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Honchey 08-14-2012 04:14 PM

The FWS Pony Club Quilt=Along Wk 32 New Jersey & Norway Pine Discussion Page
Just wanted you to know that Monmouth County in NJ had a ton of chicken farms way back when and the 11 acre property next to our property was a chicken farm/eggs also. My DH"s grandparents owned it before us and they would keep the eggs that the straying chickens would lay on their side of fence...The owners of the chickens wanted Nana & Honey to pay for them...They never did! Yup, Honey was grampa's nickname. A warning...you need Sunglasses!!! Go Look!

QuiltingNinaSue 08-14-2012 04:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
OK, Honchey, its 7:45pm and I don't know where go to look....or find the photo page. Will check later. the Chicken farms sound very interesting.[ATTACH=CONFIG]355515[/ATTACH]Currently working on gs quilt...its a work in progress, have a skunk, chipmunk, and possum blocks cut out to add to quilt. Beavers and ducks with be added to the bottom and Mountains with Eagles on the top.

New WalMart Opening tomorrow; will brave the crowd to go have a 'see'.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-14-2012 05:11 PM

dh moved out!!!....out of my quilt room....Rah, rah, rah. Now looking at used LA. Looking, not buying...yet.

It's like the old story:Jane went to bed.....oh, don't get excited or misled...Jane went to bed with a pain in her head!!

janRN 08-14-2012 05:24 PM

QNS you had me worried there for a minute thinking DH moved out on ya!!! Hope you get that LA-your quilts are awesome.

Chicken story: when I was growing up my mother worked at GC Murphy's 5 & 10. Every year at Easter time the store gave away free baby chicks. For 2 weeks prior my sister & I would work on the box that we'd put our peeps in when we got them (please remember I'm a city gal, this is as "farm" as I get). Finally the day would come and we'd go get 2 peeps each. I always got 2 yellow ones and she would get 2 pink ones. Why did they dye them? Parents made us get different colors so if one met an unfortunate demise we'd know whose it was. We loved those little fluffy things--probably carried them around too much. We wanted to sleep with them in our room but they lived in a wooden box with a window screen on top in the hall way (they did smell a little). It was neat to see them grow but you know kids--after about 2-3 weeks we'd get bored with them. My dad would load the box in the back seat of the car and take them to a friend's farm where they'd live happily ever after with all their little peep friends. (Or so we were told). I can't imagine a store giving away chicks nowadays--PETA would picket! It did teach us responsiblity and made me the city girl I am today!! (Sorry my story is boring compared to all you farm folks LOL!!)

dublb 08-14-2012 08:50 PM

I love your story's Honchey & Jan! Keep 'em comin'!
Sue! Ya nearly gave me heart attack! :D:D Now I think it is hysterical! I also think your GS quilt is very 'boy.' Neat'o, as my son would have said a few years ago.

I just worked on my friends sewin' machine & got it up & runnin'. Actually she is the manager o' the assisted living care facility that I have my DMIL at. I talk ta her daily & we've become friends. She asked me ta take a gander at it & I did. I'm gonna head ta bed in li'le bit, just as soon as I check out the Milestone page.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-15-2012 07:20 PM

Little action here, everyone must be busy in what life has thrown at them. The new Wal-Mart does have more floor space and has keep its fabric department, It has a grocery line now, and its open 24/7.

The rest of the peaches have ripened in paper sacks, so its back to the kitchen in the morning to finish them into jam. Dh relation(his Aunt and family) is coming on Saturday (or we are going there) to 'gift' the three quilts in memory of his father.. Menu has been agreed upon (yes, with them we do review the menu before we get together) and sill start playing cards (500) by 9 o'clock in the morning and do it all day long.

Guineas have developed a love for any beet or lettuce greens they can find...so we had to put screen plastic wire over the plants to protect them. They fly up on the roof top every morning to survey the town of Hartford. And if dh opens the garage doors to work in his workshop, they are right there to 'help' him. All the fowl seem to 'mind' him better than me...but the turkeys will come when called if I have any dew berries for them.. Alas, that season has past. Awaiting for the time when the pullets start to lay their eggs...know nothing about the guineas laying eggs or raising a family...or ducks and turkeys. Guess we will learn if and when they do lay eggs.

It rained here finally, hope everyone is enjoying the summer; our daylight hours are getting shorter already.

mirabelle 08-15-2012 08:07 PM

2 Attachment(s)
This is what has kept me busy for the past month (just quilting it) I spent over 60 hours just on the quilting. I finished the embroideries and then decided to try and do it as a quilt as you go. So armed with a lot of information and a lot of prayers. I quilted it in sections, the top 4 blocks, then the centrepiece and 4 blocks together and then the last 4 blocks, sewed the panels together at the front then hand sewed the overlap at the back then quilted that sashing strip, hope that makes sense. I then zigzaged the wadding to the sides for the final bordersand attached the final borders with the backing fabric all pinned at the same time so no hand sewing, just had to mitre the corners both back and front and then I decided to do a two color binding so I would have black on the front to match the border fabric and cream on the back to match the backing.

Now my daughter and I can fight over who gets to keep it..:D

I have to drop it off tomorrow as it is going into an exhibition in a couple of weeks and I can't make it so friends are taking it for me.

dublb 08-15-2012 08:22 PM

GASP! That's beautiful! I love the roses. I'm startin' ta think o' you as a "Rose" person!

JeanieG 08-15-2012 08:24 PM

Oh my goodness Mirabelle! You did an amazing job on that quilt. I would never have the patience to do something like that! Beautiful, beautiful!!!!

mirabelle 08-15-2012 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 5443611)
GASP! That's beautiful! I love the roses. I'm startin' ta think o' you as a "Rose" person!

Thanks Dublb, yes roses are my favourite flower, DH keeps buying me rose plants but I don't have any luck growing them, go figure.

JeanieG I have been working on it for a while, the embroideries took me about 4 months to complete, and because I had a clear picture in my mind of how I wanted it quilted I decided to do it myself. (I wish I would stop listening to myself because by the end I was exhausted)

QuiltingNinaSue 08-16-2012 04:03 AM

Truly, a work of ART, Mirabelle. Beautiful. I can settle the argument between you and your daughter...just mail it to me!! LOL! Try miniature roses inside, if you cannot grow them outside. Dh grows many roses here for me to enjoy...outside. We get ours from Heritage Roses on internet. You have really exceed doing wonderful job on this quilt. If if does not win big for you, the judges need eye-glasses.

gardnergal970 08-16-2012 04:28 AM

Mirabelle....your quilt is gorgeous...exquisite...I'm speechless. What a vision you had for the quilting! I hope you feel gratified after all the hours of work. I've started quilting a lap quilt with simple echo and some cross hatch on the borders and it seems like it takes forever. Right now I can't imagine quilting like you do but I would like to. Did you did this on a regular machine? I don't remember you ever saying you had a LA. I'm so in love with the piecing process it seems like the quilting brings everything to a halt and I get frustrated.

QNSue...keep the stories coming. I love to hear what your fowl are doing. And...where did your DH move his stuff and do you have your LA all picked out?

Dubib...how neat that you can give a sewing maching a new lease on life. Was it an older machine? I think I remember you saying that you had some of your own.

janRN 08-16-2012 06:13 AM

Mirab, I'm speechless (a rarity for me). That quilt is fantastic. WOW!!!

QuiltingNinaSue 08-16-2012 10:58 AM

At our ripe old age, GG., we have separate bedrooms. He can make ALL the noise & heat he wants to in his room, and I can have it quiet and cool. So he merely moved things around in his room and made room for his two sewing machines,( third one is in the sewing room closet), and cutting table. It is a tight fit, but it works for him. He also has his computer in his room and the living room has became his "Man Cave" with his Fathers chair that rises up with him, his Father's big screen TV and his Father's Iowa Trophy Deer.

The kitchen is mine, except for the breakfast corner where he can clutter all he wants too. I think his favorite trick is to cook what he wants when he wants it, and leave me the mess about 75% of the time. I just cook one meal a day, usually, 'cause I am retired. He plants the garden or I do, and waters it in the drought. Its up to me to harvest any produce and freeze or can it. After 46 years, we still agree and agree to disagree, but trod along together, slower pace in our senior years.

He laughs when I say I am looking for a LA. He knows me too well...the budget must balance or I do not go to town or spent the cash. Thank goodness we cannot see the future; its better as a surprise, then ask forgiveness. He really has no idea how many $$$$ are tied up in my stash. Daughter laughed at me when I said I was going to use up the whole stash in the quilting room. Maybe she knows her Mom too well, too. Maybe they will get a shock when I do. So, St.Peter, please do not come knocking at my door....I have a plan to use it all up for others...need to re-size the stash picture before it will post.

gardnergal970 08-17-2012 04:24 AM

QNSue...sounds like you two have a comfortable working relationship. What caught my attention is that your husband sews. Does he quilt too and does that mean he helps you reduce your stash? My DH and I have the heat/cold thing going. I too like it cooler than he does but usually his snoring is tolerable.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-17-2012 05:16 AM

GG, he has quilted with me since 1972 , but we hit a difference of opinion in 1995. When I took my niece's quilt he said was done to the quilter's; she ran a quilting shop as well, and unfolded the quilt in the middle of her shop that was busy with shoppers. I was so embarrassed, 'cause it did not have too many sews that were sewn together, creating the largest holes in a quilt you had ever seen.... the squares I had sewn were fine, but when he sat it together, he had not caught both sides of the fabric under his machine...by accident or on purpose, who knows?? since the ones for his niece and nephew had turned out fine. He does sew his kilts together fine....

So if he 'helps' out now, I check it carefully, rip where I need too to do it up right.

He is losing his hearing, or seems to be...hearing sometimes better than others...if you whisper or talk to a friend on the phone in the other room, he hears just fine. But in his room, or living room, he wants that volume on the computer or TV loud enough I swear the neighbors can hear it.

When we came back to Texas from Colorado Springs, Co., in 1999. his family reunion, I begged him to stop driving and get a motel as I was sooo tired and suffered from high blood pressure...and it was apparently off the scales that night. He did not stop until about 12:30am, and I unknowingly suffered an optical nerve blowout in my left eye...leaving me blind in that eye...permanently. It all came together later in that week after trips to eye doctors and specialist. At least, it was not a stroke that could have been fatal. May this serve to enlighten others, so they can do things differently and not go blind or worse.

oksewglad 08-17-2012 04:00 PM

Oh such news from the trail--strolls down memory lane--great story Jan. Wonderful quilts QNS and mirabelle. Then the rumors of a LA--my my-that caught my attention.
I'm breathing a big sigh as my sis and BIL drove out of the yard this morning.
Constant guests for 10 days, I am whipped. In 4 days DS and I crammed 4 years of not seeing each other. We start talking and thinking about going to bed at night and then look up and it's past 1:00 AM Experience has taught us that when parting we just look at each other and say it's time for the visitor to go as we need our sleep! Such a wonderful interlude in my summer. And yes I did give a lesson in PPing. Now to play catch up on bookwork, lawn mowing, et al. The priceless comment from 6 yo GD to her great Auntie. "I like seeing you and Gram have fun together." was marvelous.

JeanieG 08-17-2012 04:05 PM

oksewglad - I am so glad you had such a wonderful time with your sister. That sounds like so much fun. Our friends that we visited on Whidbey Island, WA this summer are the same way. It seems like when we see each other it is just like it was yesterday, and we just seem to pick up where we left off the last time we were together (no matter how many years it has been). My friend, Myrna, is more of a sister to me than my own sister. My hubby always says, your sister is calling, instead of Myrna when she calls. LOL

QuiltingNinaSue 08-18-2012 04:13 AM

oksewglad, wounds like you had a wonderful time with family and that is a lovely memory for the summer. Dh's Aunt, his FSIL, and son & wife are coming today to see their quilts and to play 500. He was suppose to schedule a time when relation and friends could sign her quilt, but did not...so the son and I are going to have a 'discussion'...I can keep the quilts here!!! They are displayed on our beds. Not the compatible family you have Ok.

Oh, and that confounded rose block is coming around again by a different name: pig's tail. Warning has bee issued.

janRN 08-18-2012 04:26 AM

QNS, you're right about the Pig's Tail block--it's confusing and confounding. I got Pig's Tail done (I have insomnia)and the biggest hint I can give is: Crayons. Mark each piece the color you plan to use so you can do the placement easily. I don't think this is one you can use fussy cuts or directional fabrics. Heck, I was just glad the colors went in the right place.
What a wonderful time everyone has had with family and friends this summer.

gardnergal970 08-18-2012 04:38 AM

OkSewGlad...how nice you had such a nice visit with your sister and the rest of your family. Isn't it something that little ones can pick up on how people are feeling?

QNSue...maybe your family isn't as compatible as others but you do still share time together. Take what you can get and enjoy what you can.

dublb 08-18-2012 07:44 AM

OK - it sounds like ya had a great time!
Sue - Some people in my family git along great & some don't. One o' my Sisters & I git aling when she wants somethin'. I know that I have ta have plans, or she will try ta git me ta do more that I already said I would. (Boy that was a tongue twister!) Right now I'm helpin' her DGSon ta read. She brings him over & almost every mornin'. As I said, I have ta have plans or she will try ta git me ta do other things after he & I are through. She acts like It is my responsibility ta take care o' her. I do love my great nephew & want him ta do well in school. (His teachers wanted ta hold him back but his DM wanted ta do something else.) They looked into Sylvan but could not afford that. At first they did nothin'. When DSis became jobless she started takin' care o' him for the rest o' the summer. He did not respond well ta her teachin' him ta read. I believe if that he gits a good teacher he will do well in first grade now.

Honchey 08-18-2012 08:07 AM

Yes, You have to use the crayons or colored pencils for this one....The other problem I had doing this Pig's Tail was handling the block itself...I taped the two sections together and that made the block one piece...I guess I have small hands...had to fold over the corners when sewing.. I just finished North Star and didn't mirror image the pattern and now it's backwards...oh well...at least it's done...

janRN 08-18-2012 01:53 PM

Anne, I had a senior blonde moment when I first started Pig's Tail. Couldn't figure out why there was such a large center seam allowance. Well, duh--it needed taped together!

mirabelle 08-18-2012 03:05 PM

Ok I checked the next few blocks, what is the Pigs tail block. Am I having a Alley Zeimer moment. Or have I missed something which is on the cards.
QNS a relationship is what YOU make it not what everyone says it should be. Congratulations on 46 years, that should be a celebration of two people who have found what works for them.
Now I am off to do some cooking, visitors tomorrow. My friends are coming to check out the sewing room. Guess what !!!! it is messy at the moment (just a little) but I am trying to organise myself for a retreat I am going on in 3 weeks. Trying to decide what to take is a pain as I like to have everything cut and ready for sewing.

QuiltingNinaSue 08-18-2012 03:26 PM

Well , the day is drawing to a close...we played cards seriously, relaxed to enjoy the meal when the cousin got a phone call saying his brother was back in a Des Moines Hospital after an operation four or five days ago. So dh's aunt was very concerned until about four o'clock when they got word he was being sent home.

They loved the quilts, so we compromised and they took them home with them. No picnic or party to let anyone sign dh aunt's quilt. I try not to judge, just go with the flow 'cause they are "my relation by marriage". Life is short not in live in peace with one another. Dh aunt got tears in her eyes from the gifting and that was pay enough for me. I did insist on the cousin's wife learning the story of the quilt...and the cousin said it was going on their bed.

Nope, I have done any more on our PC blocks, just looked at them; dh and I will rebuild shelving in the quilt room tomorrow, so I can get more boxes off of the floor. And see if I can make three or four more quilts in September.

mirabelle 08-18-2012 04:02 PM

Duh I found Pigs Tail, just had to look a little further. I am only worrying about next weeks blocks..... not what is coming up.
Now to decide what to take to retreat
1. Pony Club blocks (might get ahead):D
2. Sylvia's Bridal Sampler (might just get motivated, have 6 blocks made)
3. Bonnie Hunter's Jamestown Landing, it was in an Australian magazine and is now in her new book, raided the stash for this one
4. Started Pam Bono's Out of the Darkness quilt yesterday (just cause I thought that was a good idea)
5. Put together my daughers Orchid quilt oops can't do that as she is coming with me and that quilt is a surprise.
6. Start making sons new black and cream star quilt for his new home

What to take oh my goodness why do we start so many, talk about children having short attention spans the professional should talk to quilters :D:D:D

dublb 08-18-2012 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by mirabelle (Post 5450080)
What to take oh my goodness why do we start so many, talk about children having short attention spans the professional should talk to quilters :D:D:D

:D:D:DWith everything else in my life I either do one thing & finish it, or I don't even start it, but with quiltin' I'm a totally different person. :D

carriem 08-18-2012 04:58 PM

I was looking for another pattern and found this one in my saved stuff...might be an easier way to make "pig's tail": http://www.scribd.com/doc/56063419/Q...-LeavenworthKS

This block finishes at 12" so you'd have to do some math, but looks like it would go together pretty easy...scroll down the pattern to see how the block is assembled.

Mirabelle--I know what you mean about having lots of projects started!

I have a retreat in September and at that one I am definitely working on PC blocks...doubt that I will catch up (I only have 30 done), but should be able to get several done as all the paper and fabrics are cut. Crystal (who has checked in a couple times on the QB) and I are going together so we can motivate each other. :)

I have another retreat in October. That one I haven't decided what I want to work on yet for sure. Will take PC along, but I am thinking about taking another quilt too. I found the fabric for an EASY pattern to do in a couple days especially if I had the strips pre-cut. I altered it to make it a bigger lap quilt: http://www.daisyjanie.com/PS_fullpag...adderTilly.pdf

Of course there are other UFOs too, but sometimes it is just so much fun to start something new. :)

QuiltingNinaSue 08-18-2012 04:59 PM

It's multitasking, Mirabelle, when we chose to start various projects...anyone who has a dh and kids has learned how to do that. It keeps our interest going, fits our creative, artistic mood, and challenges us with a new thought.

What is it that QuiltE said...."all quilters were certifiable because we cut fabric into little pieces, and sew them together again"..it keeps us happy!!:thumbup:

dublb 08-18-2012 05:07 PM

:DYes we are all certifiable!!:D

mirabelle 08-19-2012 02:38 AM

Thank you I feel so much better now..
My retreat is the 13th to 15th September.. DD is driving home so we can go together in my car. But really she just wants me to drive as it is a bit of a nightmare to get there.
24 miles south on the highway, takes about 25 minutes, then take a right hand turn and drive 13 miles which takes about an hour. It is up a mountain with hair pin turns and just enough room for two cars to pass. Will get DD to take photos while I am driving..

oksewglad 08-19-2012 07:26 AM

mirabelle-you really are going on a "retreat". Sounds like it's "out in the boonies".

dublb 08-19-2012 08:31 AM

That makes 3 retreats that the PC riders are doin' that weekend. :)

oksewglad 08-19-2012 08:41 AM

I hope to "retreat" into my sewing room after a busy August!

dublb 08-19-2012 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 5451630)
I hope to "retreat" into my sewing room after a busy August!

:D Nice play on words!

mirabelle 08-19-2012 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 5451396)
mirabelle-you really are going on a "retreat". Sounds like it's "out in the boonies".

Yes it may sound like the boonies but it is a beautiful village in a rainforest, its called Paluma and about 50 people live there, there is a wonderful restaurant catering for weddings. We stay at the Conservation Centre which caters for week long school camps and we rent out the Community Hall. There is a lot of traffic up and down the mountain on a weekend as there are great swimming holes and picnic areas.
I can't wait and DD coming with me is making it all the more special.
Gotta run, having guests for lunch and need to make the salads

QuiltingNinaSue 08-19-2012 04:56 PM

Well, I have straightened out my "Quilt Cave" and cut out the blocks for this week. It looks so large to work in, where I can see all the stash around me and find what I am looking for (?) maybe. (There is a floor in that quilt room...haven't see that in a long while!)

Seems like everyone is really going to enjoy their respective "retreats"; be it in beautiful country like Mirabelle with her daughter and Oksewglad in her quilt room...and me in my "quilt cave". Found most of the UFOs, and starting out on a few more...

janRN 08-19-2012 05:07 PM

I need some advice and hope it's okay to ask it on this thread. My friend has a friend with a 4 year old little boy who has many health problems that resulted in him losing his sight and most of his hearing. I read somewhere about "sensory quilts" or something like that. I'd like to make one for him. I don't know the real name of them to even Google for info so I'm asking yinz for help. My plan: it would only be about 18" x 20" and made out of large squares of different textured fabrics (fleece, corduroy, flannel, chenile, suede, etc). The ones I saw also had a zipper and buttons sewn on. I don't think I should add those since he's only 4. What do you think? Also, some had ribbons hanging off the sides; is this a good/bad idea for a 4 y/o? Can you think of anything else I might add? I'm lost here and you ladies are always so kind and have great suggestions. Help, please!!

dublb 08-19-2012 05:39 PM

My DGD has "sensory issues." At 2 she had a round pillow w/a face & ribbons looped all around. They were radiating like rays. I was supposed ta be a sun. She could not sleep without "Day." Those loops were called "Taggies." I think that they sell blankets & other things w/Taggies. She doesn't like things that are silky but does like velvety things. She doesn't like ta be touched unless she instigates it. She doesn't deal w/change very well either. She is 6 & they have learned how ta deal w/most o' her "issues." (I don't like that word but don't know any other way ta say it.) She likes the fleece blanket I made her. When she gets overwhelmed she will wrap up in it & it calms her down. I think a sensory quilt would be awesome. It would help him ta be able ta feel all kinds of textures. I recommend makin' the backing out o' whatever texture he likes the best. Taggies all around would be neat. Don't forgit textures that are opposite o' each other, like satin & denim.

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