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JeanieG 01-03-2014 01:03 PM

QuiltE will just love that block OK! Great Job!!!

Anael 01-03-2014 02:18 PM

I'm calling it a day! I sandwiched the next UFO, took me over an hour to get it right. Hopefully it will still be ok tomorrow :) I have to hide it from the KK :D

mirabelle 01-03-2014 02:28 PM

QNS that medallion quilt was made almost 8 years ago, haven't finished anything for this year:D:D yet

Welcome back DD nice to hear from you.

Carriem you will remember these times with your MIL as treasured memories.

Anael you go girl number three UFO about to be finished:thumbup:

Honchey I have all the notes so will send today via e-mail, I think I only need to send the first 6, just let me know if I forget any.

Have a great day everyone

QuiltE 01-03-2014 02:57 PM

Sorry folks .... but I don't think I am meant to chat with you tonight!

First ... I had a reply typed out, and accidentally erased it.
Started again.
Then had re-typed and continued on with more comments ... and then accidentally closed the tab when I switched between tabs.


So, sorry ... not going back to it all!

The eye candy has been a welcome site, amidst the bitter ccccccccccccold!

However, a personal note to OKSGlad ... --blink--blink--blink-- Am I getting mail??? :D:D:D Now that's quit the "finish"!! I am honoured! I will not peek! I will not peek!! I will not peek!!! (that is unless I am told to do so!) Obedient soul I am!! :D:D:D Though all those comments have me totally intrigued!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

To Carrie'sKids ... move to Ontario. School does not go back til Monday!
Carrie ... I am sure you are a good caregiver for your DMIL. Just be sure to have some downtime, to recharge your batteries and so you will not come to resent what you are doing ... IOW, share with your husband!

Remember that D4P I said I was working on? I'm not sure what I was thinking but it is a 4PP!!!!
(MiraB ... I even had the project box labelled as D4P :))
Anyways it is now all together and awaiting borders. Amazingly, I even know what that will be, so soon! The plan is to complete it as a flimsy with the backing cut and binding ready. Then set aside and do the same with two other near-to-finish quilt tops.

Keep Warm, Everyone except MiraB who should crank up that a/c!!! :D:D

oksewglad 01-03-2014 04:06 PM

Yes QE it's in the mail flying to Ontario--just got back from town. You won't believe how long it took for me to make it!

QuiltE 01-03-2014 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 6490921)
Yes QE it's in the mail flying to Ontario--just got back from town. You won't believe how long it took for me to make it!

Awwwwwwww sweeeeeeeeeet!
You have me worried as to what it might be! :D
Now for the huskies to make it thru all the snow with their dog sleds and not get frostbite.
Poor puppies!!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!

mirabelle 01-03-2014 04:54 PM

:D:D:D the air-con got turned on at 9am this morning so the house is nice and cool. I normally don't turn it on until noon but it was so hot this morning evening DH was complaining and said turn that @#$% thing on and cool this house down so like an obedient wife I did:D:D:D oooh my sewing room is so cool, plan to spend the day there

dublb 01-03-2014 05:14 PM

I got my MB from Jeanie! It's sure purdy! I did git it yesterday but didn't see it in the stack o' my stuff till taday. I'll git a pict tmarrow as taday was spent goin', w/DH, tryin' ta git the tags for DMIL's van. (She died last year.) DD drives it. So DH goes & stands in line for20 min.s. First they said that we had ta git the title inta DH's name. So he came home & we had ta find DMIL & DFIL's death certificates & the paper work showin' that DH had the right ta have the title. Then after standin' in line for 15 more min.'s (I went w/him this time) & talkin' ta the lady for 10 min.s, we were told that DMIL's credit Union still held the lien. Had ta run over there & git the lien release before goin' back ta stand in line again for 20 more min's. Finally this lady got everythin' done in a flash! It was 3:30pm & I was hungry 'cause we had been at it for about 4 hours, w/all that lookin' for paperwork & runnin' back & forth. It was just supposed ta be a quick run ta the county tax office after all & we were gonna pick up somethin' ta eat right after that. Then I took a nap!

JeanieG 01-03-2014 06:42 PM

I think you deserved a nap after all that running around dublb!

janRN 01-04-2014 04:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This is the block I made for Anne in November. I know she's been very busy so I thought I would post it for her. It's called North Carolina from 50 Fab PP Stars.[ATTACH=CONFIG]454677[/ATTACH]

janRN 01-04-2014 04:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I also know OKSewglad had been busy. This is the block I made for her in December. It's Grandmother's Favorite Star for Quilts for Rosie.[ATTACH=CONFIG]454678[/ATTACH]

Anael 01-04-2014 05:22 AM

When I saw those blocks I thought........they look familiar :) Perfect Jan!!

gardnergal970 01-04-2014 05:32 AM

Jan...really beautiful blocks! Thanks for posting them. Stay warm and safe. There is another round of weather coming.
OK...thinking if you and your family. Chores are always harder when weather gets severe.
Today I have to figure out what's wrong with my car. I moved it yesterday so DH could clear the parking place and before he got to the driveway, it just died. Battery seems to be good. I hope it was just a cold weather shiver and today it will be back to normal.

QuiltE 01-04-2014 05:34 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh myyyyyyy .... those are spectacular, JanRN!
..... and are perfect partners with the others they each have.

I'll add to the candy-fest ....
This was the one I sent to Honchey in December ....
(and its Lil Sister that I kept for myself)

QuiltE 01-04-2014 05:35 AM

MiraB .... 65!!!!!!!!!!!!

GGal ... oh dear! Good Luck with your car troubles. Hopefully it just needs some warmth!

oksewglad 01-04-2014 07:38 AM

Oh thanks for posting your blocks, Jan. I haven't taken pics yet, so really glad you shared. I just love the blue toile fabric with the birds. Will try to get a pic of them altogether. Such a pretty palette in the NC block.

QE the mini block is so sweet next to its big sister:thumbup:! I started doing this on the first block and then just saw it as a potential UFO and quit.

In a short time I will be on the road to a basketball game. GS# 1 is in a tournament 90 minutes away. He left with the coach this morning and Emily and I are going over for games 3 and 4 and bring him home. This is my alternative life--chores or be chauffeur? Good thing I like BB.

Have a great day.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-04-2014 07:41 AM

Beautiful blocks! Love them all...colorful and well pieced! Thanks JanRN for posting the two beautiful blocks.

GG, good luck on your car; hope it works out for you.

Dublb, hope today goes better for you.

Dh decided to had to go look at saws yesterday, so we started out fairly early for us and I got motion sickness driving, and turned it all over to him...never caught it before like yesterday. He did not buy the saw in K., but we had too then drive to my hometown for his medicine, so it wasted most of the day. I was so tired from it all, I slept in today...but have lots of things I want to do today...in the quilt room. Hoping to post Alabama in the 50 stars and post some pictures to Janie on the Irish Mist. Take care and have a good day folks!

Honchey 01-04-2014 07:58 AM

Oh Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Jan & QuiltE Such beautiful blocks...Gee, I wonder who they belong to :D :D :D...

I must say sorry to all of you for being so lax in getting the photos done..They are pretty aren't they...

Now to have my coffee and look at them again...

mirabelle 01-04-2014 02:09 PM

JanRN those are two beautiful blocks, love the North Carolina Star, pink and green, one of my favourite combinations and the blue rose toile fabric mmmmmmm so pretty.

Quilte that is a very pretty block also, such eye candy for this morning. Is that 65 ufo's you are owning up to :D:D:D

Now I have to take a pic of my 50 Stars block and post it on the thread and finish sewing my latest Spike block.

Oksewglad stay safe on the roads

Your weather made out national news last night and all I can say is WOW I could not imagine living in those conditions and having to dig yourself out of your homes and shovel snow. Please stay safe everyone.

QuiltE 01-04-2014 02:16 PM

MiraB .............. now 60!!!!!!!!!!
And noooooooooooo it is not about PhDs

........And your weather made it onto our news last night! :D
So even trade on the coverage. Oh for the contrast of our two extremes.
Today was a balmy -6C! :)
It really was quite loverly!

Guess what I picked up today?
(*hint* ...... at my sewing machine store)

deranged_damsel 01-04-2014 02:20 PM

~~~Giggles~~~ did I hear Mirabelle say she has not finished a single thing this year?......

Well get busy already will you! 4+ days!!!

:D :D :D

ahhhhh I missed you all :D

JeanieG 01-04-2014 02:24 PM

Oh my Jan and QuiltE, you outdid yourselves on those blocks! Beautiful!

I am working on my Alabama Star, my December Spike Block, and just finished getting Step 5 done on my Bonnie Hunter Mystery. I got the block and fabric out for my January MB, and need to finish two mini MB to be caught up on them. I decided I was going to use the Mini's as a border somehow on my MB quilt. I kind of like all the variety I have going! I can do PP, then switch to piecing. I never get bored at any rate!

JeanieG 01-04-2014 02:28 PM

Not another sewing machine QuiltE - maybe Sweet 16??? A late Christmas present to yourself???

Honchey 01-04-2014 02:31 PM

A serger???? what, what, what is it???

QuiltE 01-04-2014 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by deranged_damsel (Post 6492738)
~~~Giggles~~~ did I hear Mirabelle say she has not finished a single thing this year?......
Well get busy already will you! 4+ days!!!
:D :D :D
ahhhhh I missed you all :D

**more giggles**
Yes imagine that ... shame on her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missed you too DD!!!!!!!!!!!!

JeanieG .... that'd be a no, no and yes! :D
Honchey ... no again .... I don't "get" sergers, and so far have not seen a need for them, for me)

(*hint* sewing machine store sells more than sewing machines,
just that I call it that, being that is where I buy my machines!)

BTW ... Honchey ... does your Gallery sell the double headed quilting needles. I have been looking for them here and have not been able to find them. CarrieM does not have them at her LQS.

janRN 01-04-2014 02:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
QE, love the pink block and its little sister. I made 3 little ones then stopped, not knowing what I'd do with them. Jeanie I used 3" blocks in the border of my Pony quilt--I loved the look of them scattered around the corners.

Here's what I got in the mail today from DD--2 awesome blocks! Thank you, Candace![ATTACH=CONFIG]454734[/ATTACH]

QuiltE 01-04-2014 03:00 PM

can't stay and talk ... internet problems

Honchey ... please check your PMs

Honchey 01-04-2014 03:24 PM

Done QuiltE...

Machine needles or Hand sewing...I can order twin needles for machine sewing...I haven't seen them..I can check the fons & porter section to see if they have them....Maybe Clover might make them..check online...I did have them years ago..not that easy to use...you need to create a steady rhythm in order to get any actual sewing done...I couldn't do it..they are weird..the eye is in the middle of the needle!!!...

QuiltingNinaSue 01-04-2014 03:30 PM

3 Attachment(s)
It has been a good sewing day here; got the big stars for second Irish Mist done right! Posted in 50 stars the Alabama star and ready to post Sylvia blocks.[ATTACH=CONFIG]454758[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]454759[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]454760[/ATTACH]First picture is before they were sewn together, second one I held the camera in a twist, and third one is 6 inch blocks. Tomorrow is another day. Jan, nice blocks.

dublb 01-04-2014 04:07 PM

Taday was a busy one again but much more enjoyable. First as I was doin' my mornin' chores (which I do before I change outta my jammies) DH was online lookin' at scopes for one o' his rifles. He was gonna settle on a less expensive one rather than the one he really wanted. Our anniversary will be on the 14th so I went & got the envelope w/cash that I had socked away for his anniversary gift & told him not ta settle. Then I finished my chores & took a shower. So he ordered it & we went ta the bank ta deposit the $$ ta cover the order. The bank is next ta Academy Sportin' Goods. We stopped in there & both o' us bought some clothes. Then DH gassed up his truck. We then went ta Walgreens & picked up his eyedrops & I got some more Musinex D. Walgreens is next ta Handcock Fabrics so we went inta there & DH bought me a set o' cuttin' mats that clip tagether & become 70" long! :) (For part o' my anniversary.) Then we came home & had lunch. After lunch he told me ta go online & pick out several other things for my anniversary. After I picked a few things out we headed ta Bed Bath & Beyond & bought the curtain rods for the curtains I got in the mail last week. As we got home from there My DM called ta see if she & my DGM can come over. They were here for 2 hours. Now we are talkin' supper. I think we are gonna send #2DSon ta pick up Mexican food.

mirabelle 01-04-2014 09:28 PM

:D:D I think I finished 2013 off with a bang so am sliding slowly into 2014. All my projects are really half done so not a lot going on, unless you want to count the 3 Blankets of Love I have made, they are only 26 inches square so a small distraction.

So I have 8 Sylvia blocks, 3 Fab Stars, 10 Spike Blocks. Started another BOM from a blog I follow, made those 2 blocks today. Have 28 more stars to make and my Scrappy Stars will be an almost finish, started a Kaleidoscope for DD, made 2 blocks only 14 to go its going to be lap quilt. So have been busy, just that there is nothing to show for it YET!!!!!
So a Christmas gift for QuiltE, maybe a kit, maybe some yummy fabric, don't keep us in suspense we need to know:D

Missed you too DDamsel and beautiful blocks made for JanRN.

QNS you are also starting off the New Year with a bang, lots happening in your sewing room

QuiltingNinaSue 01-05-2014 06:53 AM

It is so good to be able to see again, Mirabelle! Right eye is seeing 300 percent better, hard to believe it was that bad. And since I spent so many $$$$$ on sewing tables and machines last year, I am going to enjoy everyone of them this year...especially when its so cold outside and we have to spend $$$$ keeping our 'barn' house warm. Have the stash, have a gallon of Best Press on hand and away I go...in ten different directions!:D:D:D:D:D

May have to unsubscribe to a few more quilt-letters, 'cause I am NOT spending $ on any special fabric 'deal' for a while...$ that I do not have. FabShopHop notified me of winning $10. in last October's hop...I wrote the Quilted Crow and passed the winning certificate on to the next person...nothing in my budget for that this month...the shops do the drawings to bring in more monies, with that money amount it never goes very far, and they are hoping to get ten fold back for their efforts of advertisement.

Cold weather and its effects is affecting our visits to QB PC site...less talk here than usual. Stay save and warm everyone , and have a good day.

Anael 01-05-2014 07:39 AM

You've got some beautiful blocks Jan!

QNS, it's great you're having your eye sight back! I don't know how it is not seeing well and I hope I never find out!

It's unusual warm here while it's unusual cold in the US. I went for a ride on my bike today, was great but I was glad to be home again. I've been quilting the next UFO, only needs binding.

deranged_damsel 01-05-2014 08:13 AM

GoodMorning Ladies :D

NinaSue!!! the kids devoured your snacks!!! there is only two little pieces of fudge left :D THANK YOU!!! for all you do ;)

Jan, Im glad your blocks arrived safely and you LIKE them :D

I have been sewing like crazy but have accomplished nothing! I get started on one thing and then have to pack it up and quit! I did lay out and number every block of PC so now I can sew it together, BB is almost done, I was working on two quilts for my nieces, and ran out of steam a seam and I dont think it is to be had in town... so quit for now. I have ALL of my Just takes two ready to go, except a couple of applique blocks I have to wait on.... SO yesterday I started another... SIGH!!!! I made a Medallion center :( :( :( it is SO pretty! why do I feel so guilty?

Have a good one ladies!

oksewglad 01-05-2014 09:55 AM

DDamsel-sometimes life is like that. I know all about interruptions--there's a 4 yo waiting to get on the computer here! Earlier it was "Please Gram--a cup of cocoa." Oh what fun blocks to Jan, too.

And I'm trying to get rid of UFO's--but I get so side tracked. QNS--how do you go 10 directions at once!! But what a treat to really see where you are going now! Are you getting snow? Think GGal will be in the path too.

I liked making the note cards for my QB's at Christmas--so made a few more. Here's the link:


Okay now to fix some food--what goes with hamburger---ooh chili would be good for today as the temps continue to plummet.

Honchey 01-05-2014 11:20 AM

Good Afternoon All, My plans have changed and I won't have to wait until the end of Jan. to go south...DH & I are leaving this Thursday for hopefully an extended stay..6 wks or more...I'll have internet while I'm down there thanks to my very nice new neighbor...I have to start packing...

Anael 01-05-2014 12:09 PM

I finished my UFO, 4 off the list :) :) I will take pictures tomorrow, it's too dark now.

QuiltingNinaSue 01-05-2014 12:22 PM

Anywhere it is warmer, Honchey, its a good place to be. Poor fowl are all too cold, we have done what we can to ease the cold with some warmth into their houses with 75 watt bulbs.

OKsewGlad, its creamy chicken and noodle time here...but not with chicken meat. Its a pork shoulder I cooked...it cost me about $10.00 at Wal Mart, and we have had four or five meals off of it, and still have half the meat in the refrigerator. Chopped up the fresh fruit from Christmas into a fresh fruit salad.

DD, if you look closer, there should be some 'quilty' stuff in that box. At least two or three things were in every box this year. I believe that Ok and GG got the small 'crystal light' squares I had picked up on our Iowa Shopping Days. About 10 whole column of a pin-selection were included in some, and 8 yellow pin cushions and several different quilt patterns in others. Still no word from the one sent to Australia...hope the plane did not dive into the ocean.

QuiltE 01-05-2014 12:54 PM

Sneaking on here and hoping I can get my "fix" without those annoying and dangerous pop ups.

Is no one else getting them??

Honchey.... it;s the hand quilting needles that I am interested in trying, two points with the eye in the middle. Being that I have not mastered hand quilting, I don;t have that learned skill to get in the way, and want to give them a try. Most here just look at me as though I am green and the rest say, no we don;t sell them.

Will disappear now and try to catch up on a few other threads first, just in case the nasties show again.

Stay Warm everyone ............ except for MiraB and Anael, looks like you don;t have any problems with that, right now!

JanieW 01-05-2014 01:05 PM

QuiltE, what browser are you using? I downloaded Adblock + to firefox because I couldn't stand those horrible toe fungus ads. No ads popping up since I did that.

As for your hand quilting needles, I think these are what you are talking about.

I have been happily sewing along on my Irish Mist quilt until today. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, measured several times and I believe my cutting is correct, but the two pieces I am supposed to join just do not fit. Grrrr. I googled and found several blogs where the people have successfully made the quilt, no mention of problems at this step so it must be me. I have an SOS out to my buddy QNS who is making this along with me. I feel so stupid. Hope she comes along soon so I can have a bang my forehead moment when she sets me straight. :)

Time to put it aside and go read as it is really bitter here today.

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