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Old 04-14-2010, 02:15 PM
May in Jersey
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I know when you're a new member it seems as if no one notices you (been there, done that) but if you take part in a Sew In, make a charity quilt, show your latest quilts, volunteer to help with something or join a small group you'll find you'll get to know some of the other members much more quickly than just attending meetings and not participating in the guild's functions.

I belong to a local guild and enjoy it. We have 10 monthly meetings a year that consist of business, Show and Tell, break for coffee and then a program by a guest speaker or guild member. Guests are always welcomed and asked to stand and introduce themselves to the members. We are associated with a local historic park and have use of 1 building for our monthly meetings and a small ranch house for our stash, supplies, Wed. Bee's, and Sat. workshops or Sew Ins. Our bi-annual Quilt Show is held in all the 4 buildings on the grounds of the park. We have an annual raffle quilt whose proceeds are donated to the park as our "rent". Guild has been at the park for almost 25 years so the arrangment really works. Raffle quilt is sometimes made and donated by a guild member or made by guild members. Packages of fabric and directions are given to all members who want to make blocks for the raffle quilt and volunteers are asked to help assemble the raffle quilt. About 100 charity quilts in all sizes and hundreds of pillowcases donated locally each year but members are not required to make something and many don't. We have many "Small Groups", several members get together with an interest in common, applique, art quilts, etc. These are very informal with less than 10 members who meet in each other's homes.

From what other quilters here have said guilds vary just like anything else in life. I encourage everyone to give their local guild a try out - if it doesn't fit you then at least you tried. May in Jersey
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