Thread: Sad but true
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Old 04-14-2010, 06:42 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: SW Minnesota
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Originally Posted by mpspeedy
I fell off of the wagon big time on friday. A lady contacted one of our guild members about selling her stash. She is no longer able to quilt and is downsizing. I was good and did all of my three loads of laundry and my friday morning chores before I went. I guess I was hoping that others had beaten me to the goodies. I was wrong. I was only the third customer. I spent $100 and came home with a little more than 50yrds of great fabric. All of it had already been washed and ironed.
Yesterday I put together two Linus quilts that only need the final machine quilting to be completed. I also quilt with a group at our local senior center. They are constantly being given fabric and other goodies when someone downsizes or passes away. They have a 10x10 closet full of sewing supplies. They gave me two huge bags of batting and a pile of plain fabrics as they know I make Linus Quilts. I used some of the batting and fabric along with some of my friday purchases to make those two Linus quilts. I will label them as being from the Senior Center.
You and your senior center know how to take your 'addiction' and turn it to something much needed. Good for you!
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