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Old 04-15-2007, 12:33 PM
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There are several other sea charts in the game and they tell you where specific things are. tells you where all the giant squid are lurking. Another shows where all the merchant boats are located. I remember when my friend was showing me his Wind Waker strategy guide there was a sea chart in the back of the book and it showed where everything is...the locations of the giant squid, merchant boats, Triforce maps, Triforce pieces, fairy fountains, etc. all on one map. I thought about doing something like that (not nessicarly putting every single little thing down) and that way I could also use some of that empty space to the right by adding a key to show what those symbols mean. But I'm having my doubts on that idea. The thing I'm worried about is that it might get too cluttered. And that's more stuff I would have to applique...whether its the 12 merchant ships, 8 fairy fountains, 7 enemy submarines, 6 giant squid, etc. I mean, I already have 49 islands (whole islands or several little islands bunched together) to sew on and I'm not looking forward to that (it'll look cool once its done, but I'm sure I'll loose my mind several times) so I'm not sure if my sanity could take appliqueing all those little symbols.

Something about making the islands bigger than what they are doesn't seem right. I played around with the idea of making the island fill up the entire block (like you had zoomed onto the island in the game to see the details). I didn't like it when I roughly drew a few of those enlarged islands together. It ended up kind of looking like Pangea a little after it had started spliting into continents except the pieces really didn't fit like they should. Also, they don't call it the Great Sea for nothing. Its maybe about 90% water and 10% land. So from a geographic stand point and also from a gamer standpoint (knowing the story of how this vast sea came to be) I think it would be better to have to islands to scale. Plus, it would definatly show how much work and sanity I put into it.
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