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Janstar 05-09-2011 08:53 PM

Way to go Sara!! You keep on going and before you know it you will be finished!!!

I'm about to attach my tris, so wish me luck that they fit! Are you QAYG?

Butterflyspain 05-09-2011 11:03 PM

WTG Sara, you really have kept at it. Well done you :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

sandpat 05-10-2011 06:01 AM

Jan...I know they will fit!!! Its exciting now isn't it??

sarahelloyd 05-10-2011 06:33 AM

I am dreading the joining up bit, will have to go really slowly. Yes I will QAYG cos I don't have space to frame a large quilt unless I go and rent the village hall and then I would have to get hold of the bits I'd need. QAYG is calling loud and clear, good luck with the tris though!

sandpat 05-10-2011 04:47 PM

Sarah...because we used the square rulers and the tri ruler...if you cut it properly...it will go together like a dream! I had no problems, I'm sure you won't either!

Butterflyspain 05-10-2011 10:11 PM

What Patti says is right, its jut the best quilt to put together, I am sure you won´t have any problems

Lacelady 05-11-2011 10:12 AM

Good for you Sara, 49 and counting down is great, so soon you will be Joining Janstar and assembling. I didn't find it that hard either, and I made my sashings (with cornerstones) at 3/4 in wide, not the half inch in the book.

I did, of course, have to adjust the size of my tris and the scalloops at the end, but it went together very nicely.

sarahelloyd 05-11-2011 01:43 PM

Perhaps now is a good time to mention that I haven't had the rulers or the software, but been doing it just from the book. Everytime I mention rulers I get a big sigh from DH. I will always remember the quilt as the odd job one, using just offcuts and freestyling the working. If it ends up finished and fairly even I shall be thrilled! funny isn't it what you can do in ignorance!!

Butterflyspain 05-11-2011 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by sarahelloyd
Perhaps now is a good time to mention that I haven't had the rulers or the software, but been doing it just from the book. Everytime I mention rulers I get a big sigh from DH. I will always remember the quilt as the odd job one, using just offcuts and freestyling the working. If it ends up finished and fairly even I shall be thrilled! funny isn't it what you can do in ignorance!!

Personally if you have done DJ like that you are darned clever and I take my hat of to you.

sarahelloyd 05-11-2011 02:06 PM

ooooops, blushes, and admits to having a very stubborn streak. Somebody on here even sent me the book which I forgot to mention! I do envy everyone that can buy whatever fabric they like though!!

sandpat 05-11-2011 03:23 PM

Now Sarah...I'm not sure whether to stand in awe...or bow down to your ability! Stubborn or not...you've done a fabulous job without any (as my DH would call them) "Cheats"!

sewNso 05-11-2011 03:59 PM

well, we will see if i get all my blocks and tri's done by about the 23 of may. that is what i am working towards. but the last couple of days have been slowwwwww. just getting a couple done per day. M6, TR13 today. it's been several hrs, and cooked supper, company, etc. can't remember if i did any others today or not. getting old...... oh, and worked on that one just to the left of the center green one. i think. the star, with the little tiny, tiny pieces in the center. got it about half done.
i guess i'm fibbing. did another one also. G 12.

sandpat 05-12-2011 05:31 AM

You are really moving along! I bet you will be done by 5-23~

sarahelloyd 05-12-2011 04:03 PM

Oh dear, I have just done a triangle a 2nd time over. Can't believe it, still only 37 to go including the corners! Getting so excited. Good luck to everyone else!

sewNso 05-12-2011 04:29 PM

it will prob then take me two yrs to get the rest done? LOL sure do like this quilt.......

i've done blocks twice. and isn't it funny , you don't catch yourself, til they are completly done.....

sandpat 05-12-2011 04:44 PM

Oh dear lord...I'm thankful that I didn't do that....so sorry that you've done that...

Janstar 05-12-2011 06:16 PM

OK, I'm up to the scallops. Where do you start? I want to do a little deeper and all in one strip. Do you do both sides and then the top and bottom and how about the corners? Any advice is welcome, I want to finish this! Did you piece the batting?

sandpat 05-13-2011 04:41 AM

Here Jan, I did a tute on the scallops...well, I show how I did them. I did them deeper and all in one strip. Hope this helps you. If you have questions, I'll see if I can help without Lesley being around. She is on vacation and you know we rely heavily on her expertise! Try this though.


Janstar 05-14-2011 10:18 AM

Two questions Patti. I reread your tute BTW and will follow along but first, did you have the backing included with the top and batting? You mentioned three layers? Also did you sew all four sides on before marking the scallops? Did you start on the sides or top and bottom? I quess that was three questions. LOL! I was thinking I'd sew the backing on last so it would be one piece. ???????????? Thanks!

sarahelloyd 05-14-2011 11:35 AM

Thanks for the tute Sandpat, I think I will do that round my quilt as that is how SHE did hers!

sandpat 05-14-2011 06:36 PM

Hmmmm Jan...let me see....I sewed the top fabric strip for the scallops onto the pre-quilted tri rows..(starting with the sides, then top, then bottom) I marked after sewing the strip all the way around so I could mark the corner properly. After marking the scallops on the top, I whip stitched a strip of batting to the batting on the tri row- all the way around. THEN..I put the backing on so that it was all one piece, basted all 3 layers together, THEN cut the scallops. Did I get all your questions?

Janstar 05-14-2011 07:11 PM

Thank you so much Patti!! It seems so easy until you acually start to do it, then things get over whelming as to what to start first. I will cut the pieces now and hopefully get sewing on it tomarrow. Thanks again, you are a life saver or quilt saver!!

sandpat 05-15-2011 05:05 AM

Oh gosh...I know the feeling well! I was sailing along until I got to this point and thought...oh man.....WHOA! Sit down, breath and think it through...it is a bit scary after a years worth of work!

Janstar 05-15-2011 07:36 PM

OK, I beavered away all day and am up to making the backing. Probably will have to piece it but that's alright. Then will have to buy some fabric for the binding. That's too bad huh? LOL!! Sorry for being a bother to you for all the directions Patti but they really helped me out tremendously!! I thank you once again! You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

sandpat 05-16-2011 04:32 AM

Oh gosh now Jan! Thats why we did the quilt as a group..so we could all help each other!

Now I can't WAIT to see your quilt!! Isn't it great that you aren't far from being completely finished...and right on schedule too!! Congrats!

sewNso 05-16-2011 02:10 PM

ALL my tri's are done. i have 8 more blocks to do of the center blocks. using the tut's of 'that quilt'. just figured and studied 2--I5, and h6. will worry about the next ones when i get these done. still have to do the 4 corner blocks. i would never have thought it possible for ME to do this quilt. software, 'that quilt', and YOU ALL. other wise, i would never have gotten this far. Thank you, thank you.

sandpat 05-16-2011 04:17 PM

Well sew...I'm excited for you! I think you will set some kind of record in doing it!!

Janstar 05-16-2011 05:28 PM

WTG Sew!!!!!!!! You are moving right along!

Thanks Patti! I can't wait to see it too!

sarahelloyd 05-17-2011 11:51 AM

Wow Sew, I am coming up right behind you, I've got 32 more units to sew, including the corners! Good luck with your last few. Did you leave your hardest til last like?

sandpat 05-17-2011 06:05 PM

Sarah...32 is great!! A far cry from when you started...eh??/

sewNso 05-18-2011 05:47 AM

no, i followed along, week by week. but the very lst week when i first started, and hadn't gained confidence or skill, did pick out about a doz 'easy' blocks and did them. when i got to the 2nd page of lessons, i found i had done some of them, so hung them all, so i could see what i needed to do. worked on lessons in order, then started making sure alfabetically each row was complete. but made myself do l or 2 tri's when i lst sat down to work and was fresh. sooo, the ones left to do are in rows j thru m. i do believe most of them are applique.

sarahelloyd 05-18-2011 12:32 PM

I have worked out the problem with my sewing: Odd I know but we live in a very small house with an L shaped lounge/dining room so we are all living in the same space, well - My DH has his laptop plugged into the only socket that I can plug my sewing machine into - cos the others have the printer, the lamp and my iron in them. Guess who always wants to use his laptop when I am sewing? It makes me laugh because when we moved into the house the landlord had us sign a promise NOT to overload the electrics, but every wall socket has a block plugged into is with several items running. I am now waiting for him to go to bed to have another go at a triangle! Wish me luck!!!

sewNso 05-18-2011 01:18 PM

aren't them guys just grand? and sorry about you electrical plug in shortage. you should have signed a pre nupt with him. that the lst and most important thing in the house was your sewing. next marriage get it in writting. took me 47 yrs to half way train this one. so i guess, he is going to be kept. :thumbup: i didn't get any sewing done yest or today. appts, and things to do.....

sarahelloyd 05-18-2011 03:27 PM

Oh, we've only got 31 years of marriage, so some way to go, well done on 47 yrs!

sandpat 05-18-2011 05:17 PM

Sarah...I'd have to make him work off battery power!! Buy him a spare so he can keep one charged up while he uses the other :wink:...I can see where that would be a real dilemna!

sewNso 05-19-2011 12:13 AM

or you could do the applique pieces, and lay them aside like i did. do the hand work, when he is using the computer.

sarahelloyd 05-19-2011 01:52 PM

thanks for your encouragement, he really is a love, taking me where I want to go for my various supplies!

sewNso 05-19-2011 05:29 PM

2.5 more blocks and the kites, then i'll be done with all the blocks. have company coming the 25. would like them done by then, so i can take a breather. and be at a good stopping point for a while, while company is here.
did any of you ladies follow brenda's quilting guides on the software. how do they compare to jane's? i usually use warm and natural batting. did any of you ladies use this for your jane? i see quilting with convicts, used super light acrlyic, she called it. but she lives in n.m. i'm in michigan. i'll prob think about my batting and quilting. usually let my tops sit and chill, and i do have to check them all for sq. and paper.

sandpat 05-20-2011 04:54 AM

I used W&N on mine, sew. It is one truly heavy puppy though. I think the weight was more of a factor than the warmth for Kathy. I think that Elle used something very thin also. You have to remember that there is actually more fabric on the inside than on the outside due to all those seam allowances! Its wild!

Janstar 05-20-2011 08:07 PM

I'm finding out that it is a little heavy! I'm taking her down to my DDs office tomarrow to bast the scallops and then cut them out. She has three 8' tables that are high that I'm putting together to work on. That crawling on the floor is too much for me anymore. Found a lovely piece of olive fabric for the binding. It's getting closer guys!! Yeah!!

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