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Old 04-15-2010, 12:34 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: North Carolina - But otherwise, NOTW
Posts: 7,940

I have a couple of Pay it Forward stories:

#1 - My best friend taught me to quilt. Right after I learned, by DH and I went to his family's reunion. While there, they brought out the last of the belongings of one of the aunts that had passed away 2 years before. It was a "last call" before the rest went to charity. In there were some boxes of fabric pieces..she was a quilter. Her daughters had already taken what they wanted, and offered these to me. I was so thrilled!! Since then I have used several pieces of Josie's fabric in quilts for charity, and I have taught others to quilt and donated their quilts to a pediatric hospice.

#2 - On my drive to work, I sometimes see the same woman walking to the bus stop, which is several blocks from where I see her. One morning it was pouring down rain, and she was holding a piece of newspaper over head, getting very soaked. I pulled over and gave her my umbrella, which had been a sort of gift to me, thinking, good what are you going to do? Guess what...when I pulled into the parking lot space, it stopped raining!! :thumbup: ;) :D
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