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Old 04-21-2010, 04:43 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 60

Riley, the quilt is absolutely smashingly beautiful. I am one of many currently working on my own DJ and have a few questions, if thats OK. I am considering hand quilting it, but am somewhat of a beginner, having only hand stitched one other quilt. Here are my questions. Did you trim your 1/4 inch seams after the block was done, and also, what kind of batting works well for this type of project, say if I hand quilted it, what kind of batting? Did you stitch in the ditch as a rule, or what was your overall intent regarding stitching in the ditch? Any other hints on how to see the original quilting on Jane? I do have the book and the software.
Thanks for sharing. Wish me luck!
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