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-   -   The FWS Quilt-Along Week 26 Photo Page for Blocks 51 & 52 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/fws-quilt-along-week-26-photo-page-blocks-51-52-a-t94022.html)

jojosnana 01-28-2011 08:11 PM

All the blocks are great.

grannyQ 01-28-2011 08:58 PM

Originally Posted by Lisabet

Originally Posted by grannyQ
Pretty blocks rw, weezie & jan. Here are mine.

I hope you don't mind & become upset but I thought I would let you know before you go on any further that the Hovering Birds block doesn't look right in the bottom row. The lighter triangle seems to be in the wrong position.

Not at all, I didn't like the colors of this block anyway, so I think I'll just redo it. Thank's again.

Quilting Nonnie 01-30-2011 01:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I've got #51 done. My scan darkened up the top corners, don't know why...whoever does when the computer acts up!??###%%#!!

BTW, every once and awhile you'll see a basting stitch on an outside block. If there is a pp with just one little block on it, I baste around it in the area between the edge of the block and the seam allowance. It's so the piece will stay put and not wrinkle or fold when I'm joining it to another piece.

Hovering Hawks

Honchey 01-30-2011 02:26 PM

Hi, Any of you who wish to send Muriel a card can PM me for her address. Anne

violetsfarm 01-31-2011 08:13 AM

Mirabelle you have done a real nice job getting all your points lined up. Keep up the good work. Violet

violetsfarm 01-31-2011 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by Quilting Nonnie
I've got #51 done. My scan darkened up the top corners, don't know why...whoever does when the computer acts up!??###%%#!!

BTW, every once and awhile you'll see a basting stitch on an outside block. If there is a pp with just one little block on it, I baste around it in the area between the edge of the block and the seam allowance. It's so the piece will stay put and not wrinkle or fold when I'm joining it to another piece.

That is how I sew my paper piecing also. I usually crop out the scan for this posting so the little thread doesn't show. Helps me get the margins straight. Violet

Quilting Nonnie 01-31-2011 05:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And here's #52!

Did anyone else use the pp pattern from the Yahoo group? One of the pieces is backwards. It's the piece to the right of units C & E. You just have to put the material on the same side as the printing and it will work fine.

Hovering Hawks

JAGSD 01-31-2011 06:22 PM

Ladies your blocks are looking wonderful and so pretty! I have been attending the BHSS stock show and quilt show so hopefully will be back to the sewing in a couple days.EEk now I'm a week behind almost 2...

violetsfarm 02-01-2011 05:29 AM

Originally Posted by Quilting Nonnie
And here's #52!

Did anyone else use the pp pattern from the Yahoo group? One of the pieces is backwards. It's the piece to the right of units C & E. You just have to put the material on the same side as the printing and it will work fine.

Yes, I discovered that too. I have had problems with a few of the pp patterns but I really think my blocks are better because of them and really appreciate whoever made them. Violet

Evie 02-01-2011 03:45 PM

2 Attachment(s)
As always, everyone's blocks are lovely. QuiltingNinaSue, I like your block 52; my late husband was a Hawkeye! Here are my blocks for the week.

Block 51 -- Hovering Birds

Block 52 -- Hovering Hawks

violetsfarm 02-02-2011 06:21 AM

Evie - Your blocks are stunning. Violet

Jagsd3 02-05-2011 04:31 AM

Evie your blocks are beautiful!

Quilting Nonnie 02-05-2011 10:30 AM

Evie--two more winners! I can't wait to see your quilt when it's finished. It will be stunning.

Evie 02-05-2011 11:19 AM

Thank you, ladies. I think it's coming along nicely, although I'm not sure what I'll use for sashing. I can't believe we're almost halfway through. It's been a fantastic journey to date.

violetsfarm 02-05-2011 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by Evie
Thank you, ladies. I think it's coming along nicely, although I'm not sure what I'll use for sashing. I can't believe we're almost halfway through. It's been a fantastic journey to date.

I don't know what to use for sashing either, mine is scrappy.

Jagsd3 02-09-2011 03:25 PM

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Here I am..... Finally, with my 4" Block 51 and Block #52
Rather than hovering birds and hawks mine should be called hovering flowers.
I decided I needed some lighter colors added in to my group.

4" Block # 51- Hovering Birds- Scrappy

4" Block #52 Hovering Hawks-Scrappy

Honchey 02-27-2011 01:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm playing catch up with a bunch of blockss. I got this one done today. Anne

Bkock # 51 Hoverng Birds

mirabelle 02-27-2011 02:33 PM

Beautiful blocks everyone

Quilting Nonnie 02-27-2011 05:03 PM

Anne, your blocks are beautiful. I love the 6" block! Wonderful contrast and color.

Honchey 04-03-2011 12:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Honchey
I'm playing catch up with a bunch of blockss. I got this one done today. Anne

Here's another catch up block...# 52 Hovering Hawks.

Block # 52 Hovering Hawks

QuiltE 11-28-2011 09:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh that was fun ... visiting and admiring all your blocks!
Do you find you smile when you see a fabric from your stash? I'm usually amazed, just because of the country differences, that I see the same. I am encouraged to use a grassy fabric from my stash. I was looking at it the other day, and was worried it'd just be a disaster ... then I saw QNinaSue's which is very similar. So watch for it to appear in a block coming your way very soon!!!

And for tonight, it was sure nice to have two simpler blocks.
#51 -- Hovering Birds ...
#52 -- Hovering Hawks ... some sparkly hawks here!

oksewglad 11-30-2011 03:07 PM

Everytime I run through a new week's thread (new to me) I find it to be a humbling experience. The workmanship you quilters exhibit is phenomenal from the very first images to the latest pics. I find myself striving to perfect these little blocks with each one I sew. OBTW I have 5 more sewn with 6 and 7 on the burner. Will let you know when I post.

QuiltE 11-30-2011 09:30 PM

Looks like you're a rockin' and a rollin' with these blocks now!!!! <clap> <clap> <clap> yeaaaaaaaaaaaa for you!!!!!!!!!
I'll be looking forward to seeing all yours as you have been coming out with some great ones!

Me too, I'm sure I've learned more while doing the FWS than any other project that I've worked on before. No, not sure ... I know I have!!! I'm certainly not a master of colour or contrast/fabric selections, though I'm feeling better about it. And that's proven by tonight's block, #57, Morning ..... didn't get the contrast right at all! I'm glad I pushed myself to doing the PPing as much as I have, as now I am not intimidated by it all.

Besides, if we don't try to do bigger and better and more difficult things, we'll never get better as a quilter, will we?
Ahhhh the old 4-H "Learn To Do By Doing", shines forth! :)

oksewglad 12-01-2011 08:21 AM

And don't forget "To make the Best, Better". We are products of our environment/upbringing, QE. Have switched gears to Christmas presents now. A dash of snow on the ground and one thinks of the season!

QuiltE 12-01-2011 08:54 AM

Well Said ... we can always do better!

Quilting Nonnie 12-04-2011 04:05 PM

[QUOTE=QuiltE;4738321][COLOR=#006400][SIZE=3][FONT=book antiqua][B]
Me too, I'm sure I've learned more while doing the FWS than any other project that I've worked on before. No, not sure ... I know I have!!! I'm certainly not a master of colour or contrast/fabric selections, though I'm feeling better about it.

I wholeheartedly agree with you! There are so many different things I learn with FW. My color sense is so much better now also.

I wish I could do PC with everyone, not only for the great people that I've come to know but also for more advancement in quilting skills and knowledge.

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