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Old 04-14-2010, 08:12 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: British Columbia
Posts: 2,307

This is great, all these stories. Nice to see I'm not the only on-line wife.

I didn't even own a computer, but my single GF wanted to join and we had a riotous evening writing bios for each other. I thought the on-line thing was boring and asked to have my name removed. A couple of months after that, an e-mail arrived from the on-line company (it was actually through my phone company!). The e-mail message turned out to be the fateful one from my now husband. After a year of e-mail and another year of commuting 400 km so we could see one another, I lost my job. It seemed the perfect opportunity to move closer to this guy and see if it was as good as it seemed. Obviously so, since we've now been married for 6 years.

He wanted to ask me to marry him on valentine's day, but had gone on an ice fishing trip and been stuck for hours in the snow. When he got home, I had a meatloaf waiting in the oven and he said that decided it, and proposed over the meatloaf.

If we had known this would be so good, it would have been tempting to skip over the first 20 years to get straight to the good part.
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