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Old 04-16-2010, 08:04 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

I was buying land that I was going to build a home on eventually and the attorney I used his Paralegal always answered the phone and helped me when I had a question. After going into the office and seeing her I was very enamored to say the least. She was a hot older redhead and I told her that we needed to get to know each other better and asked her for a phone number. She blew me off (or so I thought) and when the papers were all signed and everything was cleared I had a sticky note with her number on it.

I was 19 and she was 32, but she has always look 10 years younger than she is. We were married not long after wards and well the rest is history. We built our first home together on my land and it was paid for the day we moved into it.

26 years we have been married and its been the best years of her life!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Funny thing was when she hit her mid forties you could then tell there was an age difference between us and you should have seen some of the looks we would get at the country club from the newer members that didn't know us well yet. The women her age were looking at her like I was her boy toy and they used to try and hit on me or ask if I had friends that were available. :lol: :lol: :lol: When they found out we had been married for as long as we were they were all jealous of her.

Dont think she didn't play that to her favor.......

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