopped up apple,broccoli,caulflower,sweet pepper,carrot several times a week, don't know if he eats much of it because he sometimes just likes to pick stuff out and throw in bottom of his cage. He always has fresh water. I take him outside on covered patio when temp.s are in mid to high 70's. I spray him with warm water during the summer and when he tries to take a bath in his drinking water. I'm also wondering how warm to keep the house for him. I've tried to find out can't get any real answers though, forget to ask at Bird store, they also raise birds in their home. Any answers would be appreciated.
I like cockatiels because my youngest Daughter had one for 16 yr.s, she only fed him sunflower mix from Wal Mart, she bought one and I fell in love with her and talked daughter out of her, paid for her and all her supplies, I had her 5 yrs. when she just fell to bottom of the cage, her legs were paralysed, took her to avaian vet, he didn't know why, he consulted w/ bird specialist, he didn't know why, finally realized it wouldn't be good to keep her since she couldn't walk around nor fly, I had her put down, she had a large vocabulary and could whistle several things, her mind was very sharp and I couldn't get her to eat anything nor drink water, that was a year ago and It still hurts, always will.
Sorry I didn't mean to write a book.
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