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CindyA 08-24-2012 03:42 AM

My daylilies are mostly dead at this point. I didn't even try to water or fertilizer them, they should come back just fine next year.

My tomatoes had a terrible year, also.

DebbE 08-24-2012 06:38 AM

It was a bad year here in the Pacific Northwest, too -- my day lilies didn't thrive as much as normal, less flowers, etc. I'll be dividing up the plants this year (its due now) and giving some to others, so next year I hope to see more normal plants. We have a drip system to our plants, and that really helps...that, and fertilizing. In about a month or two we'll mow down the lilies and be ready for winter. I have 8 foot tall lily plants, too -- those are so fragrant our neighbors get the fragrance, too. Planted some Star Gazers this year, too, so now we have about 15 lily plants that will grow from 4' to 8' next year. LOVE this area for growing plants!

jillnjo 08-24-2012 07:16 AM

My daylilies were never as green all summer as usual due to the heat and less blooms. I have a question for daylily growers-many varieties are listed as rebloomers, but I haven't seen mine actually bloom a second time-so what does "rebloom" mean? I love them and have many varieties on our property, but would love to see them bloom again!

irishrose 08-24-2012 08:24 AM

I have dead foliage on several of my daylilies and my stella D'Oros have been very skimpy about reblooming. I think it is a combo of the heat and that funny hot spell we had in March that upset their clocks. They were waking up, then refroze. (spring comes late in N Mich).

burchquilts 08-24-2012 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 5463215)
My daylillies are dead and gone until next year. Time here to cut them off.

Mine, too, tho my other plants are OK... not great but OK. My lillies just never did do much this year.

TanyaL 08-25-2012 03:29 AM

Last year the heat and drought were too much for about half of my day lillies. I had a bed about 25ft long by 4 ft wide. This year half of them did not come up. They get afternoon shade, but all the days and days of over 100 degrees just cooked them and we went almost all summer with no rain at all. I watered my shrubs and rose bushes and the day lillies that got run off water from that watering lived.

mimiknoxtaylor 08-25-2012 03:31 AM

Daylilies are my favorite since they come in so many colors & are easy.
We've been in a drought and mine look rough but this week we're had rain & they look like yours. I'll just leave them and they'll probably bloom one more time before cold gets here (if it does this year :D)

Edie 08-25-2012 03:55 AM

Originally Posted by Jingle (Post 5463215)
My daylillies are dead and gone until next year. Time here to cut them off.

I have trimmed our daylilies twice since around the first of August. They are growing like crazy - no flowers. I had them already - remembering daylilies last only one day. I pick them off every day and when I think the leaves are being stressed, I just cut them back and let the bulbs do their thing. And they do!!!!!! All of a sudden they are long again. I usually cut them back to about a foot long, then in October, I cut them down to the ground and put them to sleep. I got some Datura seeds - hey, they are something else. I have always loved them, and this year my sister gave me some teeny little seeds and up grew these humongous plants with the most "petable" stems - like velvet, and a beautiful huge white trumpet style flower. Needless to say, they have taken over the garden. I didn't know what they were (either did she - it was a mystery packet of seeds) and since the seeds were tiny, I figured the plants would be the size of a petunia plant or small marigold - AU CONTRAIRE!!!!!! They are huge!!!!!!!! So, that's one thing less in my garden bucket list - no more Datura!!!!! Besides which, the beautiful bloom, like the Day Lily only lasts one day! All lilies only last one day - Tiger Lilies, Day Lilies, etc.

Have any of you gotten the "It was a good garden, but I am tired of weeding, deadheading and watering feeling yet? Me too! I would like to sit at my table and sew for a few months and look at the world in all of its winter glory and know that I am toasty warm inside. However, we are going up to around 90 today - so I can really look at the world in all of its summer glory and be toasty warm outside. The best of our Theater of Seasons is now. It is so gorgeous in our gardens, marigolds, zinnias and Mums that just make a beautiful blanket in the garden. The lilies have done their job and welcomed summer to us and now people are filling pots, window boxes and gardens with mums, brown, gold, yellow, purple, lavender, "red". white, cream. And the leaves now are starting a little changing, especially the Sumac. The trees all summer have been the most gorgeous around here than I can ever remember. But they, too, are getting stressed. (It is important to water them now to get them ready for winter). I have learned that I don't particularly care for Oak trees on the boulevard. The squirrels have a veritable nut factory in those trees and are shell cracking all over the sidewalk, boulevard, yard and I am a barefoot person and can't walk out there now. Must remember to get the rake out and get them up - I think of the dogs that walk that path and how it must hurt their pads.

Well, that takes care of the lilies!!!! We, here in Minnesota, have lilies all over the place and right now, you can see baskets full of separated lilies that are just going to the compost. So many. We can enjoy, now, the rest of the summer - the whole thing goes by so fast - we are in the throes now of the Minnesota State Fair (hope to be going this year. Our grandkids and daughter in law are showing their Saanen goats and I am excited to see that) and then Labor Day and the day after that school starts - and then Fall house cleaning. My sewing room will be the first to get it!!!!

Happy Summer, Happy Fall and Happy Days. Edie

grann of 6 08-25-2012 04:14 AM

Originally Posted by jillnjo (Post 5464250)
My daylilies were never as green all summer as usual due to the heat and less blooms. I have a question for daylily growers-many varieties are listed as rebloomers, but I haven't seen mine actually bloom a second time-so what does "rebloom" mean? I love them and have many varieties on our property, but would love to see them bloom again!

Not all daylilies will rebloom. But I do have some that I purchased for that reason. None rebloomed this year or last. I believe that is because of the heat both summers. I discovered that most of the "rebloomers" are early bloomers the first time and then will rebloom in August, but not as profusely as the first blooming.

This year was a terrible year for mine too. My biggest problem was the deer eating the buds before they even had a chance to show any hint of color. My neighboring "deer experts" tell me that was because of the dryness, that the deer were eating anything to get moisture. They ruined my hosta, and even ate plants that are supposed to be deer resistant, like sedum.

Steady Stiching 08-25-2012 05:02 AM

Mine are done for the year (SE Michigan) I've cut them back, they will grow back but not tall and will keep my garden looking decent. The proper thing to do is let them die back completely *this feeds the bulb..but I just can't stand the look of them and I have had no trouble, they are propigating and blooming.

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