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-   -   Jane Stickle Cyber Sew Week 9, H2, I4, A4, H2 and RS12 (https://www.quiltingboard.com/blocks-month-week-f9/jane-stickle-cyber-sew-week-9-h2-i4-a4-h2-rs12-t37794.html)

Lacelady 03-01-2010 04:18 AM

Great blocks everyone - re having a week off, I just kept going, as I thought I would lose the impetus. Even when my UK friend came to stay, I prepared a good few blocks that had part pieced backgrounds, but needed hand applique on them, and I did those in the evenings while we were chin wagging (nattering). I think I am afraid I will run out of steam, and I don't want that to happen.

Esqmommy 03-01-2010 03:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are my Week 9 blocks. All I could think making these was "you gotta be kidding me"...then, I was done, and I was squaring up I4. I proceeded to cut it so that my 1/4 seam is gone on one side. I'm not remaking that darn thing. I may remake that one side section, but for sure, I need a break! I'll work on Week 8, then jump to Week 10. Hopefully, I'll stay caught up!

Lacelady 03-01-2010 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by Esqmommy
Here are my Week 9 blocks. All I could think making these was "you gotta be kidding me"...then, I was done, and I was squaring up I4. I proceeded to cut it so that my 1/4 seam is gone on one side. I'm not remaking that darn thing. I may remake that one side section, but for sure, I need a break! I'll work on Week 8, then jump to Week 10. Hopefully, I'll stay caught up!

Aw, don't get disheartened, Esq., they look fine to me.

luvmortherest 03-01-2010 05:12 PM

look good to me too esq :thumbup:

Sheree from Chicago 03-01-2010 06:20 PM

They're beautiful! Love your fabrics, especially the daisy smack dab in the middle. Perfect!

Esqmommy 03-01-2010 06:52 PM

Oh shoot, and now I see that my HST's on I4 are backwards. Oh joy, I get to fix it.

Janstar 03-01-2010 07:17 PM

I did'nt even notice the half sq. tris. ESQ. Looks kind of cool that way really. As always I love your fabs!!!

Sheree from Chicago 03-01-2010 07:25 PM

Is anyone having a problem with the software not printing PP patterns correctly? I just sat down to start C-12 and the square just printed out three bars instead of a nine patch within each square. So I came down and reprinted, same thing. This happened with a block I did which did not print out the two extra triangles. I think the same happened to Sandpat. Any advice?

Sheree from Chicago 03-01-2010 07:32 PM

I just went to move onto I7 and that PP pattern printed out without the four little triangles on the outside of the block!? Weird!

Janstar 03-01-2010 07:37 PM

No problems yet Sheree. Hope I don't have any like that, I get enough just figuring some of the blocks out! LOL!

Esqmommy 03-01-2010 07:47 PM

Haven't seen that happen yet Sheree. I'll try that same block when the kids go to bed and see what happens. Have you tried shutting down your computer and restarting?

I re-did I4 and it looks better now. Not gonna repost the photo. I'll do that when I post weeks 8-13.

FYI, Sheree, your prize went out today, priority mail. I hope it makes it there quickly, barring bad weather, it should!

Sheree from Chicago 03-01-2010 09:10 PM

I'll try re-starting the computer. Hugs, Sheree

Janstar 03-01-2010 11:12 PM

Hope you get that problem worked out Sheree. Be sure and post your prize for us to see!!

Sheree from Chicago 03-01-2010 11:44 PM

Thank you Janstar. You got it!

sandpat 03-02-2010 05:25 AM

Rach...you blocks look great! Glad you got the fix done, now don't you feel good about that???

Sheree...I think the way you described them printing IS correct. C12 is pp'd in little strips, then sewn together to make the 9 patches. That is the only one that I've done for that week.

I have printed off all the patterns through about week 12 I think. Where the triangles printed off the block...that means that it printed you a template so you can appliqe them into the correct place. There are quite a few that cannot be pp'd in this group...so it will print off a blank square with maybe a couple of pieces only. You will need to print off the "templates" instead.

Hope that helps!

sandpat 03-02-2010 08:16 AM

Sheree...I pulled these back up and had to reprint some this morning as I have to remake the C12...yours sounds like it actually did print right.

The I7 did also as the software will only print the parts of the block that will be foundation pieced when you print the foundation patterns. You will also have to print the block as templates so you can get the little triangles....now you see why I left them off my block for this week???

Sheree from Chicago 03-02-2010 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Sheree...I pulled these back up and had to reprint some this morning as I have to remake the C12...yours sounds like it actually did print right.

The I7 did also as the software will only print the parts of the block that will be foundation pieced when you print the foundation patterns. You will also have to print the block as templates so you can get the little triangles....now you see why I left them off my block for this week???

Thank you Sandpat. That makes sense. I'm glad you figured that out. It totally did not make sense to me why the complete block wasn't printing off right for PP. Now I know the parts that don't print will need to be printed out as a template and appliqued on. Hugs and Kisses for solving the mystery! Talk to you later.

sandpat 03-02-2010 05:14 PM

OK...I decided today that Jane must have been legally insane. If she was doing these blocks to save her sanity during the war...she was just too darn late...she was already nuts....I ventured into week 10 today....I think I'm gonna give my DH the go ahead to have me committed. :roll:

Esqmommy 03-02-2010 05:17 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
OK...I decided today that Jane must have been legally insane. If she was doing these blocks to save her sanity during the war...she was just too darn late...she was already nuts....I ventured into week 10 today....I think I'm gonna give my DH the go ahead to have me committed. :roll:

You are scaring me.

bchuggins 03-02-2010 05:22 PM

Everybody's blocks look fantastic! I'm behind but hope to catch up this weekend! I must not take any more breaks - it's too hard to catch up!

wilhelmina 03-02-2010 05:54 PM

Esq, your blocks look great! The red pops and the flower is center, cute cute cute!

sandpat 03-02-2010 07:37 PM

Esq...its only because I am dense..dense...dense!!! I have a brain block against the C12~ I did the block 3...yes 3 times...and I'm done with it now...DH said, well it looks right...except for this little piece right here......

The Dr. said that the black and blue around his eyes will begin to fade in a few days.... :roll:

luvmortherest 03-02-2010 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Esq...its only because I am dense..dense...dense!!! I have a brain block against the C12~ I did the block 3...yes 3 times...and I'm done with it now...DH said, well it looks right...except for this little piece right here......

The Dr. said that the black and blue around his eyes will begin to fade in a few days.... :roll:

rotflmbo :lol:

Esqmommy 03-02-2010 07:51 PM

LOL, you are so funny Patti!!! Tell DH he can come here and we'll slap a cold steak on his eye and load him up with See's. That'll make him feel better (or worse...:(

sandpat 03-02-2010 07:59 PM

We finished out See's yesterday..I split a piece with him everyday. After the last bite he looked at me with big sad eyes (they weren't swollen shut and black and blue then) and said..."tell her thanks...they were REALLY good!" so THANKS!

But believe me...you'd send him back home quickly!!! :roll:

Sheree from Chicago 03-02-2010 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
OK...I decided today that Jane must have been legally insane. If she was doing these blocks to save her sanity during the war...she was just too darn late...she was already nuts....I ventured into week 10 today....I think I'm gonna give my DH the go ahead to have me committed. :roll:

I'm thinking it can't get any worse (is that looking at the cup half full?). We'll all get committed together and discuss mirroring images!

sandpat 03-03-2010 05:33 AM

LMAO Sheree.....can't you just see us in "Group" talking about LS89 vs...RS 45 mirroring ....our poor therapist probably would have to be committed from just listening to us!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Esqmommy 03-03-2010 06:17 AM

Originally Posted by Sheree from Chicago

Originally Posted by sandpat
OK...I decided today that Jane must have been legally insane. If she was doing these blocks to save her sanity during the war...she was just too darn late...she was already nuts....I ventured into week 10 today....I think I'm gonna give my DH the go ahead to have me committed. :roll:

I'm thinking it can't get any worse (is that looking at the cup half full?). We'll all get committed together and discuss mirroring images!

Have you seen some of those blocks we haven't done yet?????????????????????????? I think we're in the "easy" part now!! :cry:

sandpat 03-03-2010 06:30 AM

Oh PALEEEEZEEEE.....I don't wanna look...I'm too scared. I thought I would look to see how my nemisis block was rated...B, I or A....I'm scared to look at that too! :lol: :lol:

Sheree from Chicago 03-03-2010 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Oh PALEEEEZEEEE.....I don't wanna look...I'm too scared. I thought I would look to see how my nemisis block was rated...B, I or A....I'm scared to look at that too! :lol: :lol:

Don't be a scardee cat!

Sheree from Chicago 03-03-2010 09:55 AM

[quote=sandpat]LMAO Sheree.....can't you just see us in "Group" talking about LS89 vs...RS 45 mirroring ....our poor therapist probably would have to be committed from just listening to us!! :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote

Grinning from ear to ear!

sandpat 03-03-2010 05:06 PM

Oh...I'm gonna BRAG.....nananannana....I DID THE TRI for next week...the 1ST TIME!!!!!! AND it isn't wonky!!!...*all in that obnoxious sing song voice*....

Mamaskeeto 03-03-2010 06:20 PM

Still stuck in a rut and haven't started this weeks blocks yet. I need to finish a miniature for a guikd challenge and hopefully by Friday I can get started.

Shemjo 03-03-2010 08:49 PM

I have started this week's blocks!
Mamaskeeto, I have not started on my miniature for guild. But, I have a plan!

wilhelmina 03-03-2010 09:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here are mine for this week..."Finished is better than perfect" Love that expression...DONE!!! :)

Sheree from Chicago 03-03-2010 09:56 PM

They look great! These were challenging. To put it mildly!

Janstar 03-03-2010 10:16 PM

Beautiful Wilamina! Sorry to clobber your name but had to tell you how nice your blocks and tri are and did'nt go back and look at the correct spelling! Your colors are great too!!

Esqmommy 03-03-2010 10:16 PM

They look awesome Wilhemena!!

sandpat 03-04-2010 06:04 AM

Those look great wilhemina!! Shoot...and here I was thinking,well.....I could just NOT add those little tris, but darn it, yours look sooo good that I'm gonna have to go back and do it. Great job!

wilhelmina 03-04-2010 08:08 AM

Thank you all for the support, on to Week 10, with the first few weeks still "in waiting," I will get them done at some point. Its only the first five weeks of blocks, oh my...these were kind of hard! Its so rewarding when they are done.

Yes! Sandpat our blocks are almost "twinkies" :) with the same red star fabric and the background is so close they almost match completely.

I will say, I do remove all the paper if they were PP and I iron my blocks until they behave and lay flat! That usually means steam and spray water on both sides. However, they are not perfect, but I am happy with them.

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