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reeskylr 10-08-2011 09:34 AM

I agree. News is so depressing. Every time it is turned on here, which we get Portland Oregon news, it is someone having been shot, run over or whatever. I get sick of it too.

I like Jon Stewart though, at least he makes fun of the inconsistant news reporters. ;)

Minnisewta 10-08-2011 09:35 AM

Originally Posted by borntoquilt
My remote has an OFF button! :roll:

I agree.

bobbie1 10-08-2011 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by arimuse
CNN nothing! I wish I could have Walter Cronkite back!! I would actually like to know whats happening in the world. 1 half hr a nite would be more than enough if all they ran was straight news -
not blatantly biased, not blatantly open lies, not opinion, not editorialized anything, not what some idiot tweeted/utubed/emailed/texted was the "story you voted to hear", . I do not want to watch any trials unless I need to be sitting in the courtroom and have to watch from my seat.
I am also sick to death of the steady stream of vitriol being poured out on casey anthony when its a slow (even by the non exisitent standards news now holds!) news day. Do I think she killed her kid? yes. trial is over, she beat the rap, people need to get their own lives now! If anyone hounding her is truely religious they know she'll still get hers in the end so give it up to God, and get it off the airwaves.
somewhere in our country today a train derailed hauling fuel (?)- do you think I could find the story on TV?! and I'm not about to surf for info (this was of interest because a few yrs ago near here, a train derailed in a small town in SC, it was hauling very bad chemicals and people died and the town was shut down to get rid of the gas.)
sometimes, if I'm up late I can catch the BBC world news and get some info, mostly I watch John Stewart for the closest thing to news on TV! and his show is a comedy show! not the real news for crying out loud! sharet

I agree....I also think Michael Jackson was as responsible for his own death as Dr. Murry. If this dr hadn't given him what he wanted, he would have hired some other dr. Same old story...no one wants to take responsibility for actions, so much easier to blame someone else. I am talking about family now. They all knew he was taking drugs but evidently did nothing to help him. OKAY``` I am getting off soap box now!!

mjsylvstr 10-08-2011 11:27 AM

today...why watch what you don't enjoy

.there are plenty of other channels to choose........

just a click away !!!!

Sadiemae 10-08-2011 11:48 AM

I just keep thinking about all of the money that it costs for this trial when the maximun sentence is 4 years if he is found guilty, and he probably would only really be prison for 2 years out of the 4 years. He could also be sentenced to probation only.

mcar 10-08-2011 02:07 PM

Constant repetition of news items to me turn in to gossip. I am disappointed with so called professionals who turn into gossips, like repeating information over the garden fence.
When I was younger(40s) I never read the newspaper till evening in order to escape a depressing day. When I studied photography the most pathetic scene of a woman in a nursing home would be considered "art", the photo I made of an elegant, elderly, Christian Arab woman in her lovely costume and holding her bible as a portait, did not cut it.

dreamboat 10-08-2011 02:21 PM

The Media runs so many stories in the ground that you have to turn off your tv to keep from hearing it for the 99th time. Or you can maybe watch movies, baseball, football, or car races.

arimuse 10-08-2011 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr
today...why watch what you don't enjoy

.there are plenty of other channels to choose........

just a click away !!!!

its not that I watch, I wont watch any psudoreality (fill in the blank!), any "news" about "celebrities", and most news. What I would like is a nice, concise, 1/2 hr of world/national/local news. Gees, just a person reading it off a monitor off camera would be wonderful!
mainly I watch old b/w movies or docs/history things. sharet

Sadiemae 10-08-2011 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by arimuse

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr
today...why watch what you don't enjoy

.there are plenty of other channels to choose........

just a click away !!!!

its not that I watch, I wont watch any psudoreality (fill in the blank!), any "news" about "celebrities", and most news. What I would like is a nice, concise, 1/2 hr of world/national/local news. Gees, just a person reading it off a monitor off camera would be wonderful!
mainly I watch old b/w movies or docs/history things. sharet

And I would like to hear the news without a political slant to it from either side!

Stitchnripper 10-08-2011 03:52 PM

Yes to all of you posters! I believe that the 24/7 news cycle and the internet has greatly contributed to this mess. All of it. All the stations. How can they fill up all that time without repeating, rehashing, discussing, slanting, commentating, etc. blah blah blah...

BarbZ 10-08-2011 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by Mitch's mom
DJRustic - Get her some earphones and an extension cable. Sure, you'll have a cable running across the floor, but isn't some quiet worth it?

we tried that with my 96 year old FIL and he wouldn't use them. Good luck.

I hate tv also. Especillly the news. Also on the news what is it with the weather being on every 5 minutes telling us over and over what the weather is going to be. Do they think we are kindergartners and need to be told over and over every night.!!!!!
Thats why I love the forum and also I knit a lot while tv is on. At least I accommplish something at the end of the night. LOL

writerwomen 10-08-2011 08:08 PM

Perhaps what should be even more sad is his childhood at the hands of an abusive father obcessed with fame and fortune through his children and a mother who did not stop it. Perhaps what should be considered now are the children he left behind in his drug abuse who are in a haunting existance of trying to be someone they are not. Perhaps it is time to turn it all off and help these children find a normal life out of the spotlight. They live in a disfuntional family and are placed on pedistals that they can not reject if nothing other then by their bizzar names. Why glorify the disfuntion and destruction that brought fame to someone who was abused to create such an icon? Why force the children to suffer the same fate? Why- because people can't get enough of others lives no matter what the cost to them

nativetexan 10-08-2011 08:17 PM

if i land on a channel showing this trial, i just change the channel. didn't watch much of the Casey A one either, but did some.

RobertaMarie 10-08-2011 08:36 PM

Do you gals have TV with no "off" button? :) If you don't like it for goodness sakes, don't watch it!!
I don't turn mine on, don't watch the news and don't listen to the talk radio. I listen to easy listening music and sew. Or, I read the QB and look at quilts.
Love you all!!! :)

Momsmurf 10-08-2011 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by Linda-in-iowa
I couldn't believe that his lifeless body was shown on tv. Does the family need to see that? Does he not deserve some dignity?

If that wasn't bad enough - about about on the front of the rag paper in the check out lines at the grocery store.

I'm a retired RN and found it disgusting, imagine those who have never seen a body on a gurney. And left in the hallway? Great job! Photo op everyone! Pathetic.

Murphy1 10-08-2011 09:19 PM

Yes! I like John Stewart too. I think I have overdosed on news. It is better to get the news on your computer, that way you select what you want to know about and not have it repeated every 30 minutes to up date those just tuning in.

Originally Posted by reeskylr
I agree. News is so depressing. Every time it is turned on here, which we get Portland Oregon news, it is someone having been shot, run over or whatever. I get sick of it too.

I like Jon Stewart though, at least he makes fun of the inconsistant news reporters. ;)

DJRustic 10-09-2011 05:19 AM

I love all of your replys. I only wish I could do any one of them. 1.) She would not wear head phones, she has hearing aids 2.) She wouldn't stay in her room, feels isolated 3.) She walks on a walker around in the house (we use wheelchair when out) so she can,t walk around in the yd.
She basically just sits in her chair all day long. Try to get her to come out on the porch ( we have a wrap around she could walk on, but no, it is too windy , sunny, or some stupid reason. I now take her to water therapy 3 times a week, but she isn't even trying to exercise here at home.
With all of this I am ready to run away from home.

DJRustic 10-09-2011 05:30 AM

I forgot to say one show my Mom likes is Jerry Springer, Baggage. I hate this sex show. I have told her many times that I will not allow this on in my house. She has finally gotten the message in the last few weeks.
I never would let my children watch the Three Stooges. When one of our sons finally got married & moved out he rented the Three Stooges & called me & said you were right Mom they aren't worth watching. He just had to see what he thought he had missed growing up. LOL

OrangeSherbet 10-09-2011 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by DJRustic
I love all of your replys. I only wish I could do any one of them. 1.) She would not wear head phones, she has hearing aids 2.) She wouldn't stay in her room, feels isolated 3.) She walks on a walker around in the house (we use wheelchair when out) so she can,t walk around in the yd.
She basically just sits in her chair all day long. Try to get her to come out on the porch ( we have a wrap around she could walk on, but no, it is too windy , sunny, or some stupid reason. I now take her to water therapy 3 times a week, but she isn't even trying to exercise here at home.
With all of this I am ready to run away from home.

Good idea. Run away from home.

arimuse 10-09-2011 07:12 AM

Originally Posted by mcar
Constant repetition of news items to me turn in to gossip. I am disappointed with so called professionals who turn into gossips, like repeating information over the garden fence.
When I was younger(40s) I never read the newspaper till evening in order to escape a depressing day. When I studied photography the most pathetic scene of a woman in a nursing home would be considered "art", the photo I made of an elegant, elderly, Christian Arab woman in her lovely costume and holding her bible as a portait, did not cut it.

oh, do you still have the photo? I would love to see it, I love photography, love to take pictures, but of scenes, land/sea scapes. I'm not good at portraits - people always look too stiff, I like a more natural look even if its posed. sharet

ShirlR 10-09-2011 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by athomenow
I'm just as tired of Amanda Knox! Where is she now? Oh my what is she going to do tomorrow? Is she speaking Italian? Who cares?

Amen to that!!

Maribeth 10-09-2011 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by ptquilts
If you can, try to get the BBC news - you get a truly global perspective and you see how petty most of the stuff on CNN/HN really is.

The powers that be would rather keep everyone busy talking about the latest scandal, than have them get really MAD about the state the country is in.

My internet browser opens with the BBC News. Really helps to see the whole world.

galvestonangel 10-09-2011 02:35 PM

I hardly watch any television any more. During the Democratic primary for the last presidential election, I noticed a diffinite bias for Obama. Before the Clintons had gotten a free ride. But this time they were reporting her mistakes and lies. The press can sway an election by covering for whom they don't like and boosting the other one. Have you noticed that the news people have ignored Ron Paul, but in a lot of people polls, he's been on top.

I love Jon Stewart, he really can catch those news guys.

madamekelly 10-09-2011 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by ptquilts
If you can, try to get the BBC news - you get a truly global perspective and you see how petty most of the stuff on CNN/HN really is.

The powers that be would rather keep everyone busy talking about the latest scandal, than have them get really MAD about the state the country is in.

Well put!

pawebdoctor 10-09-2011 06:19 PM

There is really more pertinent news to the rest of the world... just saying!!!

Grandma58 10-09-2011 09:53 PM

The cable company annoyed me a bit back in the early 90's, had the cable shut off and only missed the comedy station for a week or two. Now I can not imagine why any one would waste the money on the telly.
But I must admit those rare times I m in a motel I am a channel surfing fool.

dinah 10-14-2011 05:10 PM

I agree. I think it's pretty bad that the family seems to be using this to try to get another moment of fame. U.S. media should stop shoving stuff down our throats. Those who want it should go online. I think the same is true for every horrid event that takes place. And I think Murry is just a scapegoat for poor behavior. Only my opinion.

Sadiemae 10-14-2011 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by dinah
I agree. I think it's pretty bad that the family seems to be using this to try to get another moment of fame. U.S. media should stop shoving stuff down our throats. Those who want it should go online. I think the same is true for every horrid event that takes place. And I think Murry is just a scapegoat for poor behavior. Only my opinion.

Scapegoat? He made his choices.

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