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Old 04-20-2010, 12:38 AM
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Location: Fort Huachuca, AZ
Posts: 345

make little labels for the bags or scrapbook that has the year and all the manufacturing info you have

and normal? lol what exactly is normal? i sometimes wonder about people that DO claim to be normal lol :twisted:

Originally Posted by quiltluvr
Maybe you could start a literal scrap book of sorts, something to keep those last little bits that you can't say bye too?

(Now that may sound silly to some but I never claimed to be "normal". LOL)

I do have a little ziploc with a few fabrics that I wish I could find to get more of. None of them have any selvage info, some were given to me, one piece came from a scrap bin somewhere. I take them with me to shows, when I travel to other QS and ask around. They are older so I'm sure discontinued.
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