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-   -   Anyone else who did or is not becoming an empty nester till they are well into their 60 ies? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/anyone-else-who-did-not-becoming-empty-nester-till-they-well-into-their-60-ies-t146515.html)

PriscillaC 08-21-2011 08:58 AM

we're about to be empty nesters at age 62, but now find my brother age 60, needs a home. It'll be interesting! My kids are nearby.

sailsablazin 08-21-2011 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by Annaleehunter
Had my last child, first girl!, at 42. She is 9 months old and has an 18 month old brother! This is the first time I felt like I didn't want another! We have 7; I am 42, hubby is 48. We will retire before the babies are raised!

YUP---me too. We hope to retire however may not be able to afford to.

hulahoop1 08-21-2011 10:01 AM

Our two boys, ages 26 and 22, are still at home but in school and working. They will probably remain so for as long as we live here. It's too expensive for kids to move out on their own and many homes have 2, 3, or 4 generations living in them. Our eldest moved out, but had to have 6 roommates in order to make the rent. He got tired of being the "parent" in the house and moved back home. We plan to retire to the mainland in 2 years or so and they will come with us until they find their direction and go out on their own. I love having them around.

gloria11 08-21-2011 10:54 AM

Our family sounds a lot like yours. I'm 49 and our youngest is starting kindergarden this year. Still have 8 at home with us and 3 are out on their own. Ages 24,23,22,20,15, 14,14,13,12,7 and 5. All 11 of ours is Adopted. I don't ever see me and Emptynester....lol

Roberta 08-21-2011 11:49 AM

68 when I finally got to keep the empty bedroom ;-)

Kieta 08-21-2011 11:58 AM

my oldest starts kindergarten this fall, youngest next year, and i turn 50 in october. hubby and i had 22 years together before kids came along. we will be well into our 60s before kids are off to college. it's strange being an older mom but life is full of good surprises!

M.Elizabeth 08-21-2011 02:07 PM

I was 31 when I married someone with a 5-year-old son. So I've never had "alone" time. We had 2 other sons of our own when I was 33 and 35. Our youngest started college in 2000, so we basically became empty nesters except for the summer of 2001. He chose to co-op in his field of electrical engineering so he was either working or taking classes in the summers after that. We basically had 3 years with just the two of us. Our oldest son and his wife went off the deep end in many ways, bringing heart break to us. Social services took their 2 children. To prevent their going into foster care, we gained them through the court system in 2004. They are now 12 and 14. When the youngest turns 18 in 6 years, I will be 71 and my husband 74. Having them has certainly prevented us from traveling as we'd planned, but I thank God we have been their lifeline, and they are not in foster care.

Nonna Judi 08-21-2011 02:47 PM

Wow, so many large families. I am 63 and have been an empty nester for almost 2 years now. I hace a daughter 33, and my oldest daughterwho would have been 44 this year and my son 25 ( he is biologically my grandson who I adopted and raised) and then I have 2 grandchildren wno are 2 & 4.

kaykwilts 08-21-2011 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by Patchesnposies
My husband (57) and I (50) keep young raising our family! We have 6 grown kids, 31,29,27,26,24,22 all in college or raising families of their own and our 6 youngest, still at home, are 14, 12, 11, 7, 5 and 4.

We home school them all and other than sleeping very soundly at night I feel like I did in my 30's. 5 of the youngest 6 are adopted and if I were younger I'd adopt even more.

Our children are the greatest blessings we have ever been given. We thank God for them. He selected each and everyone of them for us! (Bio and adopted!)

We are parents of 10...born every two years from 1981 til 2000, with the last two being three years apart. We have four left at home, and are homeschoolers...have been since the first started school in 1985. Our home seems quiet at times. We are grandparents four times over...all boys(we do have one granddaughter, but because we are not the same "religion" as the mother, we have been forbidden to see her....), and have two sons that just married this year. So five are married, five left to go.

Our home won't be empty until we are both in our early 60's....our last was born when I was 42. We have thought about adopting many times, but I just don't know where we would get the money to pay for it. We adore children, and really miss our big family. Of course, our kids all come home from time to time, but some family issues over the past year has divided us some. Really too bad, as we never saw the problems coming. Maybe in time it will work out and we can all be together again without any stress.

Treasure and enjoy your children while you can.....there is nothing quite like a house full of kids........

gloria11 08-21-2011 03:52 PM

if you get into being a foster parent and then adopt it doesn't cost to adopt. And we have family issues to with a couple of our older ones, I hope and pray that someday we can all be together again without the problems also. And yes its great having a Large family. I always wanted a lot of sisters and brothers growing up. my 2 sibs were a lot older than me, so it was like being raised as an only. so I've always wanted a big family.

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