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-   -   #8 mystery quilt train ride - it's scrap-alicious! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/8-mystery-quilt-train-ride-its-scrap-alicious-t259478.html)

mom-6 01-11-2015 04:24 PM

What a cutie! Nice blocks too.

coopah 01-11-2015 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by sunrise450 (Post 7043250)
Was not on the 'puter enough to catch the first clues for this mystery. I was cleaning my sewing room. Ha! Ha! I have a block to finish and get ready to mail and some blocks to finish for a swap. That will leave me with two swaps and then I can start this adventure!
I have a large collection of 5" charms that is the result of many swaps that I hosted many years ago. They have to be used up. I'm wondering about sewing them into 4-patches and then trimming them back to a 61/2" square would be the way to go. It seems like it would take less time then trimming them (the charms) back individually then sewing and and trimming again. Hope this makes sense!
If I hurry I can still catch the train, if not then I will get on at the station next Saturday! See you there!

Oh, I like your thinking on the sewing charms together and cutting down. Clever...and I have some charms that are sitting around just looking for trouble! Thanks for the idea.

Mimiknoxtaylor, what a darling little man! Enjoy!

sdeaaz 01-11-2015 04:44 PM

hopefully I won't goof this one up.... I will have to hunt for scraps that big.... is it legal to cut up some yardage......... I have been trying to clean up scraps and my largest squares are 2 1/2 , I am not done sorting, so I will relook and not make so many strips..... Cowboy Caviar on it's way......

Emma S 01-11-2015 05:01 PM

Mimi: What a love. Congratulations!
Love looking at everyone's scrap, such pretty fabric.

lynnie 01-11-2015 06:33 PM

such a cute baby!!!

what is cowboy caviar?

Emma S 01-11-2015 08:42 PM

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Here are my squares. In my defense I grabbed anything that came to hand. Heard of controlled scrappy? This is totally out of control scrappy. I knew some of the squares would read as lighter. I also know that Judy suggested using only small scale prints. What can I say? Just completed a mystery quilt where the squares were so small that these look huge to me. I am really going to go all out scrappy and see what happens. I may finally get a quilt that I feel comfortable letting the dog lay on.

retiredteacher09 01-11-2015 08:54 PM

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Sunrise: I did the same thing with 4 inch squares because I have lots of them and couldn't see spending extra time cutting 3 1/2 inch squares. :)

I, obviously, didn't follow the directions as far as small prints because I have some plain squares and larger prints. I even wrote 'small prints' in my notes! The funny part is that I ALWAYS expect students to follow directions! I guess I'm a bad example.


AngeliaNR 01-11-2015 09:12 PM

Large prints cut small read as color--I used what I already had cut. I like uncontrolled scrappy!

Gayle's Quilts 01-12-2015 02:49 AM

HI, I have never done a Mystery Quilt before, so I am going to jump on at next stop and join u with everyone.
Off to my scrap bin. See you all later..

Mary O 01-12-2015 04:13 AM

Judy how many more sets of 12 do you think I will need to make a queen size quilt?

dear1953 01-12-2015 04:30 AM

wow, already had to read thru 10 pages! gotta keep up everyday with this MQ train. mine are done, just need to take a picture. I'm like someone else, I ended up using quite a few solids but I was able to avoid large prints. liking everyone's choices, scrappy is fun way to use up what I can't seem to throw away.

saw two new babies, congrats to both Grandmas, don't remember who they were now. Both are so cute and precious, makes me want one but guess it will be 4-5 years before we get great grandbabies, but that's ok. Rather have grandkids happy in a marriage and secure in good jobs first.

Grammahunt 01-12-2015 05:26 AM

Is it Saturday yet? How can I wait five days? I fear my darks and medium darks are too dark. But it is what I have so I'll work with it.

klaws 01-12-2015 05:29 AM

Yippee!!! I'm on again. Won't be able to start right away but will eventually catch up. Saved the first clue to my computer. This is going to be another fun ride. Thanks Judy!

Emma S 01-12-2015 05:43 AM

Ms Hunt: Had somewhat the same reaction but I'm almost sure Judy wants the areas these will be placed in to read dark. We still have all the mediums and lights to add.

jillmc 01-12-2015 05:57 AM

Wow....this is a lively group! :). I have watched your past few mysteries, and cannot resist joining in....I am trying to use my scraps up...haha. I spent the weekend cutting a gazillion 1 1/4" logs for a scrappy Kentucky Log Cabin christmas quilt, so these larger squares look pretty inviting! The grands will be here today and tomorrow-hope yo pull some scraps with their "help" and get caught up before the next stop!

AnngelAnne 01-12-2015 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by Siodach (Post 7043100)
Hi there I'm hoping to jump on board the train by Tuesday, currently running alongside on a galloping horse :thumbup:.

Quick question for Judy - is there any reason to say I couldn't substitute these 4-patches with string blocks?

I've used most of my larger scraps, but do have a drawer-full of strings which are crying out for attention :D

Catching up on most of my reading, love this idea, what a great one, will it work.....have to read on further to see what the answer is.

Geri B 01-12-2015 06:24 AM

Hmm, sounds like fun....found this thread by accident....will it always be posted on board, or is there a secret passage to keep in touch......I think I want to try this, but if I can't find the rest of the steps it will be frustrating....ok, going downstairs to sewing cave, pulling out my 3 1/2" die and begin cutting..........

dd 01-12-2015 06:55 AM

Just found you! I'm jumping on too. Always like to use up scraps. Can't wait to get started. Like I have nothing else to do.lol

MarthaT 01-12-2015 06:57 AM

Looks like another fun ride!

AnngelAnne 01-12-2015 06:58 AM

Originally Posted by MamaHen (Post 7043585)
Think I'll try & hop on this train too, need something to light a fire under me. When I get there i'll bring the brownies.

Oh fill those brownies with nuts, not just sprinkled on top, please. Can't seem to find a place that does them that way so I can buy just one or two. Can't make a whole pan at home, end up picking at them till they are gone. Putting in the freezer doesn't work either.

Pam H 01-12-2015 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by Geri B (Post 7044464)
Hmm, sounds like fun....found this thread by accident....will it always be posted on board, or is there a secret passage to keep in touch......I think I want to try this, but if I can't find the rest of the steps it will be frustrating....ok, going downstairs to sewing cave, pulling out my 3 1/2" die and begin cutting..........

Geri, you need to subscribe to this thread to get all the notifications. Go the the thread tools which is under the page numbers at the top right of the page.

paintmejudy 01-12-2015 07:30 AM

Wow, lots of activity in the 24 hours since I last visited! Welcome back to many new faces, and also love seeing al the new gals, too.

Those who want to makr a large bed quilt: This unit I am giving instructions for make a top of 44" x 58". I've done a rough count if you have the newer thick mattresses, allowing a minimum 16" drop. So if you make 6 units (that would be 72 4-patch blocks) you will have more than enough for a king with a few leftovers, and maybe 5 units (60 4-patch) for a queen and also a few left over. I'll have some suggestions at the final week to let you know how I would assemble the blocks into these sizes as there will be some differences in your cutting for the final step.

Also, if you are on AOL, you can bookmark this thread into your "favorites" column or put on the top too bar to find it easily.

omacookie 01-12-2015 07:57 AM

Judy, Thanks this mystery is fun as usual.
Sadieae , thanks for telling me how to get daily notifications for this train ride.

Have fun digging in your scraps today.

Bluebonnets 01-12-2015 08:16 AM

Oh, I'm so in! New for me but what fun! Have a bunch of whimsical/kids fat quarters and scraps. I have been wanting to use them for ages. Double or nothing, lol! Left some chips and salsa in the club car.

MamaHen 01-12-2015 08:21 AM

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I'm hang gliding in on the roof of the club car, brownies in hand. Now that I have caught up to you all, i'll sit & enjoy the snacks for a while.

lawsonmugs 01-12-2015 09:15 AM

Mama hen I notice several of your squares are the same fabric as mine. Great minds.......and all that.lol

MamaHen 01-12-2015 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by lawsonmugs (Post 7044800)
Mama hen I notice several of your squares are the same fabric as mine. Great minds.......and all that.lol

Think that means we have been keeping all our scrapes for years, now is the time to use them up or toss. I found a great way to keep my scraps in order. Was tired of them all thrown together in one big container, so bought these & labeled them, then sorted my scrapes. Makes it way easier to pick from these and easy to see what is light & dark.
See next entry. won't let me put picture in here.

MamaHen 01-12-2015 09:23 AM

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Here it is I hope.

paintmejudy 01-12-2015 09:26 AM

mama those look more like usable hunks! LOL

I throw scraps in a big box, then when the mood strikes and don't feel like sewing, I cut into sizes I use the most, which are 3-1/2" and 4-1/2" squares and 1-1/2" and 2-1/2" wide strips.

Redtop 01-12-2015 09:31 AM

Judy, you mentioned about posting the next clue Friday-perfect for me.

Grammahunt I think my blocks are very dark, but I decided with them being so dark I could use lights that aren't real light

Jillmc I LOVE log cabin patterns and perfect to use our stash. Is the Kentucky log cabin different from the orginal ones we usually make?

JeanieG 01-12-2015 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by Geri B (Post 7044464)
Hmm, sounds like fun....found this thread by accident....will it always be posted on board, or is there a secret passage to keep in touch......I think I want to try this, but if I can't find the rest of the steps it will be frustrating....ok, going downstairs to sewing cave, pulling out my 3 1/2" die and begin cutting..........

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I am also one that will be beginning with this Ride later, we are visiting grandchildren in Phoenix so are not home right now (where all my fabric is).

Emma - I did bring my BH Mystery pieces to finish sewing together, always have a sewing machine in our RV! I got way behind during the holidays and have not caught up yet. I usually don't finish her mysteries until the end of January anyway, so am on schedule for me! LOL

lynnie 01-12-2015 09:44 AM

Emma, your darks look like mine. I went even darker. I don't have many lights, so by using the darkest of darks, my other colors become medium and lights.

can't wait for next Saturday for the next clue. this stuff is addicting.

SunlitenSmiles 01-12-2015 09:52 AM

I like your suggestion, Judy, of 'making lights' by using the other side of some mediums. now I have a new bin between mediums and lights...it is called "flipables". :wave::sew:

P.S. there are some where I like the other side best !

Siodach 01-12-2015 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by AnngelAnne (Post 7044452)
Catching up on most of my reading, love this idea, what a great one, will it work.....have to read on further to see what the answer is.

Re the string blocks, Judy did say it would be possible to substitute a 6.5 in string block for these darks, but probably not possible to substitute the blocks which will come later.

What I'm going to do is 'create' 12 X [7.5" square] blocks, each in a different colour, and strings sewn on the diagonal. These will then be sliced and diced into quarters, which I will be able to mix and match into 4-patches as per the original pattern (I know will have to trim a bit). I hope that the directional strings will form a secondary square-within-a-square effect...

Spent this afternoon sorting out my drawers :D

paintmejudy 01-12-2015 11:53 AM

Red, that was someone else, putting it on a wish list. Sorry, Saturday morning will try and post by 8 a.m. MST

Siodach, cannot wait to see your 4-patch string blocks!

jillmc 01-12-2015 12:31 PM

Red top-the Kentucky log cabin has cabin blocks nested in between some of the logs...Judy Martin's pattern.

Will the second clue be added to the first post on Saturday?


Honchey 01-12-2015 01:40 PM

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I'm going to try to keep up with this Mystery. Here's my first nine 4 patch.. I'm wondering??? could a 9 patch be made of 1.5" stamps to be integrated into the current 4 patch's we're making now? I have a lot of stamps...

sdeaaz 01-12-2015 03:12 PM

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got mine done..... does anyone want a meatloaf sandwich.... my fav

Emma S 01-12-2015 03:58 PM

Lynnie: That was my reasoning completely, start dark and then you have almost limitless possibilities as you go up the value scale.
Judy: Thanks for the info on the larger sizes, I can't seem to make anything but a bed size.

lynnie 01-12-2015 04:38 PM

Honchy. stamps, now that's an idea! like the strings, only crazier

Emma, I couldn't believe how many darks I actually had, a lot like yours too.

now just need lights. may have to buy that.

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