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sewbizgirl 07-15-2016 11:38 AM

Got beautiful plates in the mail today from JanRN and Bev dublb. Thanks for swapping, ladies! :)

QuiltingNinaSue 07-15-2016 01:16 PM

Will have to check today's mail. I got the one from JanRN. Neighbor RN nurse said dh needed to sit and air his nail-less big toe; so she took me to town and I mailed six envelopes out to those who wanted them. Yes, Honchey I mailed yours to NJ. JeanieG, Dublb, SBG, and JuneBilly have theirs in the mail, too. (Wonder whom I forgot to mention?) I wrote it all down and they all have tracking numbers. It was a very busy and rough morning for me...I finally had time to eat lunch at 3 pm. I am tired. Time to relax and maybe take a nap.

Take care everyone.

dublb 07-15-2016 03:54 PM

Today was much cooler!http://www.quiltinghaven.com/Smileys/default/smiley.gif We have been cleaning carpets all day. DF?HOusekeeper came & helped. Some rooms are gonna have to be cleaned again. We have a spot in the front bathroom where #2DSon spilled about half a bottle of Tide. After my DF/housekeeper left. (Gosh she did a lot!) DH & I just used water & worked on that Tide spot. We took turns & worked on it for about 3 hours. Each of us would use up all the water in the Rug Dr. When we refilled the other one would work on it. We still have about half of the house to clean! (Not to mention the rooms that need to be gone over again.)
I want to state here that I hate white carpets!

sewbizgirl 07-15-2016 04:40 PM

Oh dear, Bev... I hate any wall to wall carpets. But... white? How can you ever stay on top of that? Sounds like it's going to be super clean when you get done.

My daughter and SIL are considering buying the house they have been renting. She pulled up the carpet in one area and found beautiful hardwood floors underneath. So that carpet will be the first thing to go if they buy the house.

I am working on my 6th Row by Row now. Every shop I've talked to lately is still waiting for a winner, so maybe it will be ME. I'm not rushing, tho. It just seems wide open, and if I finish I'll take it in somewhere.

Tomorrow is the big quiltathon day in my charity group. We are sewing together so I will need to get my stuff ready to go. May work on a Quick Strippie quilt.

Have a lovely evening!

oksewglad 07-15-2016 11:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I think my flimsy will upload now[ATTACH=CONFIG]554025[/ATTACH]...pulled out another UFO to work on, but decided to work on a smaller project...

SBG you are really getting those rows worked on....

Carpet....yikes....white carpet....did not put carpet on the main floor here. Amazed at all the dirt that I sweep up and can't imagine that getting ground into carpet...time to go to bed.....

sewbizgirl 07-15-2016 11:09 PM

Gladdie, that turned out spectacular! <3<3<3 Those colors are soothing and restful... the perfect thing to sleep under! Bravo.

sewbizgirl 07-15-2016 11:10 PM

Finished row #6 tonight... :o

Honchey 07-16-2016 03:53 AM

Hellooooo Ladies, I've been busy working this week, today also and I'm just so tired when I get home in the evening. I'm remembering when doing all this was a snap in my younger days..I've been really feeling my age lately..

I received plates from Jan, Bev & Sewbiz so far...I have the plates for you guys ready to go just don't have the get up & go right now..Will send them next week.

It has to be the heat & travel to & fro that's doing it..it usually takes me 40 minutes without any traffic but these last couple of days it's been an hour and 20 minutes each way with all the vacation travellers...i have to travel major highways to work...

I also have white carpets that has specs of tan, grey & black in them and I think it's time for them to go after 23 years...They held up very good until the last 2-3 years..

Lovely Quilt OK :)

Givio, getting a bundle of scraps ready for you tomorrow...

Have a good weekend all of you...H.

JuneBillie 07-16-2016 09:35 AM

Oksewglad that is so pretty. I agree nice calm colors and pretty design. Great Job!

We use to have carpet in our living room, and both bedrooms. Well, we still have it in the bedrooms, but it will be coming out. I like the feel of it under my feet in the bedrooms especially, but with doggies it is not the best of ideas. When we first got our house we only had one tiny dog that wasn't a problem, but later on after our love for dogs of all sizes took over we knew as we replaced the flooring it would be tile or hard wood type floors.

SBG your row by rows are just the prettiest. I have never tried one, but hopefully someday. I think I would like to make one as a wall hanging for our master bedroom.

Today I am sewing on one of the blocks you girls have done from this past Tuesday. I love the way it goes together.

Bev I need to get everyone on here together to come and help me clean. :D

Well, I think we may get a shower, because I just heard some thunder. My little dog you see in my avatar is scared like you wouldn't believe of thunder, but one of my mid size dogs are too. My Lil'Anne could care less and just sleeps.
She is a Golden Retriever, the other mid size is Matilda and she is an Australian Shepard. Then the tiny one in the avatar is Bonnie, and she is a Yorkie. I got the Yorkie from someone that was going to give her away. I had never had one of those, and I love her so much. The Australian Shepard I got the same way, and Lil'Anne was from the Australian Shepard when I didn't take her soon enough to get spayed, but she did get spayed. All of them are. I think I lost a year of my life last night with me and hubby both trying to give Bonnie a chewy square that keep away any fleas and ticks. They are costly so it was going down her one way or another. The other dogs love them, but Bonnie is so so stubborn, and you would think we were torturing her. We even had to break it apart and hide it in a pepperoni. It made no difference to her though, because she knew she had to do it.

Enough of my stories for today. :)

givio 07-16-2016 11:26 AM

gladdie, that's a beautiful quilt! Looks like something to celebrate fall.

The shop hop offered rows for quilting, but most of them were raw edge, fused type applique, and I didn't want them. I'd like to do a row quilt, or, especially, a round robin quilt, and I've looked at the threads on QB for it, but didn't try it yet... If you girls here wanted to do a round robin, my! but wouldn't I jump in with enthusiasm for it!! I'm in another quilting group that starts with a 6" square, then mails it, and we add a 3" border, but only until the block is 24". I'd like to continue bigger until the piece is about 60" but the size was determined before I joined the group. And I wish it was a 6" border instead of 3" because that would give more options of what you could do when it was your turn.

QNS, great looking recipe. I don't have any nuts, and don't want to go out, so I made brownies this morning. But I wish my plate looked like the one in your picture. lol

sewbizgirl 07-16-2016 12:20 PM

Glad to see all the chatter today, ladies! Nice nut bread, QNS. At our quilting meeting today, one of the ladies brought homemade zucchini bread... YUM. She put some coconut in it too.

My dog is just as terrified of thunder and sky noises, including hard rain. He's a big boy... I got him a thunder shirt made by the AKC, but he sort of pouts when he has to wear it. It may make him hot.

Givio, some of my rows are that raw edged fused applique (straight stitched close to the edge). That quilt isn't likely to be washed so I think it will be fine.

I wish I could find someone in Baton Rouge LA to buy me a kit I want! Also Fairbanks Alaska. ;)

dublb 07-16-2016 12:57 PM

#1DSon (the 31 yro) has been accepted into Pre Med & our county Hospital is gonna pay for it! In a year & a half he will go to the University North Texas for medical school.

sewbizgirl 07-16-2016 01:15 PM

Wow... great news, Bev! :thumbup:

JeanieG 07-16-2016 01:56 PM

Great quilt OK! I got dublb license plate today. Thank you, mine are ordered, just have not gotten them yet.

Dublb - the only place I have carpet in my house is the living room. All the halls, kitchen and baths are ceramic tile, and the bedrooms are all laminate. I cannot believe how much dust I sweep up from the laminate and tile floors, that use to go into the carpets. It is amazing!!!

oksewglad 07-16-2016 03:15 PM

Thanks on the quilt comments..

How proud you must be, Bev...best of luck to him...

JeanieG 07-16-2016 07:26 PM

Congrats to you son dublb! That is marvelous!

JuneBillie 07-17-2016 12:54 AM

Oh Bev congratulations to your son. You must be so happy and proud. :)

Honchey 07-17-2016 04:49 AM

How wonderful for your son Bev..

QuiltingNinaSue 07-17-2016 06:48 AM

Yea for DS#1 have great success in his path to become a doctor, Dublb. I also received your 'license plate' from you. You will be receiving what I sent next week at Midland address.

All license plates were mailed on Friday and I have tracking numbers if any get lost... let me know.

Need to work on the next two FW 1930 blocks today. Almost done with border for DS trellis quilt...found a few mistakes I need to correct, and then sew it on...I have been forever trying to get this far on the top border. Feels so good to get this far.

May everyone have a great weekend and a great week coming up.

dublb 07-17-2016 11:06 AM

Thanks Ya'll. He had decided to go back to school to become a nurse but his A&P prophesier insisted that he talk to a someone in charge of the nursing/medical studies. When he got there this was the program they wanted him to apply for. And to think 5 or 6 months ago he was laid off & didn't know what he was gonna do.

sewbizgirl 07-17-2016 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 7603967)
Thanks Ya'll. He had decided to go back to school to become a nurse but his A&P prophesier insisted that he talk to a someone in charge of the nursing/medical studies. When he got there this was the program they wanted him to apply for. And to think 5 or 6 months ago he was laid off & didn't know what he was gonna do.

Wow... that is awesome. We are always in need of dr.s and nurses. So will he be obligated to work for a while at the county hospital, to pay back his tuition? I think those are great programs!

Well girls, I have 7 rows of a row x row quilt completed! I am waiting on one more pattern to come in the mail. I think that will be my last... or I might squeak a 9th pattern in there. I don't think there are many "winners" around here yet, so I may win a prize if I hurry up and complete it. Hey, better get those license plates in the mail to me, so I can put them in my quilt!

This last row had hundreds of pieces (not applique nor paper pieced) to build Graceland. Whew. Like one of our 1930's blocks on steroids!

When I finish this quilt I'd like to do some of the pretty row patterns I have from 2015... maybe 4 of them in a wall hanging for my sewing area. There were some real beauties last year. This year I don't like probably 90% of the row patterns. My favorite state is Alaska for the most beautiful patterns.

Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday rest.

JeanieG 07-17-2016 03:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I finished the flimsy of my Bonnie Hunter Mystery for this year Allietare. It went together well for all the pieces. I changed the border, as I saw one that another person did and preferred it. This is the longest I have taken to finish one of her mystery quilts.

oksewglad 07-17-2016 03:23 PM

Ooooh sew nice, Jeanie...one thing a bout a BH one can expect lots of pieces....

sewbizgirl 07-17-2016 06:56 PM

Gorgeous Allietare, Jeanie! Mine is still in the process of being assembled. I got overwhelmed and moved on to other stuff... quilter's A.D.D. Plus mine is in the upstairs sewing room and I haven't been up there in a while. Out of sight, out of mind, for sure. Thanks for the reminder that mine is still waiting for me!

Shame on me... I still have Grand Illusion and two other Bonnie quilts (not mysteries) waiting to be quilted. They are so big that I procrastinate.

JeanieG 07-17-2016 07:12 PM

I still have Easy Street, Grand Illusion, and now Allietare to sandwich and quilt. I am in the process of quilting Celtic Solstice - about half done. I'll be glad when we are finished with this FWS 30's quilt squares, then I can get back to my backlog. I have so many UFO's of which FWS 30's will be another. Some things need only a border, sashing, or putting the blocks together, then into the to-be-quilted stack they go. They seem to be in many stages!

sewbizgirl 07-17-2016 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by JeanieG (Post 7604309)
I still have Easy Street, Grand Illusion, and now Allietare to sandwich and quilt. I am in the process of quilting Celtic Solstice - about half done. I'll be glad when we are finished with this FWS 30's quilt squares, then I can get back to my backlog. I have so many UFO's of which FWS 30's will be another. Some things need only a border, sashing, or putting the blocks together, then into the to-be-quilted stack they go. They seem to be in many stages!

At least you are making some pretty patterns. You'll have some good quilts when they are done.

JuneBillie 07-17-2016 10:16 PM

Oh JeanieG that quilt is just beautiful. Such pretty colors in all those nice patterns. You must be so proud to have it done thus far. :)

I have my Ruby block done with a minor blooper, because my eyes were so dry. I have it posted.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-18-2016 05:25 AM

Forward progress is wonderful, ladies. JeanieG I can really appreciate your success of your progress. Wonderful colors and finished top!

I am almost done with the border for DS trellis quilt...it has been too many years in progress. I hope to finish up at least three quilt tops this week. And take at least three others to quilters next week.

Back to the Dr. this Tuesday for DH; and they will remove the nail on his left big toe. Too much inflection under them for a diabetic two. But he is doing so much better than i thought he would. BIL will be down on Thursday to mow the yard, garden and orchard. Young hen ducks are in their new pen that DH finished yesterday. They remind us of the old cartoons of Baby Huey...

Take care everyone...and celebrate each day this week.

sewbizgirl 07-18-2016 07:59 AM

NinaSue, please show us that trellis quilt when you get the borders on!

dublb 07-18-2016 09:41 AM

I love OK & Jennie's finished quilts. They are both lovely examples of Bonnie Hunter Quilts. I have Talking Turkey almost cut out. It is one of over 50 UFO's that I put in bins to store under the beds in Brady.
We are still cleaning the carpet. We are cleaning the carpet in my bed room. The place that the dogs sleep has to be gone over again & again. Taking a lunch break right now.

sewbizgirl 07-18-2016 04:33 PM

Oh my goodness! :shock: Those babies are so adorable, QNS! I can't stand it... so yellow and fuzzy with those cute little ducky faces. I'd be picking them up all day. Will they be white ducks when grown?

Got your plates today, and also Givio's ... YAAAAAAAYYYY! RxR fun.

JuneBillie 07-18-2016 06:11 PM

Oh My Goodness QNS, those ducky babies are the cutest. I love ducks. My daughter in law use to have some ducks.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-18-2016 06:18 PM

If you recall 'Baby Huey' of the Donald Duck family, that describes them. They are Giant White Pekin Hen Ducks, and grow bigger than the average duck and lay more eggs. Dh loves his duck eggs for breakfast and I love to bake with them. Truly a professional chef' s choice of eggs.

SBG, I glad you are delighted with your 'license plats' mailed to you from me. Enjoy.

JeanieG 07-18-2016 07:19 PM

I got your license plates today also QNS! They are awesome! Mine are not here yet, I should have taken the time to go to the quilt shop and pick them up! I cannot believe they have not arrived!

givio 07-18-2016 07:43 PM

Cute ducklings! If I lived in the country, I'd like some! :-)

Honchey 07-19-2016 05:52 AM

Good Morning Everyone, Lots of "quacking" going on here..everyone is busy, busy, busy...

I received your "plates" yesterday NIna, they are wonderful. love all the different sayings...

DH & I have been busy car shopping the last week or so..finally decided on Hyunday Santa Fe Sport...We're picking it up today... DS's car broke down so DH is giving him his car...

My grandson is staying with us today and he needs my attention now so I'll see y'all later..

Have a good day everyone..H.

sewbizgirl 07-19-2016 07:21 AM

Car shopping does take a lot of time! Especially car buying.... I went to Memphis to see the kids last weekend and planned only to go to quilt shops for RxR stuff, and the few remaining Hancock's liquidations. My SIL sells cars now and the kids have been bugging me to trade in my CRV with over 200,000 miles on it. With the long trips I make alone, they want me to be safe! So about two whole days were eaten up looking at cars and making a decision and then trading my car in. But, I love the new car (Rav 4) and I'm glad they forced me to deal with it.

One great thing, the CRV seats were never comfortable and I have disc degeneration at the bottom of my spine. I was riding with a lumbar cushion and had developed BAD sciatic pain when driving for more than 30 minutes at a time. The seats on the new car fit my back so much better and I don't need the lumbar cushion at all. After a week of driving in the new car, I'm not having the sciatica anymore! Woo hoo.... That's worth all the tea in China.

QuiltingNinaSue 07-19-2016 07:26 AM

I started this once and Microsoft interrupted and updated files for nearly an hour.

Dh has decided he could not go out this morning and chore so yours truly was elected to go out and do the chores. Not all the files are moved from the old computer to the new one, so I am trying to get more of my quilt pictures on to a "stick" or flash drive and into the new computer. LHope it works. I printed off a bunch in contact print; cannot believe how many pictures I have in Picaso.

Thanks for letting me know you received my packet I sent to you. Its what I wanted to do. It does continue until in September, so there just might be more coming your way. Time will tell its story.

Take care; remember this day shall not come again in our life time, so enjoy and celebrate today.

oksewglad 07-19-2016 01:15 PM

We have flash flood watches in our area...expecting heavy rain, but we have had close to 5" in the past 10 days so ground is wet and the creeks/rivers are full....we can't control Mother Nature.

I have sewn 3 projects in the past 2 days at work...2 Triangle frenzy runners using a 10 1/2" cut...took longer to cut them out than to sew...today made a large wall hanging using a Christmas panel...again longer to cut than to sew...used striped border fabric and mitered the corners, sobbing had to cut and match carefully...home early so feet are up and maybe a bit of a nap as MrOK is nowhere to be found....jeez he could've left a note....

Oooh new wheels...always a nice feeling, isn't it? No back pain, a plus, SBG....

Love the quackers....Huey, Louie, and Dewey.......

sewbizgirl 07-19-2016 06:56 PM

Finished my row quilt... It's here:

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