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Old 05-12-2008, 06:20 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Greenville, SC
Posts: 1,768

Wow Aggi, sorry to hear you got so sick. I thought you were suppose to be back a week ago, but then I thought maybe I had it wrong. Well besides being sick when you got home, did you have a good time? Any pictures to share? Well I just finished step three. I really have to decide what I will be using for step four fabric. I had decided but now changed my mind, because I think the colors are too muted. :roll: Oh well, I am just going to have to put some colors in it my DH may not like. I think what I will do is take a pic, of my original colors and get some advice from everyone. I am terrible at colors. Really! And I am also a little color blind. Have a lot of problems with blues and purples, and yellows, golds and beige. Tch,Tch. Okay off I go to get some things done. Will post pictures later so you all get ready to honestly tell me what you think. :-o
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