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Pats8e8 08-01-2010 09:04 PM

Hey kids, do any of you know how many pounds you have to lose to go down a dress or pants size?? I'm just wondering, would like to drop a size by Nov.
Thanks, you are all doing so good and I keep messing up. Life keeps getting in my way. :~/

Lneal 08-02-2010 02:10 AM

I heard years ago that losing 10lbs can drop you down a size in clothes. However, for me it seems like it takes 15 or 20lbs before that happens. Good question!!

carolevidak 08-02-2010 04:38 AM

OMG ...10 lbs for one dress size. Now that is a reality check. Guess I better start to get on the program again. Just not so strict - hard to do when you are not at home.
We are in a motor home until the wedding is over with. Going out to dinner with the kids and friends. It is always something.

Shirlx 08-02-2010 09:53 AM

I borrowed my girlfriends step. It is a piece of exercise equipment that you step on and off of. I exercise regulary
but I must have used different muscles. This a.m. I did a 4 mile tape--walking and did my muscles let me know I did something diferent yesterday.But I am hanging in there. I would like to get to a size 10. I know wear 12 -14. But not all 12's will fit and even some 14's won't fit.

laparshall 08-02-2010 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by Shirlx
I borrowed my girlfriends step. It is a piece of exercise equipment that you step on and off of. I exercise regulary
but I must have used different muscles. This a.m. I did a 4 mile tape--walking and did my muscles let me know I did something diferent yesterday.But I am hanging in there. I would like to get to a size 10. I know wear 12 -14. But not all 12's will fit and even some 14's won't fit.

I used to do a step with the Wii Fit. That was fun, and boy you could tell you did it.

Pats8e8 08-08-2010 09:05 PM

Hey, where did everyone go? I had to do a search to find us. No one is writing. I am, ha. I was down some this week, quite a surprise. I'm probably blowing it today though. It's my babies BD, she's 41 today. She said a friend was making her a cake but she'd really like our chocolate cake. (we have a killer one). So I told her I'd make her one, but she'd have to come get some. She lives all the way across the country. We have the Pacific Ocean and she has the Atlantic. Anyway, I did make the cake, and of course I have to eat some of it now don't I? I will have another piece tomorrow and then give the rest to my neighbors.

Lneal 08-09-2010 04:40 AM

I am still here too! I have had the busiest 2 weeks ever and it won't let up for at least another week! I have been off track and I am not happy about it. I have missed my ww meetings and I am out of my routine of walking and calorie counting.
Very frustrating and I have no one to blame but myself :cry:

zennia 08-09-2010 05:24 AM

Hello, I am new to this thread and glad I found it. I am pre diabetic so trying to loose some weight so I stay pre. I was reading where some of you keep a journal and some dont. Trust me it is worth keeping. My dr. just had me do it for two weeks and what a difference it makes. It is time comsumming to make a menu and journal but what a difference it makes. Now I know what I am having each meal and dont just run for the fast not so good hurry up meals.
I have lost 3 lbs. this week and looking forward to loosing more.
keep busy-time goes so much faster.

laparshall 08-09-2010 07:27 AM

Zennia, welcome to our weight loss support thread. We have a great group of ladies who have been very supportive this year. We have kinda slacked off, but I'm sure there are still some lurking, waiting for the right moment to jump back in. Please keep joining us and share your successes and ask questions, or give helpful hints. We all love to hear what each other has to say.

Hey Ladies: It seems like so many of us are not as focused as we were back in January/February/March. I for one have found many excuses to give into the negative voice that says, go ahead and eat it, you have been doing so well all year, or just go ahead and sleep in, you did so much yesterday and you need your rest. But this morning, I ignored that little negative voice, and got out of bed immediately when the alarm went off, and put on my walking shoes and went and got reaquainted with my ole buddy the treadmill. And I didn't get one single question about where I have been. I just hopped on and took a 35 mintute walk. And today I feel pretty good about myself. And I have more energy too. So just for today, I am going to act healthy, be active, be aware of the caloric intake, drink lots of water, and keep positive thoughts about myself. I even dug out my journal and wrote down what I have ate, drank, and my activity time. Welcome back. . .Remember that the negative voice in our head doesn't really have our best interests in mind. So we have to replace those negative thoughts with something positive. Like, I like being able to breath when I walk up the stairs. I like seeing the loss on the scale each week. And even if I see a gain when I step on the scale at WW, at least I am at the meeting where I need to be. My favorite positive thought is: I plan to look good in that red dress that I am wearing to the Christmas party in December.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone else have anything to share?

LNeal: Don't be too discouraged. It is just a matter of getting back in the habit. You have been doing so well all year. How's school? Still in classes? or on Summer break?

Lneal 08-09-2010 08:19 AM

Thanks laparshall for your encouraging post :-D I hate getting off track but I know with a little nudge from all you girls I can do it. Well said as I myself have had thoughts of how well I ve done and so I think its ok to eat something I shouldn't. Its not the one day that gets you its the day after day of giving in that does the harm.

I just finished up with my first quarter (lots of homework and test) and have started my fall quarter (everything new now). along with this I agreed to make a quilt and do the hand quilting for a surprise birthday gift for a special friend. The party is going to be big with about 250 people. I have had 4 week notice and so have been busy with that project. Materials and my time will be compensated for and so I must do my best at my quilting skill. The problem is I have left no time for myself and I am finding that I eat from all this added stress. Has anyone else done that? I have a week and a half left so I am looking forward to the relief of it and maybe have time for myself again. I have been up at 4:oo am most morning the past two weeks so I am running low on energy. I'll manage and get back with this healthy eating again. Thanks for your support girls :thumbup: :thumbup:

Pats8e8 08-09-2010 09:27 AM

Hi, I knew you were out there somewhere, just had to find you. You have been very busy. I've had a pretty relaxing summer. Will be back to school on the 30th. I have had time to sew though, which is so nice. Spent this weekend embroidery my son's scrubs. I hate doing the legs, have to take out the seam then use my serger to put it back together again. But the office decided to go all navy blue so I had to do all his new sets. Now I'm wondering if any of the others in the office will want theirs done.
Laparshal, sure wish I had some of your stamina. Does walking on that treadmill wake you up? I am still fighting it, just look at it and think I will get on it sometime.
Lneal, didn't realize you had such a hectic schedule. I know about school, what is your major?
Zennia, welcome aboard! We are always glad to see new members. You are wise to get on this before it becomes worse for your health. Are you going to any groups like WW?
Well, I need to get out in my garden, doesn't look like it will be too hot out there yet. DH is usually out there by 6am. I'm still in bed at that time. Talk to you all later.

laparshall 08-09-2010 11:32 AM

Pats8e8: Once you get past the point of getting started on the treadmill, the energy level is unbelievable. I have a DVD that I walk to, so it makes it easier. I usually use the bathroom, wash my face, and then make the coffee and get my glass of water, by then I am awake. The DVD includes a 5 min warm up with 6 intervals (3 mins fast w/incline with a 1 minute rest) and at the end a 5 min cool down. When I have more time and still have a lot of energy, I really like to walk longer. My goal is 10,000 steps per day, and the longer I stay on the treadmill the easier it is to get those steps in.

Let me say though that when I first started walking on the treadmill, I only walked for 5 to 10 minutes maximum and that was at a very low speed and no incline. And by the way, I thought I was going to die doing that. But then I didn't die, I got stronger. But I had to build up to using the DVD. Plus I have it in front of the TV, so I can watch something that I have recorded that no one else in my family is interested in. Don't be afraid. . .jump on and walk.

zennia 08-10-2010 04:04 AM

Thanks for the welcome. I am sure I found the right place to be, You are all so helpful. I was reading about the tredmill. I love using mine in the winter. Summer time I ride my bike. One day I will go between 6-7 miles and other days just around here for 30 min. but I make sure to do one every day. Thats a promise I made to doctor. A nice benefit I got from riding 6 miles is I met a lonely older lady sitting out in her yard just wanting someone to talk to. So now I have a new friend.

zennia 08-10-2010 04:05 AM


Good summer recipe I found.

laparshall 08-10-2010 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by zennia

This looks good. So nice that you have met a friend. You probably mean a lot to her too. Sometimes life is so nice.

Pats8e8 08-11-2010 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by zennia
Thanks for the welcome. I am sure I found the right place to be, You are all so helpful. I was reading about the tredmill. I love using mine in the winter. Summer time I ride my bike. One day I will go between 6-7 miles and other days just around here for 30 min. but I make sure to do one every day. Thats a promise I made to doctor. A nice benefit I got from riding 6 miles is I met a lonely older lady sitting out in her yard just wanting someone to talk to. So now I have a new friend.

That is so great that you stopped and spoke to that lady. I hope when I am older someone will do the same for me.

Pats8e8 08-11-2010 09:29 PM

laparshall, here it is several days in and I still am not on that treadmill. But I got stuck at the pharmacy today and walked and walked around in circles until my order was ready. ha It's a real wonder I didn't get dizzy! (dizzier than I am already anyhow). :)

laparshall 08-12-2010 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Pats8e8
laparshall, here it is several days in and I still am not on that treadmill. But I got stuck at the pharmacy today and walked and walked around in circles until my order was ready. ha It's a real wonder I didn't get dizzy! (dizzier than I am already anyhow). :)

Hey, don't discount that walking in circles and pacing while waiting in line. Now that I wear a pedometer, I understand how each step adds up and every little step counts. And since I now have a goal in mind (10,000 steps), I will take a few extra steps so that I reach my goal by bedtime if I am close enough that is. Sometimes, I walk in place while I am brushing my teeth or setting up the coffee pot. Any movement counts toward working off calories. I have a WW pedometer, and it tells me how many activity points I've earn for the day too. So if I reach my goal, I get 3 additional points. They must be used during that same day though. No banking activity points.

Pats8e8 08-12-2010 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by laparshall

Originally Posted by Pats8e8
laparshall, here it is several days in and I still am not on that treadmill. But I got stuck at the pharmacy today and walked and walked around in circles until my order was ready. ha It's a real wonder I didn't get dizzy! (dizzier than I am already anyhow). :)

Hey, don't discount that walking in circles and pacing while waiting in line. Now that I wear a pedometer, I understand how each step adds up and every little step counts. And since I now have a goal in mind (10,000 steps), I will take a few extra steps so that I reach my goal by bedtime if I am close enough that is. Sometimes, I walk in place while I am brushing my teeth or setting up the coffee pot. Any movement counts toward working off calories. I have a WW pedometer, and it tells me how many activity points I've earn for the day too. So if I reach my goal, I get 3 additional points. They must be used during that same day though. No banking activity points.

Hey now, that sounds neat. I may just have to go to the WW meeting place and see if I can get one. I have a cheapy one but I sometimes think it messes up. I also have one that works with my treadmill, it's okay, but I forget to use it. I like the idea of knowing how many activity points you have.

laparshall 08-12-2010 10:47 AM

Originally Posted by Pats8e8
. . .Hey now, that sounds neat. I may just have to go to the WW meeting place and see if I can get one. I have a cheapy one but I sometimes think it messes up. I also have one that works with my treadmill, it's okay, but I forget to use it. I like the idea of knowing how many activity points you have.

The WW pedometer is a really nice one. It has a lot of features. It is worth the price, but I had a $5 off coupon when I bought mine, so it made me say ok. The one I had before that kept clearing itself. So I never knew how many steps I actually had. I do love the WW one. And it stores 7 days worth of info. The one thing that I figured out was that it kept popping off my waist band, or pocket, so now I clip it inside my pants to my underware, so it holds tight and no more losing it.
It is pretty easy to operate too once you figure it out.

Lneal 08-14-2010 06:29 AM

Hi friends!! :-D :-D
I have almost completed the quilt and will post some pics when I am through. I don't know why I take on such great challenges, but I do. In two weeks I have 30hrs in making the top and at least 60 hrs in hand quilting. Wheew I will be glad to be done.

I am looking forward to getting back on my diet and exercise starting Monday. I am making no excuses for myself and am rather frustrated that I let all this stress side track me. So happy you girls are losing weight and you are the support I need right now. I should have stayed focused, sorry if I let you girls down. :cry:

laparshall 08-14-2010 10:29 AM

LNeal: Don't worry about being there all the time for everyone. You just do what you can. You have so much going on, and you are always very supportative. We all have days when we don't have so much to give to ourselves nor to others.

Hey anyone ever try Zumba? I went Zumbaing with my 2 daughters this morning. It was a one hour class. Oh my what a lot of fun. I felt a little insecure at first, and I thought that people would be watching me, but they aren't, and if they were, they were only trying to figure out if I knew what I wasdoing, so they could watch and learn. I noticed that if someone didn't know exactly what they were doing, my eyes were searching for someone who did. And the size of a person has absolutely no bearing. No one notices sizes either. It was so much fun. Can't wait to go back on Tuesday evening.

This is a Zumba class:


Pats8e8 08-14-2010 12:46 PM

Haven't tried that. I don't get out of the house much. No particular reason, I probably should.(get out more). But usually just to the store or back, or to class when school is on. Sounds like fuh though. I've seen the infomercials on tv.
Lneal, don't run yourself down. It's hard to eat right when you ahve so much going on. And you have a lot going on. So just get back on when you can, we will all still be here. ha I gained a half pound this week, go figure? I'm beginning to think I'll never see that next zero.

Lneal 08-23-2010 01:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi girls and how is everyone doing today! I am finished with my quilt project and ready to get back in the swing of things! :-D :-D
I had 30 hrs in making the top and a "least" 60 hrs in hand quilting it. I did it all in about 2 weeks and it is no wonder I had little time for myself. Now that is all behind me and the big surprise birthday party is tomorrow night!

I have been thinking about "motivation" I know we all have times when our motivation gets slow or sidetracked somewhat. Thats when we have to pull ourselves back up and get motivated again. What keeps you motivated to lose weight? :-D Would anyone like to share?

laparshall 08-23-2010 03:35 AM

Originally Posted by Lneal
Hi girls and how is everyone doing today! I am finished with my quilt project and ready to get back in the swing of things! :-D :-D
I had 30 hrs in making the top and a "least" 60 hrs in hand quilting it. I did it all in about 2 weeks and it is no wonder I had little time for myself. Now that is all behind me and the big surprise birthday party is tomorrow night!

I have been thinking about "motivation" I know we all have times when our motivation gets slow or sidetracked somewhat. Thats when we have to pull ourselves back up and get motivated again. What keeps you motivated to lose weight? :-D Would anyone like to share?

What a beautiful quilt. I have been having problems being motivated this summer too. I have been busy doing active things, but not my normal routines. However, I have been motivated by the Zuma workouts my daughters and I have been going to. We went 3 times last week, and we have 2 days scheduled this week also. It didn't show up on the scale last week, but I'm sure it will eventually. Patience!
Check out www.Zumba.com to see if there is something in your area. Zumba is nationwide and a lot of fun. I was motivated to do other activities as well for the past week too. My energy level has increased so much. So for today, I am motivated once again. Oh yeah, remember to take a bottle of water with you if you do go to Zumba, you'll want it.

Pats8e8 08-23-2010 11:04 AM

Very pretty quilt! I love browns. You know what motivates me? Pictures. A freind snapped a picture at a lunch we went to Friday and I just saw it. Boy, and I thought I looked better after that 18 lbs. Nope, need another 18 at least. :) But I just canned 16 qts of apple pie filling and one jar didn't seal, so had to make a pie and then of course, we are eating it. Can't let it go to waste, just going to my waist I think...also did 13 half pints of zucchini relish. I love to can!

Lneal 09-04-2010 04:50 PM

Hi girls! Well I have completely fallen off the wagon this time and desperately trying to get back on!!! Just wish this wagon would slow back down. :lol: :lol:
I hope you are all doing well as I am sure summer has been busy for all of us. We can do this and after Labor Day weekend lets band together and pull through our slumps!
Looking forward to posting again and sharing all the encouraging tips we can.

Pats8e8 09-04-2010 09:59 PM

Okay, everyone back on the wagon, hurry up and jump fast to get back on it. Don't let it run you over! We can all do this. Now that school is back in, we can make a schedule again. If you are working, or going to school. How about taking one of the WW soups to eat instead of buying a burger or piece of pizza for a snack, or a meal. If you have accesss to a microwave, it's easy to take soup, and only 1 pt per cup. A great deal! So run if you have to, but catch up with that wagon again! :)

laparshall 09-07-2010 08:01 AM

I'm on the wagon! DH and I are getting ready to go on vacation, two trips. One to Northern Michigan, and the other to Florida. I am getting ready to join a weight loss challenge with the Zumba group I joined with my daughter. Zumba is still a lot of fun, I am getting super fit. I can actually see a diference in the mirror, and people are complimenting me.

So Lneal. Get back on that wagon, and let's get back the old zest for getting healthy. Schools back in session, and so is our desire to be healthy.

Pats8e8, great suggestion of soup for lunch. When we return from vacation, I am going to start making up a pot of soup each week. It always makes such a great lunch. Especially the weekend, when I forget to eat until I am starving.

I haven't had any big losses, but I have maintained like there's no tomorrow. Let's see what September brings.

Good luck to everyone.

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