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-   -   December Weight Loss Adventure with a Prize!!!! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/december-weight-loss-adventure-prize-t235757.html)

QuiltedCello 12-18-2013 08:38 AM

It's been a LONG week already, is it over yet?

Little Miss is here, it's "just" hip dysplasia, so she's doing fantastic. Mom and her are coming home today, nephew is staying with me at least tonight still. Just easier for everyone. He's a VERY proud big brother, but he wants to make sure her Christmas stocking is finished, so we're doing that tonight. Plus, I'm a lot closer to his school, so for this week, it's easier on everyone if he just stays over until winter break. No trying to get Little Miss bundled up to go out in the cold, getting everyone going in one direction at 7:30 am with a new baby who will probably disagree with that idea, and nephew and I just head over to visit everyone after school, then come home.

Yesterday just was rotten. Had to fire someone for coming in drunk. He's a problem, but he also has kids. But sigh, he made his choices. I still feel horrible for it however. If he hadn't been on restriction already, I'd have just sent him home without pay for the day, but I didn't have that option any longer.

As such, give me the chocolate and I don't care right now. Bad me.

Yeouch about the seldge hammer vs foot!

Vanogay 12-18-2013 03:24 PM

Cute, cute pincushion and OUCH for the foot - how were the xrays? Glad some of us are watching what we eat - I seem to be working with the others who aren't - and I'm retired, so I can't blame the office! i so wanted those batiks. I've been watching, just not enough to lose - holding on to this latest number waaaay too long. I do have a few more days, perhaps...

littlebitoheaven 12-18-2013 04:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Had a very happy birthday party for my GGD. She was 8 yesterday. Gave her the Hidden Wells quilt that I made for her. Understand, Pam H, I am retired too and no excuses. Having trouble sticking to my diet that has made me feel so much better and lost 12 lbs since July. Now nothing! Yikes. I think that I will stop thinking about it and jump on board again in January. Stress is not helpful.
Picture of my GGD and her quilt.


Good luck to all that are really dieting for those beautiful batiks.

CindyA 12-18-2013 04:11 PM

It's good to know I'm not alone struggling with all the extra food right now - not that I want anyone else to be struggling! I had a salad for lunch, but no way it's going to 'make up' for all the sweets I've had. A co-worker brought a tray of cookies for us to share today and I made three types of goodies to send with DH and son to their work. Of course, I had to test them all! ;)

I went to the gym on Monday but didn't make it to yoga tonight. Traffic was horrible and I turned around and came home. There was no way I was going to make it on time. My back is bothering me, so I'll get some good stretching in before I head to bed tonight.

Pam H, how did the pillowcase turn out? Meanmom, so glad you have heat again! Littlebitoheaven, she looks REALLY happy with her quilt. :)

musicaljan 12-18-2013 09:12 PM

Xrays are back --> My husband has two broken toes. =O That is what happens when a 12 lb sledge hammer falls on your toes! But there isn't anything they can do for it. 8( He's going to attempt to go to work tomorrow. We'll see if his foot will work in his boot.

My eating hasn't been bad this month, but I'm not dropping any pounds. *sigh* I had to quit my pilates/yoga classes. But I'm attempting to keep up with them here at home. It's a sad attempt, but at least I'm getting some exercise in.

Tomorrow is a new day. =D

createfourpaws 12-19-2013 03:36 AM

Good Morning Ladies....
Gayle glad your son is home and you are having a good time even with everyone getting sick.
musicjan...sorry your dh has broken toes....hopefully he will follow directions from the doc, I know there isn't much they can do for broken toes.
Pam I know you will be happy when the renovations are done.
Pat.. love your pin cushion.
Maggiemay .... I am envious I want to go see TSO again. I have seen them twice in two different venues.
QuiltedCello....so happy to hear Little Miss made it with no major other problems. You are a great aunt for keeping your nephew. It is sad when someone doesn't make the right choices, he made his choices when he decided to come to work drunk.

Keep making healthy choices and don't beat yourself up if you are losing what you want. Tomorrow is a new day, new beginning.

lauriejo 12-19-2013 06:29 AM

Gosh seems like I've been MIA this month, and have missed a lot! I don't think those batiks are coming to my house. My eating hasn't been too bad, but the exercise is not happening. I just can't seem to motivate myself. I would really like to lose a few pounds before I have to get back on the scale at the doctor's office on the 31st.

QuiltedCello 12-19-2013 08:26 AM

Nope, I'm a bad aunt :D I get to corrupt the little guy, hehehehe..... Naw, he's a good kid and I love him. Besides, he's 8, so he's not a crazy amount of work (in my mind that is) and Momma and baby need to settle in a bit, and he's happier with me. He still gets to see Mommy and Daddy, but he also gets ALL my attention and doesn't have to share. Which is what helps him not be so stinking jealous of a new sibling when he's been an only kid for 8 years, I think. Life changes, but he's still very important to everyone.

Plus, when you make a cathedral window quilt using 18" as the starting square, it goes together crazy fast. I question his choices in colors, but it's not to be for me, so I just indulge. Also found some damaged minky in lime green and orange. It's now big pinwheels for the back of his quilt. Yes, not needed, but he likes it. It's going to be brown, tans, greens, yellows and oranges. He couldn't find any good enough patterns, so I'm going to sew the blocks down and make the stitching into dinosaurs. He's a dino fan. I may sneak a pink dino or so in, teehee.

Hrm, I'm steady. Which isn't that bad, considering it's holidays.

Teddybear Lady 12-19-2013 04:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I won't be winning anything any time soon. Too many Christmas goodies around and I have almost no self control right now. My best friend tripped going into her house the other night carrying groceries. She fell and shattered her shoulder. Knocked the ball joint right off. She had surgery yesterday and they put in a steel rod in her arm and new shoulder. Hubby is home for his Christmas vacation right now and Jan. 1st, he will be retired. I still don't have all my Christmas shopping done. Only have 1/2 my quilt done for my cousin's daughter. She may get it for her birthday in January instead of for Christmas. "Desserts" is stressed spelled backwards isn't it??? That's my story and I'm sticking to it! haha I'm going to try and post a picture of me and "my Santa". Merry Christmas and Happy New year.

createfourpaws 12-20-2013 06:35 AM

Received Dec and Jan FQ's from MaggieMay.

I am looking forward to the new year. It will be my year to be a new me. I have gotten very lazy once again when it comes to my eating. I have let my diabetes get out of control again.....just by not eating right. the blood sugars are running a bit high again and I know why.

I was making healthy meals to take to work each day, I stopped doing that about 2 months ago. I am not happy with myself for doing that. If I don't take care of me, no one else will.

I am also looking at finding an exercise plan that I can commit to. Like a friend told me, it I have fun doing something I will keep doing it.

So what decisions are you making for your new year to be a new you.

QuilterMomma 12-20-2013 10:26 AM

10 Attachment(s)
Well the more I have read here the happier I am because, praise be to the Lord, I am sticking to my plan! the exercise is still being worked on as a habit, but I am down another pound this week. had a couple of bad days eating the cookies on counter at 1 in the morning, but controlled the amount of intake, that was Tuesday. so that is a total of seven so far this month. Oh I want those batiks. Over Christmas will be a bit harder because we are on vacation down south. Eating habits need to be maintained for sure. Will get lots of exercise by the walking and touring. No sewing so will be up moving and two swimming pools to indulge in pool exercise. yep, those batiks are mine this time. I am claiming them. Motivation motivation motivation.
Now that I am over myself there, here are some photos of my completions for the week. the last of them went in the mail today and will be there before Christmas. I am thrilled with them. Thank you ladies for the encouragement. I did get the pillow case done on Wednesday, but did not photo yet so will when she opens it. She is going to love the men. the tutorials were helpful. I appreciate the input. I know, they are easy but still, i am slow.
The GFG and SBS were done for a customer with custom quilting. They are so pretty and each took about 10 hours to do. Just thought to share.
The dress quilt is for my niece. All from my stash except the pink background. IT is so cute. did custom quilting on it which took more time, but so worth the result.
The skirt is the fourth I have done so far this month. Wonderful pattern from the wedge ruler. Love the fabrics in this one.
The Christmas quilt is from the block exchange. All the other fabric is from my stash, including the backing. I loved the back of the quilt so much. I have it perfectly centered, wow to me. I am glad, not always easy to square up your backs likethat, plus floated my quilt on the frame to quilt it. Quilted iwth a loopy meander and used signatured candy cane thread.
The embroidery designs are from Embroidery Library. Love the harley santa and mrs, but three hours each and 30 thread color changes. I was starting to go mad. Had to quit one night because I could not see to thread the needle. I need to learn a bit more on stabilizers but will work for now.
No more chicken here, I get the whole weekend without any kids home and just me and hubby. Going to be fun. No, not even sewing, at least I think, machine is going in for its annual cleaning. It needs it for sure.

QuilterMomma 12-20-2013 10:32 AM

Friday frantics
Here is some information for you on the holiday parties:
If you are a guest at a dinner party or other gathering, consider these tips to keep your night healthy, happy and safe:
  • If you plan on treating yourself later, start your day with a small meal that includes whole grains, fruit, low-fat or fat-free dairy and protein, such as eggs, ham or peanut butter.
  • Don't starve yourself beforehand. Rather, eat a small, lower-calorie meal or snack including fruit or a bagel so you aren't tempted to overdo your calorie intake for the day.
  • Choose carefully between foods you definitely will eat, those you will sample and those you will skip.
  • Don't rush to eat. Socialize and settle into the festivities before you eat.
  • Move your socializing away from the buffet or appetizer trays. This will minimize the unconscious nibbling.
When it comes to drinking alcohol, start with a calorie-free, nonalcoholic beverage. Satisfy your thirst before having an alcoholic drink. Moderate alcohol consumption is defined as up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks for men.
Keep in mind, even a single drink will affect your reflexes for several hours. If you plan to drink, keep your holidays merry for everyone by designating a driver who won't be drinking.
The holidays are a great time for celebrating with friends and family over food and drinks. With just a little preparation, you can keep off the extra holiday pounds and still enjoy all that the season has to offer.

Plus, drink lots of water that has been mentioned so many times before. This does help decrease the intake of the yummy goodies. Drink a glass of water before going to the break room where the goods are kept. I can say this because I have a container of chocolate sitting in front of me all day. I just keep the water pumping so the tummy full. Sometimes it calls to me so I get on this thread and read or find something to occupy my hands and mind so I can overcome the temptation. You can do it girls.

QuilterMomma 12-20-2013 10:39 AM

Glad it was nothing to the extra extreme QuiltedCello. Have fun with the little ones.
That is an adorable little one littlebitoheaven. She looks really happy with her treasure.
Pat that pin cushion is so wonderful! You need to make one for each of us.
Wonderful santa Teddybear lady. Love your sweet smile there.
Ouch musicaljan. That has got to hurt to the max. Yep, a heavy hammer can do some damage apparently! Wow, be sure he is icing when home and elevating it so he can move. It seems odd that they can't do anything for the extra toes. They are so important for our balance. take care of him while he is home.
It is ok lauriejo, I will be glad to take possession of the batiks this month for ya. I promise to take real good care of them. I am the stinker today aren't I.
Meanmom, hang in there girl, you can do it.
thanks for the encouragement createfourpaws. So glad you let me be part of this thread. I truly enjoy it.
I should be back on again, seeing how I will have time this weekend to have fun on computer, but in the duration, everyone have fun, think positive, and have a wonderful weekend/holiday season.

musicaljan 12-20-2013 12:12 PM

Excitement - I have lost the most I've ever lost - 46 lbs. A new high for me! It's been so s l o w coming off that hardly anyone really notices! I'm working hard to lose 4 more pounds so i can say I've lost 50!

My kids are having a star wars marathon over the weekend with some friends, so I've been busy cleaning my house. I should have people over more often - lol. I get LOTs cleaned up when people come over! My house is reallly big so there's lots to clean.

Just wanted to share my good news weight loss!

countrymaid 12-20-2013 01:47 PM

I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. My work place is closed all of next week and I do not have internet at home. May you all be safe and have a blessed holiday.

littlebitoheaven 12-20-2013 01:52 PM

Congratulations of musicaljan and to all of you who are doing so well on your diets and exercise. What a great group you are. Still happy and supportive even when things are going wrong (like broken toes). Keep the smiles coming and keep sharing all of your wonderful projects. It is so much fun doing this. It is better than Facebook. I love all of the personal replies.

QuiltedCello 12-20-2013 02:22 PM

Nephew and I are actually heading out this weekend, a friend is in the area with his kids, so we're meeting up for some fun at a indoor zoo, wear the kids out :) Eating junk but running around. Hopefully weight doesn't go too high up.

createfourpaws 12-21-2013 06:40 AM

Good morning ladies. I know the next week will be a challenge for most of us with all the goodies that may be around. I have not done any baking this year or candy making. Too much has been going on.

I am finishing up the binding on a t-shirt quilt today. Then will start on his next one. Thought that would be the final shirts for him, then I found the bag that had is other shirts in it. I forgot he gave me over 60 shirts to put into quilts. I will post a picture of the one I am finishing once I get it done. I have the next set ready to be cut down, has the stablizer on them already.

Then there is the over under quilt on the design wall, which is for the same person to finish.

Since my son came to town last weekend, not going to be doing much for CHristmas. will most likely be doing some sewing and quilting. Finishing up these projects and starting new ones.

Pam H 12-21-2013 07:33 AM

My daughter flies in from France tonight. The plan was to pick her up at her friend's house early tomorrow morning and then head to Des Moines for my family's Christmas get together. Now they are talking about canceling because of a storm coming through. I don't want to drive in nasty weather but I already bought 5 lbs of cheese to take and made up a big gorgeous platter of my Christmas goodies. I hate it when the weather doesn't cooperate.
After 40 nights of sleeping in the guest room, I finally got to sleep in my own bed last night. What a difference a good night's sleep makes! The bathroom still needs glass in the shower walls and the vanity tops/sinks but the rest of the bathroom is usable. My favorite part so far is the heated tile floors.

Maggiemay 12-21-2013 10:08 AM

46 lbs is quite an accomplishment Musicaljan! Good for you! What great motivation to reach 50!

Nothing like sleeping in your own bed, Pam! Hope your weather cooperates. It's raining here today & all of the snow is gone.

My shopping is done, most of the wrapping is done, cards are in the mail & my daughter arrived from CA last night after finishing up her finals & getting her business degree! We are making Buckeyes today. I don't have much trouble staying out of the sweets- it's the salty stuff I love.

createfourpaws 12-21-2013 11:09 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is one of 5 of the t-shirts quilts for my friend who has given me over 60 racing t-shirts. I have 18 shirts stablized ready to be cut down and put together.


Maggiemay 12-21-2013 03:15 PM

Looks great Cindy. What kind of machine do you quilt on?

meanmom 12-21-2013 03:38 PM

My cousin just told me a good one. Weight loss should be like virginity. Once you loose it you can't get it back!
THe quilt is looking good Cindy. My Christmas shopping is finished! Woo Hoo! Everything is wrapped except the sewing projects that aren't finished yet. The house is a disaster area. I am finished with work until January 6. Lots to do around here. I still haven't made any cookies etc. My DH bought some peanuts today, I guess that means he wants me to make peanut brittle. It is very time consuming. I was planning to make some fudge too.My DH has also been requesting oatmeal cookies. I have a recipe out of an Amish cookbook that he really likes.
There is no chance of me winning the batiks this month. I have been so bad. I could probably not eat anything but water for the rest of the month and still not win. I am afraid of the scale.

CindyA 12-21-2013 07:56 PM

We just finished celebrating with my side of the family. I am going to be NO competition for the batiks. I was so bad!! I ate so much that I feel awful. Hopefully, this will give me incentive to do better tomorrow.

createfourpaws 12-22-2013 07:52 AM

Originally Posted by Maggiemay (Post 6467791)
Looks great Cindy. What kind of machine do you quilt on?

I don't do the quilting, I pay a friend of mine who has a Gammil, the quilting pattern is called "Ink Blot" Looks very nice.

Thanks for the compliments on the quilt.

QuilterMomma 12-22-2013 08:25 AM

I now have to do some baking and the element went out in the oven last night after I made my spritz cookies. They don't look very nice because my cookie spritzer is not working or the batter was not right, I don't know. Have not made them for a couple of years since my favorite cookie spritzer maker broke.
I have two batches of sour cream cookies in fridge with the cream cheese cresents made up and chilling, now to do divinity, toffee nut bars, thumbprints, and whatever else the DH thinks we need on our cookie plates we hand out to neighbors every year for Christmas. I must say, it feels good this year to be able to do the baking. Been a couple years since I could actually stand and work long enough to do it. The kids have done it the last couple of years. Praise the Lord for the back surgery in April, I am actually able to keep up again.
That is ok CindyA I certainly don't mind you not getting the batiks, I can handle it for you. :rolleyes:LOL
Nice T-shirt quilt. Keep up the great work. You are mastering that type of quilt girl. :thumbup:

createfourpaws 12-22-2013 12:04 PM

Yes it does look like I am mastering the t-shirt quilt. With as many as I am working on, they are very time consuming.

I don't know ladies....I am down on the lbs as well....so those batiks may not have to go anywhere. :D lol

I will be working on some almond spritz cookies later today or tomorrow. I have an electric cookie press the first husband bought me way back in the 80's. and it still works. My son loves them too so I went online and found them the same cookie press. he has his wife make them for him.

Vanogay 12-22-2013 02:30 PM

Well, I just got back from my early Christmas - a trip to visit my sister. She lost her husband last summer and hasn't really celebrated much of anything since. She is moving into one of her 'other' houses (she's one of those 'land barons' that owns more than 2 houres - I think she owns 4 or 5, I'm not sure) Anyway, she needs a nouse without stairs, so is moving into this other house. We went to see her and celebrate an early Christmas so she can move right after the holidays. Had a great time, but did eat out more than usual and had dessert twice while there. I'll know more tomorrow morning when I weigh. I'm hoping it isn't too bad. Sounds like, even with a weight loss here, I would not have enough for those batiks. But, I'll console myself that a loss is a loss!!
I read all the older posts and tried to catch up with what everone has been doing. Thanks to all of you who has posted tips for coping with the holiday stresses (and yess, desserts backwards is stressed!). I've been so bad with posting the Terrific Tuesday tips, I'll really have to get back with it... GO back and reread that posting about handling yourself at a holiday gathering - eat a bit before you go and Don't stand near the snack table while you're visiting - cause you will nibble. We're going to a friends on Christmas Day for steaks. I'm not much on beef, so I will take some chicken with me and throw it on his grill with the steaks - may even keep me to my diet better! Tomorrow I really need to go to the sewing room and start cleaning. I have this thing about having a clean house for the coming new year - I need to get busy. Have a very blessed Christmas everyone and enjoy your time off all of you who are off from work.

QuilterMomma 12-23-2013 09:42 AM

Extra workouts for me at the pool side this week while on vacation so I am sure to get those batiks since createfourpaws is on a roll as well. LOL:hunf:

createfourpaws 12-23-2013 11:00 AM

Only one more week to see who is lucky enough to win this batch of batiks. I am working my way down to them.

Enjoy your holiday.

meanmom 12-23-2013 12:54 PM

I was just at the doctor for a regular checkup. I was surprised that my weight is the same. That is good news. Sounds like quite a few are doing well this month. My goal was to not gain any weight. SO far I have kept to that. I am having my mom and uncle for Christmas dinner. I want to grill some steaks. I can't find any good one. I will send DH out tomorrow to get some. I like mine pretty rare so I want them thick. I was just at Meijer and the butcher cut some for me. I asked for 2 1/2 to 3 inches and even showed me with my fingers how thick I wanted. He cut them just over an inch so I didn't take them.
Everyone try to watch what they eat. Merry Christmas.

createfourpaws 12-23-2013 02:36 PM

I hate it when you don't get what you want from the butcher.

We will be having crab legs and lobster tail for New Years Eve. And for Christmas dinner dad wants spagetti. It will just be the 3 of us. My new man will be with his kids, and then leaving to take them to his parents for a week.

I have been losing and choosing wisely.

Pam H 12-23-2013 07:44 PM

We just got home from Christmas with the inlaws. Haven't even taken my coat off yet - the heat was turned down to 58. I will not be weighing myself in the morning. After driving 800 miles I will have retained 3-5 lbs of water weight. I'll have to get some lemons tomorrow to get that weight off.
We have a Christmas dinner at church tomorrow evening (turkey) so I will be making ham for our dinner on wednesday.

JuneBillie 12-24-2013 12:33 AM

I have not been here this month, but my dad came down with pneumonia. He ended up being taken by ambulance to the hospital then another, and now he can't walk on his legs, so he has to spend Christmas in a nursing home for physical therapy. We will all be seeing him on Christmas Day to take Christmas to him.

We spent the evening having Christmas with my son and daughter in law, because her family will all be down later today (Tuesday), and they are leaving on Christmas Day for a get away to Florida.

After seeing dad on Christmas Day, me and hubby will come home to relax together for his birthday. He is a Christmas baby.

No weight loss for me this month with all the stress we had going on with dad.

Merry Christmas everyone. You are a great group, and I am having fun watching the suspense of who wins the batiks. lol....

Everyone also have a Happy and Safe New Year.

Maggiemay 12-24-2013 04:01 AM

Merry Christmas & a safe & Happy Holiday to all. I think I'm ready! I have a few small things left to wrap & that's about it. Our daughter arrived here on Fri & has been a big help. I'm sitting here by the light of the Christmas tree waiting for my husband & son to get home from the airport. So glad we could all be together for Christmas this year. It was a tough move for all of us this past year especially with the kids staying in LA. This is the 1st time in 30 years we've been in OH for Christmas with our families & we've been enjoying all of the celebrations. Probably didn't fare so well in the weight loss this month though.

Maggiemay 12-24-2013 04:04 AM

Oh, and it looks like we got some lake effect snow last night so we'll be having a white Christmas! I know that'll make those California kids of mine happy!

createfourpaws 12-24-2013 04:34 AM

Good Morning ladies. Merry Christmas to all. May your holiday be happy and full of good memories and make lots of new memories.

I still have a few gifts to wrap and put under the tree. Had a large part of my Christmas last weekend when my son and DIL. Tomorrow will be just me and the parents. My guy will be with his kids and then heading out of town to see his parents.

CindyA 12-24-2013 06:22 AM

Merry Christmas to everyone!

I finally had the nerve to step on the scales this morning and -shock- I haven't gained any. :thumbup: I'm thrilled. I have my last big celebration tonight with in-laws. It shouldn't be too tempting, I won't be overeating tonight. I had a really good session in the gym yesterday and renewed commitment to health and fitness.

Safe traveling to all those going away for the holidays.

meanmom 12-24-2013 08:03 AM

Merry Christmas to everyone. I know I will be busy the rest of today and tomorrow. I need to make cinnamon rolls and my appetizer for tonight. I am waiting for the paint to dry on a craft. Otherwise I figure if I don't have it I don't need it.
I ran to Meijer this morning and got some delicious looking steaks. I went to a different Meijer than yesterday. They are in 2 different pricing districts so their add vary a little bit. The steaks were $2/pound cheaper at this one. I also got some 96% lean ground beef marked down. $3.29/pound. I bought all they had.
Have a safe and happy holiday everyone. I need to get to work.

Vanogay 12-25-2013 04:44 AM

Merry Christmas everyone. Cold here today - 22 degrees, but clear. We're going out later - I've been asked to present a Quilt of valor today (Christmas Day) to a vet. You bet, I'll do it. Then it's dinner at some friends and back home. I'll spend part of today in my sewing room. Got the house cleaned real good yesterday and started on my sewing room, will finish in there (the clearning) today and tomorrow probably and get it back in order for 2014. Man, can't believe it's almost a new year. How much did I accomplish in 2013 - made many quilts for donation through our guild, made placemats for a wedding present, finished the piecing on an applique quilt, but am working on the hand quilting, did two or three surface embroidery pieces. I know I did some bigger things, but can't remember. What did you do??

All times are GMT -8. The time now is 12:20 PM.