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createfourpaws 01-06-2013 01:47 PM

I have had fun with this mystery. it is my first one from this board. And I am enjoying myself. IT has been a strange weekend for me. I have been sick with a head cold, so I happened to get more done not going out anywhere.

Thank you for putting this together.

sewNso 01-06-2013 01:50 PM

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here's mine. no outside sashings yet. i'm not for sure whether we are suppose to add them or not. my thinking is not. unless we are going to modify it, from what judy is saying. [ATTACH=CONFIG]386274[/ATTACH]
oh my goodness. the colors are good for a change.

meanmom 01-06-2013 01:51 PM

Wow I am loving everyones. I found my link cable to post pictures. I forgot to take the pictures at a smaller size so they are too big to upload. I don't know how to make them smaller on the computer so I will have to retake them.

labeelady 01-06-2013 01:51 PM

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I need to go back and add on the remaining strips, however I thought I'd let you all see a peek of of a portion of mine, now that all the blocks are assembled:


labeelady 01-06-2013 01:54 PM

meanmom: I resize my pics with MS Paint. Load them into paint and resize them using pixels 640 x 480.

createfourpaws 01-06-2013 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by sewNso (Post 5767172)
here's mine. no outside sashings yet. i'm not for sure whether we are suppose to add them or not. my thinking is not. unless we are going to modify it, from what judy is saying. oh my goodness. the colors are good for a change.

How big are you making yours??? I like your black stars.

Grandma Cindy 01-06-2013 02:05 PM

Hello - I just came across this thread. Would it be possible for you to place all the directions in one place now that all steps have been posted. Thank you for all you have done...

marytoddliz 01-06-2013 02:09 PM

Cindy, I like the pale colors even better, I bet it pulls some of the colors out of the block. Wow there are some really awesome quilt tops emerging here. I have my lap top down stairs today. I stayed up way too late last night sewing!

Today I will wait to get into my sewing room, having coffee and watching football with hubby today! But I think I am going to use Black and white on my small scrappy, only I think I am going to try the start all the same this time.

labeelady 01-06-2013 02:11 PM

Not all the steps HAVE been posted. There's another clue that will be posted next Saturday.

The first clue was posted Dec. 29, the second clue just yesterday, Jan 5.

marytoddliz 01-06-2013 02:13 PM

We still have one more clue, next Sat. The first clue is the first post of the thread and the second clue is at the top of page 36 Post # 351. I save all the clues in a word doc, my computer connection can get a little crazy in the winter so it makes it easier for me.

Originally Posted by Grandma Cindy (Post 5767207)
Hello - I just came across this thread. Would it be possible for you to place all the directions in one place now that all steps have been posted. Thank you for all you have done...

paintmejudy 01-06-2013 02:20 PM

Quossom and create, those are fabulous, and I love the purple and yellow and much as the black. They are outstanding.

sewnso - take a look at the quilts on p 22, you will see they have the 4-1/2" with the accompanying rectangles that contain the points sewn on. Your colors are great.

labeelady - love the bees in your A print! Very pretty blocks.

paintmejudy 01-06-2013 02:29 PM

And now I will add my confession of stupidity along with my two cents worth. I am an idiot. I designed it. I made the prototype. Then in my infinite wisdom I decided to make a king quilt and away I went to the cutting table. Came up with a size of 6 of the 16-1/2" blocks wide by 5 of them wide. I am sewing away, after all the 9-patch are done and all the rectangles have their different colored star points on them .... and as I begin to plan my scrappy back, I realize I made 5 blocks more than needed, an extra row of the width. I am an idiot. So now the good news is that I have the major part for a charity quilt, the bad part is I need to take apart most of the last row. I repeat, I am an idiot.

paulswalia 01-06-2013 02:42 PM

Now, now, paintmejudy...........we call that artistic license in my house........ALWAYS say, "I planned it that way!" and, remember, we ARE trying to use up stash!

Dedemac 01-06-2013 02:43 PM

*** FYI There is Decaff coffee and Belgian Truffles in the club car. ***I think it is time for a chocolate fix. I am a little behind as I have to finish resizing a Kilt by tomorrow. Almost done and then it's on to the border and stars. Love working on the train the motion is so relaxing.

irishrose 01-06-2013 02:44 PM

If you are an idiot, then most of us can join you. I made 4 patches for a Bonnie Hunter quilt - when I was finished I had 48 left over. I made a donation quilt, but it didn't sell so I have a red and yellow quilt that is homeless. There are several other local donation sites it can go. I just haven't chosen one yet.

Loving all the step 2 quilts. Who would have thought big scraps would look so good??

paintmejudy 01-06-2013 03:17 PM

You are too sweet and nice.... but dedemac may have the answer: DECAFF COFFEE!!!!!! I know I had an extra cup this morning when I started to finish the last of the rows.

And I agree with Irish, beautiful quilts, aren't they? This is the reason I love love love scrappy.

irishrose 01-06-2013 03:42 PM

Judy, can I use two fabrics of similar values if they totally different colors for A and B? It might be Spring by the time I finish this and the spring green and a light coral I came across look pretty together.

chefbwarner 01-06-2013 04:05 PM

I picked almost the same colors for my starts and a bit lighter gold for the 12.5 pieces. Just could not do white/off white for some reason. will post pictures when I get a bit more done.

meanmom 01-06-2013 04:41 PM

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I finally can post a picture of my 9 patches. I was sure they were going to look awful with some of the colors I was using. But I like how it looks so far. I hope I can start the next step tomorrow night. I have 2 table runners to finish tonight. I have 7 finished and 2 more to quilt. One of the last 2 is mine. I have been making table runners for my mom for the last couple of years. I never know what to get her. SHe is 85. I think she has 10 now. She has fun playing with changing them and putting pretty stuff out of her china cabinet on them. I don't know what I am going to give her when I run out of table runners.

paintmejudy 01-06-2013 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by irishrose (Post 5767412)
Judy, can I use two fabrics of similar values if they totally different colors for A and B? It might be Spring by the time I finish this and the spring green and a light coral I came across look pretty together.

Doesn't sound like a problem. The main thing is that you are happy!

paintmejudy 01-06-2013 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by meanmom (Post 5767569)
I finally can post a picture of my 9 patches. I was sure they were going to look awful with some of the colors I was using. But I like how it looks so far. I hope I can start the next step tomorrow night. I have 2 table runners to finish tonight. I have 7 finished and 2 more to quilt. One of the last 2 is mine. I have been making table runners for my mom for the last couple of years. I never know what to get her. SHe is 85. I think she has 10 now. She has fun playing with changing them and putting pretty stuff out of her china cabinet on them. I don't know what I am going to give her when I run out of table runners.

Square table toppers for the kitchen table?

luci4 01-06-2013 06:08 PM

Yahoo. I have finally caught up, and am now awaiting the clue. I really think I will be making another of these in a
larger size and using scraps from my stash. Was lazy this time. I really enjoy these train rides. This is the 3rd one I have done. Thank you, Judy for being the engineer.

moonwork42029 01-06-2013 07:36 PM

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Living dangerously, I jumped aboard from the last overpass and clung onto the roof for awhile... that's the huge kathunk you heard earlier. Then I just meandered around the cars for a bit and video conferenced Dad to get his outlook on the subject, especially since he is the chief ironer of projects. He said to get on board with the project but don't go cuttin' a bunch of squares since you have tons of 5" ones just laying around.

Sooooo I have made 12 of the 9 square blocks out of my 5" squares. They ended up being 14" x 14" so this will be a super train project. Dad (82 yrs young) is the quality control inspector for this project also.

This looks a little wonky but the design wall is flannel backed table cloth hung over the china hutch so all the curves and handles make things looks a little wacko...and the camera skills could be better. I know there's some other "boomers" on board (and they are a wild and crazy bunch) this should be interesting. I'm off to make my calculations of the increased sizes I'll be needing to use with our bigger blocks.


If you haven't signed up for the next Boomerang exchange -- go check out the link and have lots of fun there too.

reeskylr 01-06-2013 07:54 PM

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Wow, I'm taking a rest in the club car for a bit. I brought out some of the ham and potatoes I made today. I've gone mine partially done and here is a peek at it. It looks better through the camera lens, lol, the thing is very 'busy'.


Excuse the little 'flappy eared' triangles. Some of them I just folded over and sewed down, it was easier than cutting off the bits and I like the look of 3D :)

cat-on-a-mac 01-06-2013 08:40 PM

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Ok. Here is my step 2. I was not too sure about my a and b choices but it is growing on me. Time to find the sleeping car!

jaba 01-06-2013 08:46 PM

Everyone's is looking so good, I had to finish some things this weekend to be in the mail tomorrow. Hoping to get this last clue done tomorrow, but I do have a fault. I get on this computer in the morning to look at the posts since I turned it off and seems like I'm still here at 10 or 11 a.m.....then shower and dress and it's 1p.m. before I'm on the sewing machine and ironing board. Got to get this figured out and quick.
Fly the friendly skies MaryBeth, hope all turns out well, but I'll be calling you and keeping in touch.
Again great job everyone, unique and each very nice.

masufa 01-06-2013 08:47 PM

Hi, I'm just getting started and in the first cutting directions it says " you will need four 2-1/2" assorted squares for both the small and large." is that only 4 for the whole quilt?

Gretchen 01-06-2013 09:20 PM

So Judy how many blocks total are you using to make your king size quilt? I too wanted to go with a king size....
Thanks so much for putting these Mystery Train rides together... just finished putting the 3rd Mystery Train quilt together this afternoon and will be posting those pics tomorrow!

SunlitenSmiles 01-06-2013 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by masufa (Post 5768087)
Hi, I'm just getting started and in the first cutting directions it says " you will need four 2-1/2" assorted squares for both the small and large." is that only 4 for the whole quilt?

yep, giggle, that is still a part of the mystery those four scrappy 2 1/2 inch squares, I'm guessing they might be ................................(shooosh, it is a mystery)

paulswalia 01-07-2013 04:43 AM

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I'm lovin' it!!! Here's my one-half of this latest clue.

moonrise 01-07-2013 05:02 AM

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Here are my two small ones. :)



Sauki1 01-07-2013 05:10 AM

Wow! Very nice. :)

frenchfryqueen 01-07-2013 05:25 AM

Wow ladies! I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried. Loving all your fabric choices. And those of you who were concerned about your nine squares.. no need to be. They all look great!

sewNso 01-07-2013 05:32 AM

cindy, i have sewed together 4 x 6 blocks. it was going to be 2 of the lap quilts, then i added more to the lst one. so will have some orphan blocks to use up. so maybe a queen, when i get done? or a big double. i need one that size for a give away. don't know whether people stick their noses up at scrappy quilts or not. but i figure, if she like and cherish it, then she would deserve a better one someday.
dropping off oatmeal muffins in the club car, help yourself. lots of blueberries in them, that i picked and froze last summer.

Elisabrat 01-07-2013 06:33 AM

I did all the cutting yesterday and started sewing but the nap queen came and hit me on the head and well its as far as I got. I went with a patterned flower for the stars and it truly makes it scrappy looking. I LOVE moon's black with whitestars now that accents the scrappys big time like really warm colors stand out. If I didnt have cats that would be a marvelous way to go. Cats=no black fabric. unless I want to roll it all day long to catch it all. sigh I do like black fabric too.

to the person who said decaffe coffee are you funny. THATS NOT COFFEE. I have one cup a day but its Ponyexpress coffee which is high caffeine. double the regular caffeine. NOW that is coffee. Before you go saying ah ha that is why she is so hyper you see dialysis kicks my tail. I would be so tired its not funny napping 20 hours of every day without it. I wish I could have four cups but that is twice my daily allowance of fluid so I have one. And its a good one. I will gladly share your belgan chocolates however. I think those sound so good right now with this hot cup of joe. oh yeah two of those and I could go sew. I am intending to.. but want 10 more minutes just to wake up. and wish I had more coffee!

sewNso 01-07-2013 07:57 AM

just got a perm. so i can sew more, and not have to worry about my hair. sooooo glad this train had a beautician on it. off to put the borders around the edge.
judy, 4 x 6 blocks. what size do you think i'll end up with? a queen? how many blocks are you planning on, for your king? thx

masufa 01-07-2013 08:28 AM

Thanks just wanted to make sure it wasn't a misprint.

masufa 01-07-2013 08:30 AM

I really like the one with black and white.

paintmejudy 01-07-2013 09:06 AM

Good morning, all. Wow, busy bunch yesterday afternoon! Every one's quilts are terrific, would have a hard time chooisng my favorite.

Moonwork- welcome aboard! Your blockss are looking' good!

reesky - love your color combo

cat on mach - Ahah! Someone doing multi stars - love it. My king with multi stars is put together and since I strip quilted, I have all the one side done, need to go back and do the other. It is done with stitch in the ditch technique but using a serpentine instead of a straight stitch..

masufa - sunlite is correct - four 2-1/2" squares.

sunlite - don't be coy, girl, you know what they are! (giggle)

gretchen - for the king I'm doing 6 of the 16-1/2" blocks wide by 5 long plus the extra star pieces and this coming Saturday's clue. I think I figured it will measure out to be 90 x 110. I don't have it to fit over the pillows, just pull to shoulder height like a blanket.

moonrise - bold and beautiful, love them

paulo - pretty in pastels.

sewnso - absolutely no clue as to exact size you will have, just figure on 1-1/2" per 6" block to the length, so if it is three of the 16-1/2" blocks long, that would be about 13-1/2" additional length, and 9" on the two block side

cat-on-a-mac 01-07-2013 09:31 AM

Judy, I'm curious about your quilting pattern. You say you're using a serpentine stitch along the seams... Are you leaving the big sashing sections (12/4) unquilted? I'm thinking of doing some form of grid, maybe 1" apart on the diagonal. But something other than a straight stitch might be fun ...

Pretty sure I know what step 3's going to be, but I'll hold off until you post it. I've got another quilt to finish FMQ on, which will keep me busy in the meantime.

Thanks for keeping this train rolling!

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