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Old 05-12-2008, 05:11 AM
Quilting Aggi
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
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Hi everyone!!

I am back from my trip south and ooooh boy have I got some serious catch up to do!!! I knew I would probably miss Step 3 while I was away, but geez, now there is a step 4!! I see I am going to be sewing up a storm this week!

I have been home a week, but was sick with a nasty viral infection I picked up while hiking in the Cuban Jungle high in the mountains.. I was off work a full week in bed getting over this bug. I am back in the office today and heard the boss is away until Wednesday, so I can catch up on the messages and see what new stuff is happening! I read through everyone's posts here and I love how everyone's blocks are looking!!

Missed you all!!

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