Thread: I need Help :o
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Old 04-12-2010, 08:41 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Stuck in my head...
Posts: 439

Thanks for the confendence. This is the first one I trying to do free-motion on. It's scary how the mach can take on a life of it's own and just go where it wants. But this piece is a throcover for our rockn' love seat. I have had it for 24 years and I found two of them setting next to a dumster. This one's under carrege was busted up and the outhe one had paint poured all over it. (I liked to do woodwork before my OA took over my life) So I took apart the bottom of this one to figger out the workings and then put the goog bottom on the good top. Everybody that sits it in loves it. I've had offers to buy it. Just won't sell it. It does need to be redone, One good thing about me making thie for it is I kept adding on till it was big enough. Ha! Ha!
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