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Patricia Faye 04-23-2012 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by PokerDiva (Post 5163397)
Patricia, in the front of the book it shows how to put parts of different blocks together to make a new block. That is what I am doing. Example....Here is my combination of California and Colorado...and Arizona and Idaho.....

Thank you. I must have missed it the first time I went through the book when I got it. Will have to decide which ones to put together.

Patricia Faye 04-23-2012 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by whitepine (Post 5163587)

Let's see, six extra stars.....District of Colombia, Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands (I had to look that one up).

So are there stars for these? If so, where?

whitepine 04-23-2012 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Patricia Faye (Post 5164775)
So are there stars for these? If so, where?

No...I was just joking. :p If you need to come up with more stars beyond the 50 States I was just listing some territories to give them names. I did combine one earlier because I had made an error in cutting, but it was busy enough that it didn't show and I ain't telling.:) Didn't mean to confuse.

Patricia Faye 04-23-2012 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by whitepine (Post 5165099)
No...I was just joking. :p If you need to come up with more stars beyond the 50 States I was just listing some territories to give them names. I did combine one earlier because I had made an error in cutting, but it was busy enough that it didn't show and I ain't telling.:) Didn't mean to confuse.

And I thought you were serious, Whitepine! So I guess I could create my own stars by combining those states with special meaning & give them new names. So maybe Texhaw (Texas/Hawaii) Texmar (Texas/Maryland) since I lived in Texas, Hawaii & Maryland. And Iook (Iowa/Oklahoma) since my mother-in-law lives in Iowa & my Dad lived in Oklahoma. Will see if I can combine those. So now to come up with 3 more! Will definitely share pictures once I figure out & sew these last 6.

moonwork42029 04-23-2012 08:52 PM

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Well ladies, even those of us starting out with the best of intentions can easily get sucked into "life" and fall by the wayside. Still sticking with my mainly 30's theme, I present my version of Idaho. The center is funky but at this point (and time of night) frankly Scarlett, I don't give a darn.


Notice the "lady with bubbles" in some of the points...cracked me up when I saw the fabric and then it took forever to find a piece big enough to squeeze her into.

Life you ask...well my hubby's story will be :

We went into the sewing shop to look for some glow in the dark thread that I wanted to play around with...they were out as it was packed up and ready to go to the quilt show (remember I only live 10 minutes from Paducah) and before the next 15 minutes were gone, he was grinning like the Cheshire cat and on 05/05/12 we'll be picking up a Pfaff Grand Quilter 18.8 with the frame. Now we have to totally rearrange the front room (yes, that is the only room in the house where 12' will fit) and figure out what to do with some furniture.

I am indeed lucky as I hadn't asked for this and it's him that truly wants it for me. He's already telling me I better get all these blocks from various swaps together so we have something to quilt on. I've tried to explain there will be a lot of practice pieces before a real top gets put on.

So that's life in Possum Trot for now...and yes MommaK, it's fun living where the name is unique and sure to start a conversation.

vintagemotif 04-23-2012 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by moonwork42029 (Post 5165539)
Well ladies, even those of us starting out with the best of intentions can easily get sucked into "life" and fall by the wayside. Still sticking with my mainly 30's theme, I present my version of Idaho. The center is funky but at this point (and time of night) frankly Scarlett, I don't give a darn.


Notice the "lady with bubbles" in some of the points...cracked me up when I saw the fabric and then it took forever to find a piece big enough to squeeze her into.

I love your fussy cutting of the ladies, cute star!

Fraew 04-23-2012 11:48 PM

My first - Kansas :)
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Finally started. Woo hoo.

tomilu 04-24-2012 04:54 AM

Finally started. Woo hoo.
A very bright, pretty block. I hope to get Kansas done today. And pick out my fabrics for the next one. Wow, combining different parts of blocks can givr you some dramatic results. Solves the needing extra blocks problem.

PokerDiva 04-24-2012 05:08 AM

Moonwork, lucky you and great block. Love the bubble lady. Fraew, good job. Love the bright colors.

spacebull1 04-24-2012 07:31 AM

Originally Posted by Fraew (Post 5165650)
Finally started. Woo hoo.

Looks great..I like the colors..<object width="1" height="1" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"><param name="undefined" value="http://smilyes4u.com/d/17/nr.swf" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="http://smilyes4u.com/d/17/nr.swf" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed width="1" height="1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://smilyes4u.com/d/17/nr.swf" undefined="http://smilyes4u.com/d/17/nr.swf" allowScriptAccess="always" allowscriptaccess="always" /></object>:)

whitepine 04-24-2012 07:31 AM

Originally Posted by Patricia Faye (Post 5165133)
And I thought you were serious, Whitepine! So I guess I could create my own stars by combining those states with special meaning & give them new names. So maybe Texhaw (Texas/Hawaii) Texmar (Texas/Maryland) since I lived in Texas, Hawaii & Maryland. And Iook (Iowa/Oklahoma) since my mother-in-law lives in Iowa & my Dad lived in Oklahoma. Will see if I can combine those. So now to come up with 3 more! Will definitely share pictures once I figure out & sew these last 6.

You got it! Iook :):):) Can't wait to see.

whitepine 04-24-2012 07:41 AM

Moonwork, love the bubble lady from the 30's. Today's bubble lady might have one balloon. :) And happy quilting.

Fraew, Great star. That center fabric is yummy. I don't know whether to call is red or purple. I think we're using the same background fabric. See below.

whitepine 04-24-2012 07:43 AM

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Finally, Kentucky.

PokerDiva 04-24-2012 08:33 AM

OOOOOOOO whitepine.......Wonderful.

Fraew 04-24-2012 11:07 AM

Thanks all. I used fabrics from my Tonga Treats strips and squares. The collection is "Lollipop". The background is from the "Meringue" collection.

meanmom 04-24-2012 01:27 PM

Wow again. Can't wait to get caught up. I am 2 behind. I have to finish my baby quilt. I started Sunday night. The quilt is made up of 16 patch blocks and alternates with an applique of a princess crown. THe 16 patch blocks are finished. Just need to square them up. I made a test applique block last night and it worked out really well. They are all set on point and have a border. Hopefully it will continue to go together quickly. While my machine was in the shop last month I cut out blocks. I have all of them cut out in little baggies. It was fun choosing fabrics. I managed to make all of the blocks from my stash. I only purchased my background since I wanted them all the same. I have been trying to work from my stash lately since it has gotten out of control.

meanmom 04-24-2012 03:00 PM

AHHHHHHK! I was just on the Carol Doak site looking for one of her free paper pieced blocks. She has apparently redone it and they are all gone:( It says she has gotten rid of some of the old stuff. There were several there I liked and wanted to use sometime:(

Patricia Faye 04-24-2012 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by meanmom (Post 5167077)
AHHHHHHK! I was just on the Carol Doak site looking for one of her free paper pieced blocks. She has apparently redone it and they are all gone:( It says she has gotten rid of some of the old stuff. There were several there I liked and wanted to use sometime:(

Meanmom, I have a few of them, so let me know which one(s) & I'll look & send them to you in an email. You can PM if you'd like.

meanmom 04-25-2012 03:27 AM

Thanks Patricia Faye. I don't really know which ones I want. I was just trolling there looking for inspiration. I need to make a couple of blocks for my quilt guild out of some charm squares. I'm not finding anything that is just grabbing me. I might just make one of the state stars. I need to make 2-12 inch squares. Anything I want. I have a weird mix of colors to choose from. Something will come to me eventually.

Mad Mimm 04-27-2012 10:16 AM

Whitepine those colors are so lovely together. Your block is wonderful! Fraew looks like you are off to a great start!

meanmom 04-28-2012 04:29 AM

Wow I love them all I am 2 behind, 3 as of tomorrow. I took Monday off from work because I felt like it. I am hoping to hide in my sewing room all day and try to get caught up. My baby quilt is coming along well. I am setting it on point and need to figure out the setting triangles and sew the squares together. Then quilt it. My t-shirt quilt just needs the borders. I am going shopping for them today. I don't really like making t-shirt quilts, don't know why because they are pretty easy. I haven't decided yet if I am going to fee motion quilt it or take it to be quilted. T-shirt quilts are heavy to flop around to free motion. Everyone keep up the good work and I hope to get caught up soon.

PokerDiva 04-28-2012 05:08 AM

Meanmom, I too do not like making t-shirt quilts. Made one for my GS a couple of years ago. Maybe the reason I didn't like making it was because he wanted some of his sweatshirts in it too. You are right way heavy to move around. Because of that I decided to tie it. Can't believe tomorrow is Sunday again.

ljptexas 04-28-2012 05:10 AM

It is gorgeous!!!!!!!!! Love stars.....

sue z q 04-28-2012 07:34 AM

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Returning to "Hawaii" this morning. A block per week was just a "suggestion" wasn't it? Some of my fabrics came from the Swap Meet held at the Aloha Bowl during my visit in 2007. Oh, to go again to Hawaii. Won't win a color contest, but its meaningful to me.

PokerDiva 04-28-2012 07:51 AM

I think it is wonderful Sue z q. Yes a block a week is what we strive to do but can't always. You can work at your own pace.

vintagemotif 04-28-2012 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by sue z q (Post 5176785)
Returning to "Hawaii" this morning. A block per week was just a "suggestion" wasn't it? Some of my fabrics came from the Swap Meet held at the Aloha Bowl during my visit in 2007. Oh, to go again to Hawaii. Won't win a color contest, but its meaningful to me.

I love the lizards and that you used fabrics from the Swap Meet at the Aloha Bowl.

moonwork42029 04-28-2012 10:15 AM

lovin' the cool lizards!

Mona Lisa 2011 04-29-2012 02:05 AM

Louisiana Star Block
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Here is my Louisiana Star:

PokerDiva 04-29-2012 05:09 AM

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Great LA star Mona Lisa. Here is mine. Happy Sunday everyone.

paintmejudy 04-29-2012 05:21 AM

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And adding my Louisiana to the group...

meanmom 04-29-2012 05:34 AM

OOOO! I love them all. Such pretty colors. I took tomorrow off of work because I can. I am hoping to get caught up on some things. My DH is trying to make plans for us for tomorrow and I would love to just hide in my sewing room all day. I am taking my dad to the doctor at 4:00 but I have nothing the rest of the day. My baby quilt is ready to quilt. At first I wasn't sure I liked it but now that I have it together I love it. It isn't my usual choice of fabric type. I am going today to find some binding for it. I have decided how to quilt the borders and one of the blocks but can't decide how to quilt the other block. That is one of the reasons I have trouble with FMQ. I can never decide how to quilt things. THe t- shirt needs a border and it is finished and ready to quilt. I am still undecided if I want to quilt it. I guess I need to talk price with my customer. I hope to get at least one star finished tomorrow. I also need to make at least one block for quilt guild. Then I can get back to what I want to do. Everyone keep up the beautiful work. I can't wait to see them all completed. I am looking forward to getting caught up.

hooked 04-29-2012 05:43 AM

I just got my book and I am planning on starting on my blocks soon. But I was curious what size blocks everyone was making?

moonwork42029 04-29-2012 05:53 AM

Hooked...I believe all the block patterns are for 12.5 unfinished blocks if you copy them from the book. If you want different sizes, you'll have to change them when you make your copies.

Everyone's is looking great so far! Still nothing sewn for me this past week but we did get the front room pretty much rearranged so the long arm can be set up next Saturday...wooo hooo... Also figured out (wasn't too hard to figure out actually) I am soooo out of shape and carrying furniture around and out is hard work. Today is going to be spent with my feet up I'm afraid after I go undecorate my office from Easter (boss kind of dropped hints it was "over", lol).

PokerDiva 04-29-2012 06:13 AM

Judy, love your block.

Patricia Faye 04-29-2012 06:19 AM

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Hello everyone. Love everyone's blocks, especially Sue z q's Hawaii. The lizards are too cute! I finished another 6 blocks this week & am heading toward the finish! Also playing & planning the additional 6 blocks I need to end up with 56 blocks. The first Texas block I did was UGLY, UGLY so I redid it with colors that remind me of Texas & now I'm happy with it! Texas was also a little more challenging that the other blocks this week for some reason.

Row 1: South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas Row 2: Utah, Vermont, Virginia


paintmejudy 04-29-2012 06:30 AM

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Thank you, Florence, and your's, as usual is magnificent.

Thought I would share my collection for the lap quilt. Since I am not doing all 50 blocks, I don't have all the blocks that some of you do. But I am pleased with the way it is coming along. At the end, I am may decide to redo some of the more dull colored blocks.

whitepine 04-29-2012 07:29 AM

Suezq, love those geckos in your Hawaii. I always associate them with the Islands too.
MonaLisa & PokerDiva, These bigger points are letting us showcase some prints.
Paintmejudy, your star makes me think 'Bayou.' Great collection too.
Patricia Faye, Seeing the blocks that are ahead is inspiring.

Boy, Louisianna has a lot of great music, but there was only one song for me. The trouble is, which version. So I finally gave up and am listing four versions. For me, Creedence Clearwater Revival was the introduction to the song, but the spirit in a couple of the others was too much to ignore. If these don't get your sewing foot tapping, I don't know what will.

wvhill22 04-29-2012 07:46 AM

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all are beautiful. here is my Louisiana

vintagemotif 04-29-2012 08:25 AM

Originally Posted by paintmejudy (Post 5179495)
Thank you, Florence, and your's, as usual is magnificent.

Thought I would share my collection for the lap quilt. Since I am not doing all 50 blocks, I don't have all the blocks that some of you do. But I am pleased with the way it is coming along. At the end, I am may decide to redo some of the more dull colored blocks.

Very pretty! That will be a very lovely quilt! Thanks for sharing with us.

whitepine 04-29-2012 09:11 AM

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And another Louisiana.

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