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Old 04-20-2010, 09:56 PM
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Made my evening with all the stories.
Went to ceramics class tonight and noticed the teacher didn't look well. His allergies were acting up big time and he had to get a steroid shot to even function.
Anyway, alot of the 'younger' students (there are over 25 students in class) finished up their work and left not bothering to clean up their messes. I thought how unfair of them to leave it to the teacher so started cleaning up. When I got everything done, the teacher, who I thought was busy in the back room, thanked me profusely as did the other two students finishing their work and who were cleaning up after themselves. Heck, we are required to do it as part of our grade. Good thing I am not the teacher as some would have gotten their grade docked a few points. It just felt right and good. Not a big deal to me but the teacher was appreciative.
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