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Old 04-24-2010, 07:26 AM
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Land of Lincoln
Posts: 4

We went yesterday, and found free parking on a shady street just a couple blocks away. We roamed the convention center, and tent for over 5 hours, then enjoyed a strawberry shortcake from the Boy Scouts, and had a wonderful time. The quilts are so breathtakingly beautiful, and the amount of talent wrapped up in the total number of quilts is unimaginable, but so awe inspiring. The 8 hour drive was worth it. This will be the last year our daughter will be able to go with me, as she'll be moving away with her Air Force husband, but it has been such a treat to go with her for the past 4 years while they lived close enough. I plan to keep going to Paducah and send her pictures. I had a good time spending lots of $$ and watching everyone enjoy themselves.
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