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Honchey 05-15-2012 04:52 PM

The FWS Pony Club week 19 Good Cheer & Girl's Favorite Photo Page
Hi Y'All, All the blocks from last week were truly great!!! and I did look in to check all the eye candy....now how about a repeat performance and do it again!!! H.

QuiltingNinaSue 05-15-2012 05:24 PM

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]335610[/ATTACH]Miss Merry Holly rides on!! Good Cheer to all!!! Used a light under the block so it glows with cheer.[ATTACH=CONFIG]335611[/ATTACH]Girls Joy is a cowgirl's kerchief that wipes her teary eyes in joy and sorrow. The center shows the source of her problems: a man, of course!!! Scarlet and black was the HS colors, and was the color of every school I worked for except one. So scarlet and black flys high today...everyone be on your guard because the game is very hard...fight, fight, fight. Charge!!! So come on, gals show your blocks...

carriem 05-15-2012 05:31 PM

QNS--very nice blocks!

Can't wait to see more blocks!!

QuiltE 05-15-2012 07:23 PM

Honchey ... so good of you to stick with us, despite your sorrows. I hope that we can give you some Good Cheer and a Favourite or two! :)

QNSue ... I was thinking that your Good Cheer looked like stained glass! It's a beauty. *chuckle* the source of her problems! Gee, your schools sure didn't have much variety or originality in colours! :) Great colour choices for both.

oksewglad 05-15-2012 09:16 PM

What a great start, QNS! You keep that quilting bar so high for us. Maybe if it rains I can get to the sewing room this week.

mirabelle 05-16-2012 02:33 AM

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Here are mine for this week, almost forgot it was Wednesday:D

Love your blocks QNS and as always a wonderful story to go with them.

QuiltingNinaSue 05-16-2012 04:10 AM

Love your "rose" theme, mirabelle. Keeps me looking at the site with rose colored glasses. Beautiful.

gardnergal970 05-16-2012 04:47 AM

QNSue...I too thought the Good Cheer looked like stained glass. Really pretty. And you still found a little girl to fussy cut for Girls' Favorite. I think you have fun figuring out just how to keep those little faces or horses showing up.

Mirabelle...I have my pages set so the page I first see is the last one anyone posts on. I always just go to where I have last read and scroll up. As i was scrolling up, I knew before I saw your name that I was looking at your blocks. They are always so distinctive both with color choices and workmanship. Just beautiful.

I'll post my pictures in a few minutes. I have to fire up my laptop to upload them and I'm still enjoying my morning coffee.

gardnergal970 05-16-2012 05:23 AM

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Here are my blocks. Thanks for looking.

wendiq 05-16-2012 06:21 AM

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I did get mine done for this week. I made subs for last week, but certainly enjoyed seeing what y'all posted.
GNS, Mirabelle, and GG970.....I like all I see......GNS, I love your description of your blocks.....I, too, put a man in the center of my Girl's Favorite.......just seemed appropriate for my mood at the time. My Good Cheer is just fabric I had while waiting for some horse fabric I had ordered......

QuiltingNinaSue 05-16-2012 07:02 AM

Gardengal and wendiq, great blocks. Love your colors in your blocks. And your points are wonderful, unlike mine, but I am going to live with mine 'cause dgs will like it anyhow...dd too. Little rascal can count to 20, knows all his colors, can play Uno like a teenager, and wished his grandma 'happy mothers day' this year...he turns four at the end of May.

JanieW 05-16-2012 07:28 AM

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Great blocks again everybody. I marvel each week at the variety and how different we can make the same block look.



janRN 05-16-2012 08:13 AM

Another great Wednesday--my favorite day of the week.

QNS, your blocks are so cheery and bright-they always make me smile (like you!).

Mirabelle, I always get a sense of peace and calm when I look at your beautiful blocks. I like how you've kept your background constant and wish I'd have done that.

Wendiq, I love the shades of green you used, very fresh and show off your beautiful piecing.

JanieW, beautiful work. I love the Good Cheer, nice bright Christmasy colors and that cowboy kitty is too cute.

You ladies never cease to amaze me with your choice of colors and your workmanship (workwomanship?).

deranged_damsel 05-16-2012 11:13 AM

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NICE blocks ladies!!!

here are mine for the week :D

JeanieG 05-16-2012 11:48 AM

Beautiful blocks everyone. Mine are cut out, but will have to wait till we get home tomorrow before I can get to work on them! It is so fun to see what everyone does with the blocks. Such great variation!

janRN 05-16-2012 01:32 PM

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I thought these were a little easier than usual, lots of pieces but went together without a lot of problems.

QuiltingNinaSue 05-16-2012 02:56 PM

Outstanding job, JanRN. Lovely colors and sharp blocks.

janRN 05-16-2012 05:17 PM

DD very pretty blocks. Love the blue/white combo--looks crisp and fresh.

dublb 05-16-2012 07:23 PM

I almost forgot it was Wed. I do have this weeks blocks cut out, along with several that I'm behind on. I've been side railed again. Puttin' tile in the Kitchen. (Actually we are still pullin' the old stuff up.)
Ya'll have the most beautiful blocks! I love seein' 'em. Each is unique in it's own way.

QuiltE 05-16-2012 08:08 PM

OKSGlad ... I'll hope for rain for you ... to be able to sew and to help the hay and crops grow! :)

MiraB ... Beautiful and perfect, as always!! And such a different look with the red/white and the softness of the green, both with the different but similar dark blue mult-prints.

GGal ... Love the contrasts of those two ... soft and subtle for the one, and thje brighter pink with the subdued print. Perfect and pointy!

WendiQ .. look at all your FC work! Well done! and some bandana fabric in the next one. A nice mix of fabrics for sure!

JanieW ... Now there's a beautiful Christmas block and then a fun kitty playing in the spring. You're right into this PC spirit!

DDamsel ... All your blocks are so soft and delicate. And so well put together. I forget ... are you hand piecing? or did I dream that?

JanRN ... ooohhh ... these look like they were picked right out of QNSue's gardens! You've been usg quite a few florals and some lovely blenders to contrast with them. And look at how square and pointy you've got them! Wouldn't that make for an interesting quilt? .... all florals, just as GrannyQ and DDamsel are doing all blues.

This is a long weekend coming up for us ... Victoria Day to celebrate the Queen's birthday. I'm looking forward to the bonus day off ... and can you guess what my plans are?? :)

Am I still making sense? .,... I was bound I was catching up on threads before hitting the proverbial haystack!
Good Night Ladies!!

mirabelle 05-16-2012 08:15 PM

Everyones blocks are so beautiful, what a wonderful show of talent each week.

gardnergal970 05-17-2012 05:13 AM

Wendig...I really like your blocks. Great color combos in both.

JanieW...such a cute kitty and the other block really pops with the contrasting color. Good work.

DDamsel...you and the barbed wire....again you got them all going the right direction. Very nice!

JanRN...I love your fabric choices for these blocks. I'm glad you had time to enjoy making them with us. I too found that they weren't difficult to put together.

QuiltE...how many UFO's do you plan to have done for the LQS challenge? Nice that you can count the FWQ as one of them. Enjoy your day off.

wendiq 05-17-2012 06:51 AM

Janie W....that kittie is just too cute......a cowboy kittie.....where did you ever find such darling fabric?!

DD.....your stripes are perfect....you are one brave lady!

JanRN.....Always nice blocks.....I found this fairly easy, too.....lots of pieces and time consuming, but easy.....I listen to books while I sew, so easy and uncomplicated suits me just fine....:)

Honchey.....hope you're doing OK.....so nice of you not to forget us all here....I don't think we are forgetting you.....

QuiltE 05-17-2012 06:16 PM

GGal ... The Challenge started back in October and runs thru to the end of May. I've taken several to register, though haven't taken any back yet to provide the finished evidence. Most of those finishes were the weekend before last and now the FWS is done. We pay $2 for each entry, and then the number of "points" are assigned according to the size of the finished product. Wonder if it's according to the measured size? or the # of pieces? If so I should get a gazillion points for that FWS!!! :) I keep meaning to take a pic of what I have finished up, but it just hasn't happened. Hopefully this weekend, being that I am in the last stretch and have the FWS done.

As for what and how many ... right now all are done but one ... one table runner, three small table toppers, a bunch of mug rugs, and my first Mini!!! The last one I registered is a printed panel that I used for a "learn to machine quilt" class. It's never got finished, so now's the time. I'm debating how much work I'll put into it, as I'm not sure how much I like it, or can come to like it or what I'll do with it. I could call it quits and trim and bind it, though I'm thinking of the continuing theme of "learn to quilt" and might do some QAYG trials with it.

So let's hope the world is good to me this weekend and leaves me alone to sew and sew!!! :)

dublb 05-17-2012 07:31 PM

Life; leave QuiltE alone & let her quilt this weekend!

QuiltE 05-17-2012 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by dublb (Post 5224970)
Life; leave QuiltE alone & let her quilt this weekend!

Thank you, DublB .... it's now all up to you!

You see, life wasn't so good to me last weekend, and I didn't get much done.
And I know next weekend won't be "my" quilting time ... as I'm taking a course, both days and so, won't have much time to myself beyond the course. Then the following week, I go out of town the end of the week and the next one after is booked up the whole weekend with an assortment. In other words, the last weekend that should be all to me and my machine! :)

dublb 05-17-2012 08:26 PM

Here's hopin' for a great weekend for all o' us.

mirabelle 05-17-2012 10:25 PM

Don't forget to breathe QuiltE, it sounds like you are going to be one busy lady for the next few weeks

QuiltE 05-18-2012 03:27 AM

Originally Posted by mirabelle (Post 5225129)
Don't forget to breathe QuiltE, it sounds like you are going to be one busy lady for the next few weeks

Ha! ... I go back to work in between, for the break! :D

oksewglad 05-18-2012 10:37 AM

Pant**Pant** sounds like QE is catching a breath. Lots of accomplishments. Guess it's the fix to tide you over for no sew time. You know I want to see that mini!!
Jackpot for me yesterday. Quilt guild friend was cleaning her sewing room and gifted a huge bag of scraps for my minis. First order is to make one for her as a TY gift--but who know when that's going to happen. Taking a break from outside work. Last night had kiddos so nothing accomplished. When they left had to put together an ad for our national breed magazine. Was 1:30 AM when I emailed that off. Why am I tired??

QuiltE 05-18-2012 04:44 PM

Now, let me see ... I wonder why you are tired, OKSGlad? Whatever would it be?? :D Keep those ads going in! A bit of exciting cow news for me ... at the Jersey Spring Sale, the top of the sale was a fresh 3 yo consigned by a neighbour of mine, and the sire was the one we'd bred! Now to keep this of "quilt interest" ... the buyer was the son and DIL of one of the posters here on the QB!

I promise I promise I promise ... Mini photo this weekend! Got home tonight and finally got my lawn furniture out. About time, right? Pulled some weeds that had shown their little faces and watered some new hostas I'd picked up on the way home. Things are dry here ... soybeans are being planted and the soil is like dust! Hot weekend planned and no rain in site. Not good!

oksewglad 05-18-2012 07:04 PM

Great news QE! and to think that new owners are QB connected!
Another reason to be tired tonight. I have not forgotten how to drive a tractor and chop alfalfa for haylage--good four hours of refresher course late this afternoon. On my drive home from the field. DS is following a heifer from the SFarm. Looks like another cow to milk tonight--new calf was a bull-can't have everything.

QuiltE 05-19-2012 03:38 AM

I know ... it was funny how we "met" ... just a few comments here and there and I "knew" she had to be the MIL of a young gal we'd known thru the Jerseys. <sigh> for the new arrival NOT being dressed in pink! At least the tractor job should be easier on the body, than the parlour! :D

dublb 05-19-2012 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltE (Post 5227412)
I know ... it was funny how we "met" ... just a few comments here and there and I "knew" she had to be the MIL of a young gal we'd known thru the Jerseys. <sigh> for the new arrival NOT being dressed in pink! At least the tractor job should be easier on the body, than the parlour! :D</sigh>

Wow that is neet!

JeanieG 05-20-2012 07:46 PM

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At last I got this weeks blocks finished. I had them cut out before I left on our Camping Trip, so that helped.

QuiltE 05-21-2012 03:37 AM

Oh JeanieG ... those are lovely. The contrasts really make them. Your colours make them look so different from the ones we've seen already. Once again, how different frabrics give different looks1

mirabelle 05-21-2012 04:12 AM

JeanieG what beautiful blocks, have fun on your camping trip

janRN 05-21-2012 04:32 AM

Love your blocks Jeanie; such bright colors. You're going to have such a happy quilt!

gardnergal970 05-21-2012 04:44 AM

And all the hats are tipped for the Girls' Favorite! The fussy cutting for the geese is over the top. Wonderful blocks, JeanieG.

Termi 05-23-2012 05:46 PM

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Nice work and beautiful blocks all!! I just had no time to list you all individually but you know who you are. That's right, it's all of you!! I barely had time to get mine done. Seemed like Good Cheer took forever. Here are mine.

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